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Howard A. Kader, MD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics


22 S. Greene Street, N5W68 Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-0812


(410) 328-1072

Education and Training

Dr. Kader completed his undergraduate degree at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. and received his medical degree from the University of Nebraska College of Medicine. He continued his training as a general surgery intern at the Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C. and then as a pediatric intern and resident at the Creighton-Nebraska Universities Health Foundation in Omaha, NE. This was followed by three years as both a clinical fellow and a research fellow in pediatric gastroenterology at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

During his fellowships, he served as a clinical instructor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. From 1999 - 2002 Dr. Kader was an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, at the Duke University School of Medicine. From 2002 - 2009 Dr. Kader was in clincal practice as a Pediatric Gastroenterologist in the Department of Pediatrics at The Herman and Walter Samuelson Children's Hospital at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore.

Dr. Kader is Board certified in Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Mucosal Inflammatory Disorders. Children.

Highlighted Publications

1.  Kader HA, Kaufman SS, Raynor SC, Young R, Vanderhoof J, Ruby EI, Mack DR.  Introduction of 6-mercaptopurine in Crohn’s disease patients during the perioperative period:  A preliminary evaluation of recurrence of disease.  J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1997; 25(1):93-97.


2.  Kader HA, Piccoli DA, Jawad AF, McGowan KL, Maller ES. Single toxin detection is inadequate to diagnose Clostridium difficile diarrhea in pediatric patients. Gastroenterology 1998; 115(6):1329-1334.


3.  Kader HA, Telega GW, Wenner WJ, Rand EB, Maller ES, Baldassano RN. Normal thiopurine methyltransferase levels do not eliminate 6-mercaptopurine or azathioprine toxicity in children with inflammatory bowel disease.  J Clin Gastro 2000; 30(4):409-413.


4. Kader HA, Berman WF, Al-Seraihy AS, Ware RE, Ulshen MH, Treem WR. “Prevalence of Factor G1691A (Leiden), Prothrombin G20210A and Methylene Tetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Thrombophilic Mutations in Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease”. J. Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2002; 35(5):629-635.


5.  Kader HA, Tchernev VT, Satyaraj E, Lejnine S, Kotler G, Kingsmore SF, Patel DD. Protein     Microarray Analysis of Disease Activity in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Demonstrates Elevated Serum PLGF, IL-7, TGF-b1 and IL-12p40 levels in Crohn’s                        Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Patients in Remission versus Active Disease. Am. J. Gastroenterol 2005; 100(2):414-423.

6.  DeZoeten, E. Mattei, P. Pasternak, B. Kramer, R. Kader, HA. Perianal Crohn's disease Clinical report/Consensus statement for NASPGHAN. J. Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2013; 57(3):401-412.


 7. Huang C, De Ravin SS, Paul AR, Heller T, Ho N, Datta LW, Zerbe CS, Marciano BE, Kuhns DB, Kader HA, Holland SM, Malech HL, Brant SR.  Genetic Risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a Determinant of Crohn’s Disease Development in Chronic Granulomatous Disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2016 Dec: 22(12)2794-2801.


8. Hill, M, Watkins,R, Leonard-Puppa, E, Waddell, J, Blanchard, S, Kader, H.  The Usefulness of Deamidated Gliadin Peptide Antibodies in Diagnosing Celiac Disease in Children Younger than 3 Years Old. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. Dec 2021 

Additional Publication Citations



Peer-reviewed journal articles:

1.  Kader HA, Kaufman SS, Raynor SC, Young R, Vanderhoof J, Ruby EI, Mack DR.  Introduction of 6-mercaptopurine in Crohn’s disease patients during the perioperative period:  A preliminary evaluation of recurrence of disease.  J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1997; 25(1):93-97.

2.  Kader HA, Ruchelli E, Maller ES. Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis presenting with stool retention due to a perianal mass. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1998; 26:226-228.

3.  Kader HA, Baldassano RN, Harty MP, Nicotra JJ, von Allmen D, Finn L, Markowitz J, Carrier M, Piccoli DA. A ruptured retrocecal appendicitis in an adolescent presenting as portal- mesenteric thrombosis and pylephlebitis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1998; 27:584-588.

4.  Kader HA, Piccoli DA, Jawad AF, McGowan KL, Maller ES. Single toxin detection is inadequate to diagnose Clostridium difficile diarrhea in pediatric patients. Gastroenterology. 1998; 115(6):1329-1334.

