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Manjari G. Joshi, MBBS

Academic Title:

Adjunct Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Infectious Diseases Attending, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center


R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center at the U. of Maryland Medical Center, 22 S. Greene Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-3656


(410) 328-6826

Education and Training

  • Dyal Singh College, New Delhi, India – Premedical - 1970
  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India – MBBS - 1975
  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India - Rotating Intership - 1975
  • All India Institute of Medicial Siences, New Delhi, India - Gastroenterology Residency
  • ECFMG/FLEX 1976/1979

  • Internal Medicine Residency Prince George's General Hospital and Medical Center, Cheverly, MD (1977 - 1980)
  • Attending, Internal Medicine at Prince George's General Hospital Medical Center Cheverly, MD  (1980 - 1981)
  • Fellow, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD (1981 - 1983)


I am an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine,  Division of Infectious Diseases.  As an attending physician at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Program of Traumatology, Department of Infectious Diseases I have been providing patient care at the trauma center for the last 34 years.  A separate passion of mine is that of teaching and research to include the following:

Infectious Diseases and Infection Control based clinical, educational and research activities:

  • Providing care to the critically ill patients
  • Establishing standards for antimicrobial stewardship and establish appropriate use of antibiotics
  • Decreasing Hospital acquired infections: CLABSI, UTI and VAP, CNS infections
  • Establishing incidence, diagnosis, prevention of infections related to Orthopedic trauma
  • I continue to teach all levels of medical care providers including nurses, nurse practitioners, medical students, pharmacists, residents and fellows (ID, critical care, surgery).

Instructor  1995 - present     RA Cowley Shock Trauma Center/Universityof Maryland Medical Systems

  • Orthopaedic Fellow Core Lectures
  • Anesthesia  Fellow Core Lectures
  • Critical Care Fellows Core Lectures
  • Infectious Disease Fellows Core lectures
  • Preceptor 2009 - present  U. of Maryland School of Nursing Acute Care Nurse Practitioners Students – Course Nurse 727 Overview
  • Preceptor /Elective in I.D.   InfectiousDisease Fellows/ Critical Care fellows/ Trauma Surgery Fellows/ Pharmacy residents/ NP students

Leader for the Global Initiative taken in 2006 as a responder team for India.  Working in collaboration with the only established trauma center in India, Ja Pakash Narayan Apex Trauma Center in New Delhi, India.  The goals of this program have been the following:

Education of physicians and nurses, mentorship of the trauma physician and the nursing groups.

Establish Infection Control / Infectious Disease based clinical research activity to include:

  • Establishing standards for antimicrobial stewardship and appropriate use of antibiotics
  • Decreasing hospital acquired infections: CLABSI, UTI, and VAP
  • Develop protocols for tracking antimicrobial resistance
  • Develop protocols for tracking antimicrobial use and associated cost                                              

Research/Clinical Keywords

Major Research Interests include: Prevention of infection in surgical settings; Establishing incidence, diagnosis and prevention of infections in orthopedic trauma

Highlighted Publications

Recent Publications:

  1. Duane TM, Capitano B, Puznaik L, Biswas P, Joshi, M.  The Impact of Linezolid versus Vancomycin on Surgical Interventions for Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections Caused by Methicllin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Surgical Infections. August 2013, 14(4): 401-407. doi:10.1089/sur.2012.033.

  2. Tobert, JT, Joshi M, Moraff, A,  Matusewski PE, Holmes, A, Pollak AN, O’Toole RV: Current Bacterial Speciation and Antibiotic Resistance in Deep Infections After Operative Fixation of Fractures. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 29 (1): 7-17, January 2015.

  3. Other authors, Joshi, M, et al.: Can Applied External Fixators Be Sterilized for Surgery? A Prospective Cohort Study of Orthopaedic Trauma Patients, Injury, 2016.



Additional Publication Citations

Research Interests

Grants and Contracts

Community Service

Professional Activity
