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Preeti R. John, MBBS, MPH, F.A.C.S.

Academic Title:

Clinical Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Director of Peri-Operative Services, VA Maryland Healthcare System (VAMHCS); Integrated Ethics Program Director, Chair of Ethics Consultation Service, VAMHCS.


VA Maryland Healthcare System (VAMHCS), 10 N. Greene Street, Department of Surgery, Room 5C-119

Phone (Primary):

(410) 605-7233

Education and Training

  • St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences, MBBS, Bangalore, India
  • Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, MPH, Baltimore, MD
  • Johns Hopkins University Division of Gastroenterology, and Department of Medicine, Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Baltimore, MD
  • Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Surgery, General Surgery Residency, Baltimore, MD
  • Rutgers University Hospital Department of Surgery, Clinical Fellowships, Newark, NJ
  • Rutgers University Hospital, Fellowship in Surgical Critical Care and Trauma, Newark. NJ
  • Johns Hopkins Hospital, Fellowship in Trauma Surgery, Baltimore, MD


Dr. Preeti John is a general surgeon who is fellowship trained in Trauma and Critical Care. She is triple board certified in the following specialties: General Surgery, Surgical Critical Care, Hospice and Palliative Medicine.

She currently practices at the VA Maryland Healthcare System (VAMHCS), where she was appointed in 2022 to be the Director of Peri-Operative Services. This role involves collaboration with a multidisciplinary group of Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, Nurses and Laboratory Services staff, in order to implement and maintain performance improvement action plans and ensure optimal patient/ family experience in the peri-operative setting.

She is an intensivist and works for the Veterans Health Administration's Tele-Critical Care East program.

Dr. John is a healthcare ethics consultant (certified by the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities), and serves as chair of the VAMHCS Ethics Consultation service. She was vice-chair of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Ethics Committee from 2022 - 2024 and currently serves as Chair of the SCCM Ethics Committee (2024 - 2026).

She is the editor of a book: ‘Being a Woman Surgeon – 60 Women Share Their Stories’, which was published in 2015. 

Research/Clinical Keywords

Healthcare Ethics, End of Life Care, Palliative Medicine, Tele-Critical Care

Highlighted Publications

Do Not Attempt Resuscitation in the Operating Room: A Misconstrued Paradox?
Journal of the American College of Surgeons, May 2022

DNR in the OR: Do Not Retain or Do Not Rescind? Use Your H.E.A.D
The American Surgeon, November 2020

Society of Critical Care Medicine Crisis Standard of Care Recommendations for Triaging Critical Resources During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Society of Critical Care Medicine

Optimizing Acetaminophen Use in Patients with Risk Factors for Hepatotoxicity: Reviewing Dosing Recommendations in Adults
Pain Medicine, Oxford Academic; pnaa274

Intermittent Pneumatic Compression of the Upper Extremity for Post-Operative Deep Venous Thrombosis Prophylaxis: A Pilot Randomized Trial
The American Surgeon, November 2020

Optimizing Advance Care Planning: The Veterans Health Administration’s Life Sustaining Treatment Decisions Initiative
Journal of Palliative Medicine, 2019 Vol 22, No. 5 p478

Disruptive Physician Behavior: The Importance of Recognition and Intervention and Its Impact on Patient Safety
Journal of Hospital Medicine, 2018 Mar;13(3):210-212


Being a Woman Surgeon – Sixty Women Share Their Stories
Publisher: Gordian Knot Books, April 2015; Narrative non-fiction

Sample Book Reviews:

Awards and Affiliations

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