5.  Kader HA, Mascarenhas MR, Piccoli DA, Stouffer NO, Baldassano RN. Experiences of 6-mercaptopurine and azathioprine therapy in pediatric patients with severe ulcerative colitis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 1999; 28:54-58.

6.  Kader HA, Telega GW, Wenner WJ, Rand EB, Maller ES, Baldassano RN. Normal thiopurine methyltransferase levels do not eliminate 6-mercaptopurine or azathioprine toxicity in children with inflammatory bowel disease.  J Clin Gastro. 2000; 30(4):409-413.

7.  Kader HA, Mascarenhas MR, Verma R, Collins M, Ruchelli E, Baldassano RN. Colonic Inflammation Found at Diagnosis of Juvenile Retention Polyps in Pediatric Patients.  Am J Gastroenterol. 2000; 95(8):1990-1993.

8.  Kader HA, Berman WF, Al-Seraihy AS, Ware RE, Ulshen MH, Treem WR. “Prevalence of Factor G1691A (Leiden), Prothrombin G20210A and Methylene Tetrahydrofolate Reductase C677T Thrombophilic Mutations in Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease”. J. Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2002; 35(5):629-635.

9.  Kader HA, Bellah RD, Maller ES, Mamula P, Piccoli DA, Markowitz JE.  The utility of ultrasound site selection for pediatric percutaneous liver biopsy. J. Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.  2003; 36(3): 364-367.

10.  Kader HA, Tchernev VT, Satyaraj E, Lejnine S, Kotler G, Kingsmore SF, Patel DD. Protein     Microarray Analysis of Disease Activity in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Demonstrates Elevated Serum PLGF, IL-7, TGF-b1 and IL-12p40 levels in Crohn’s                        Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Patients in Remission versus Active Disease. Am. J. Gastroenterol. 2005; 100(2):414-423.

11. Colletti, RB, Baldassano, RN, Milov, DE, Margolis, PA,  Bousvaros, A, Crandall, WV, Crissinger, KD, D’Amico, MD, Day, AS,  Denson, LE, Dubinsky M, Ebach, DR, Hoffenberg, EJ, Kader, HA, Keljo, DJ, eibowitz, IA, Mamula, P, Pfefferkorn, MD, Qureshi, MA for PIBDNet—the Pediatric IBD Network for Research and Improvement. Variation in Care in Pediatric Crohn’s Disease. J. Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009;49(3):297-303.

12.Ming-Hsi Wang, MD, PhD, Toshihiko Okazaki, MD, PhD, Subra Kugathasan, MD, Judy H. Cho, MD, Kim L. Isaacs, MD, James D. Lewis, MD, Duane T. Smoot, MD, John F. Valentine, MD, Howard A. Kader, MD, Jean G. Ford, MD, Mary L. Harris, MD, Maria Oliva-Hemker, MD, Carmen Cuffari, MD, Michael S. Torbenson, MD, Richard H. Duerr, MD, Mark Silverberg, MD, PhD, John D. Rioux, PhD, Kent D. Taylor, PhD, Geoffrey C. Nguyen, MD, PhD, Yuqiong Wu, MD, Lisa W. Datta, MSc, Stanley Hooker, BS, Themistocles Dassopoulos, MD, Rick A. Kittles, PhD Linda W.H. Kao, PhD, Steven R. Brant, MD.  Contribution of Higher Risk Genes and European Admixture to Crohn’s Disease in African Americans. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Journal. 2012;18(12):2277-2287.  (published nline 3/12/2012, DOI: 10.1002/ibd.22931). 

13.  Kader, HA, Martin, M, Twaddell WS, Drachenberg, CI, Jinadu LA. Periorbital Edema and Abdominal Distension: Beyond Celiac Disease.  Consultant For Pediatricians. 2013; 12(9):406-410.

14. DeZoeten, E. Mattei, P. Pasternak, B. Kramer, R. Kader, HA. Perianal Crohn's disease Clinical report/Consensus statement for NASPGHAN. J. Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.  2013; 57(3):401-412.

15. Booth, JS, Toapanta, FR. Salerno-Goncalves, R, Patil, S, Kader, H, Safta, A, Czinn, S, Greenwald, B, Sztien MB.  Characterization and functional properties of gastric tissue-resident memory T cells from Children, adults and the elderly.  Front Immunol. 2014, (294):1-5.

