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Emile Tonas Kalil, PT, DPT, MGA, RT

Academic Title:

Instructor (Adjunct Faculty I I)

Primary Appointment:

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science


Allied Health Research Building

Education and Training


Therapeutic Recreation, BS, December 1978
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS

Physical Therapy, BS, May 1985
University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland

General Administration, Health Care, MGA, December 1994
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

Doctor of Physical Therapy, DPT, August 2010
University of Montana, Missoula, Montana


Medical Licensures:  Physical Therapist, State of Maryland, (active)

Military Service: Commissioned Officer, U.S. Army Transportation Corps

Active, 1978 to 1982, Fort Eustis, VA

Reserve, 1982 to 1988

Highest Rank Promoted, Captain

Research/Clinical Keywords

physical therapy, burn care

Highlighted Publications


Peer-reviewed journal articles

1. M. Schmitt, E. Kalil, L. French, “How Soon Is Safe? Ambulation of the Patient with Burns After Lower-Extremity Skin Grafting,” Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, January/February 1991


Book Chapters

1. Contributor, “The Road to Recovery—Physical Rehabilitation” and “Looking to the Future—Organized Support,” Severe Burns—A Family Guide to Medical and Emotional Recovery. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993 

Additional Publication Citations

Awards and Affiliations

Professional Activity