16.  Booth, JS, Salerno-Goncalves, R, Blanchard, TG, Patil, SA, Kader, HA, Safta, AM, Morningstar,LM, Czinn, SJ, Greenwald, BD and Sztein MB.  Mucosal Associated Invariant T cells in the human gastric mucosa and blood: Role in Helicobacter pylori infection. Front Immunol. 2015, 6:466

17.  Huang C, Haritunians T, Okou DT, Cutler DJ, Zwick ME, Taylor KD, Datta LW, Maranville JC, Liu Z, Ellis S, Chopra P, Alexander JS, Baldassano RN, Cross RK, Dassopoulos T, Dhere TA, Duerr RH, Hanson JS, Hou JK, Hussain SZ, Isaacs KL, Kachelries KE, Kader H, Kappelman MD, Katz J, Kellermayer R, Kirschner BS, Kuemmerle JF, Kumar A, Kwon JH, Lazarev M, Mannon P, Moulton DE, Osuntokun BO, Patel A, Rioux JD, Rotter JI, Saeed S, Scherl EJ, Silverberg MS, Silverman A, Targan SR, Valentine JF, Wang MH, Simpson CL, Bridges SL, Kimberly RP, Rich SS, Cho JH, Di Rienzo A, Kao LWH, McGovern DPB, Brant SR, Kugathasan S. Characterization of Genetic Loci That Affect Susceptibility to Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in African Americans. Gastroenterology. 2015;149(6):1575–1586.

18.  Huang C, De Ravin SS, Paul AR, Heller T, Ho N, Datta LW, Zerbe CS, Marciano BE, Kuhns DB, Kader HA, Holland SM, Malech HL, Brant SR.  Genetic Risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a Determinant of Crohn’s Disease Development in Chronic Granulomatous Disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2016 Dec: 22(12)2794-2801.

19. Brant, SR , Okou, D , Simpson, CL, Cutler, D, Haritunians, T, Bradfield, J, Chopra, P, Prince, J, Begum, F, Kumar, A, Huang, C, Venkateswaran, S, Wei, Z , Thomas, KA, Herrinton, L, Klapproth,  JM , Quiros,A, Seminerio, J. Liu, J , Alexander, J , Baldassano, RN, Dudley- Brown, S, Cross, R,  Dassopoulos, T , Dhere, T, Dryden, G, Hanson,J, Hou, J, Hussain,S, Denson, L, Hyams, J, Mack, D, Isaacs, K , Kader, H, Kappelman, H , Katz, J, Kellermayer, R, Kirschner,B , Kuemmerle, J , Kwon. J, Li E. Mannon, P, Moulton, D, Newberry,R,  Osuntokun, B, Patel,A, Saeed,S, Targan,S, Valentine, J, Wang, MH  Lazarev, M, Zonca, M , Datta, L, Rioux, J, Duerr,R, Silverberg,M, Cho,J, Hakonarson,H, Zwick,M and McGovern, D. Genome-wide Association Identifies African-Specific Susceptibility Loci in African Americans with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterology. 2017 Jan:152(1):206-217.

20. Ayers TD, Leonard-Puppa E, Kader H, Waddell J, Watkins R, Blanchard S, Safta A, Rawal N. Oral Vancomycin as an Adjuvant Treatment in IBD. Crohn's & Colitis 360,  7/16/2019 otz015,

21. Zabrowski D, Abraham D, Rosenthal G, Kader H. Development of Peripheral Eosinophilia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients on Infliximab Treated at a Tertiary Pediatric IBD Center is Associated with Clinically Active Disease But Does Not Result in Loss of Efficacy or Adverse Outcomes. Jo Gastroenterol Hepatol JGH Open, (2020) 1-6 https://doi:10.1002/jgh3.12308

22. Somineni HK, Nagpal S, Venkateswaran S, Cutler DJ, Okou DT, Haritunians T, Simpson CL, Begum F, Datta LW, Quiros AJ, Seminerio J, Mengesha E, Alexander JS, Baldassano RN, Dudley-Brown S, Cross RK, Dassopoulos T, Denson LA, Dhere TA, Iskandar H, Dryden GW, Hou JK, Hussain SZ, Hyams JS, Isaacs KL, Kader H, Kappelman MD, Katz J, Kellermayer R, Kuemmerle JF, Lazarev M, Li E, Mannon P, Moulton DE, Newberry RD, Patel AS, Pekow J, Saeed SA, Valentine JF, Wang MH, McCauley JL, Abreu MT, Jester T, Molle-Rios Z, Palle S, Scherl EJ, Kwon J, Rioux JD, Duerr RH, Silverberg MS, Zwick ME, Stevens S, Daly MJ, Cho JH, Gibson G, McGovern DPB, Brant SR, .Whole-genome sequencing of African Americans implicates differential genetic architecture in inflammatory bowel disease,  Amer J Human Genetics. (2021),  

23. Kehar M, Ebel NH, Ng VL,Baquero JER, Leung DH, Slowik V, Ovchinsky N, Shah AA, Arnon R, Miloh T, Gupta N, Mohammad S, Kogan-Liberman D, Squires JE, Sanchez MC, Hildreth A, Book L, Chu C, Alrabadi L, Azzam R, Chepuri B, Falik R, Gallagher L, Kader H, Mogul D, Mujawar Q, Namjoshi SS, Valentino PL, Vitola B, Waheed N, Zheng MH, Lobrito S, Martinez M. SARS-CoV2 Infection in Children with Liver Transplant and Native Liver Disease: An International Registry Study. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. February 16, 2021,Published Ahead-of-Print doi:10.1097/MPG.0000000000003077

24. Cananzi M, Wohler E, Marzollo A, Colavito D, You J, Jing H, Bresolin S, Gaio P, Martin R, Mescoli C, Bade S, Posey J, Carbonare MD, Tung W, Jhangiani SN, Bosa L, Zhang Y, Filho JS, Gabelli M, Kellermayer R, Kader, HA, Oliva-Hemker M, Perilongo G, Lupski JR, Biffi A, Valle D, Leon A, de Macena Sobreira NL, Su HC and Guerrerio AL. IFIH1 Loss-of-Function Variants Contribute to Very Early Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Hum Genet. 2021 Jun 29, Published Ahead-of-Print  doi 10.1007/s00439-021-02300-4

25. Hill, M, Watkins,R, Leonard-Puppa, E, Waddell, J, Blanchard, S, Kader, H.  The Usefulness of Deamidated Gliadin Peptide Antibodies in Diagnosing Celiac Disease in Children Younger than 3 Years Old. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. Dec 2021  


Non-peer reviewed journal articles:

1. Kader HA, Ing P, Buehler B, Sanger W.  Cytogenetic confirmation of clinical diagnosis in Nebraska. Nebr Med J  1990; 75(8):236-238.

 2. McGowan KL, Kader HA. Clostridium difficile Infection in Children. Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 1999; 21(7):49-53.


Book Chapters:

 1. Kader HA, Liacouras CA. Abdominal Pain. In: Altschuler SM and Liacouras CA eds. Clinical Pediatric Gastroenterology. Philadelphia; Churchill Livingstone, 1998, 5-8. 

 2.  Jacobstein D, Kader HA, Antibiotic Therapy, In: Mamula P, Markowitz JE and Baldassano RN eds. Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease. New York; Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2008, 329-336.

3.  Contributing author, Kader HA, Transitions from Pediatric to Adult Healthcare Provider. In: Oliva-Hemker M, Ziring D and Bousvaros A eds-in-chief. Your  Child with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Family Guide for Caregiving. Baltimore; The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010, 232-235. 

4.  Kader HA, Jacobstein D, Paul A. Chapter 27 Antibiotic Therapy, In: Mamula P, Markowitz JE and Baldassano RN eds. Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 2nd Ed.New York; Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2013.

5.  Albenberg, L , Kader HA, Paul A,. Chapter 26 Antibiotic Therapy, In: Mamula P, Grossman AB, Baldassano RB, Kelsen, JR and Markowitz JE eds. Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 3rd Ed.New York; Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2017

Research Interests

Dr. Kader's clinical and research interests are primarily in IBD but is also involved in other GI inflammatory mucosal disease. Dr. Kader has published studies on the postsurgical management of pediatric Crohn's disease, treatment of pediatric IBD with immunomodulator medications, identification of biomarkers (cytokines and chemokines) associated with pediatric IBD, assessment of whether hematology related prothrombotic genetic susceptibility is involved with the etiology of pediatric IBD, and has been involved with the multicenter Pediatric IBD Network for Research and Improvement, Variation in Care in Pediatric Crohn's Disease study. Dr. Kader has also collaborated with other IBD researchers involved in the identification of genetic variations in patients with IBD. Dr. Kader co-authored a chapter on antibiotic therapy in the first textbook and subsequent editions specifically dedicated to childhood inflammatory bowel disease, Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 1st edition published in 2008.

Clinical Specialty Details

Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Awards and Affiliations

2002: Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, Carolinas Chapter, Premier Physician Recognition Award