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Yixing Jiang, BM, PhD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:


Administrative Title:

Chair of Data Safety Monitoring Board, in the Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center (UMGCCC)

Additional Title:

Director, GI Medical Oncology Marlene Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center University of Maryland School of Medicine


22 S. Greene Street

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Education and Training

Bachelor of Medicine (MD Equivalent), Fudan University, College of Medicine, Shanghai

Ph.D., Microbiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York

Internship, Internal Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Bronx Veterans Affair Medical Center

Residency, Internal Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Bronx Veterans Affair Medical Center

Fellowship, Hematology/Oncology, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center


As a medical oncologist, my research interest is focused on the following aspects in gastrointestinal malignancies: 1) Drug development and early phase clinical trials: I have worked with NCI and industry in developing and participation of early phase clinical trials. As part of the Mayo consortium, I have experiences working with multiple institutions in early phase clinical trials sponsored by NCI. I have also developed and completed an investigator-initiated phase I study in pancreatic cancer funded by Genentech. Most recently, we have worked with Keystone Nano to develop the first-in-human phase I study of ceramide nanoplipsome in solid tumors. The study is successfully funded by NCI via SBIR mechanism. The study is currently up running and actively enrolling patients. 2) Identification of predictive, prognostic markers and potential new therapeutic targets in gastrointestinal tumors by lipidomics. In collaboration with Dr. Mark Kester at University of Virginia and Dr. Tod Fox at Penn State College of Medicine, we utilized a mass spectrometry-based lipidomic approach to quantify sphingolipids changes in human pancreatic cancer tissues and plasma specimens from patients with pancreatic cancer. The analysis showed that long chain ceramide (C16:0 and C24:0) lipids increased significantly in pancreatic cancer specimen but not in pancreatitis or normal pancreatic tissues. This increase was associated with nodal metastasis and inferior survival. The mechanisms of such alteration are being actively explored. 3) Chemotherapy-related peripheral neuropathy. Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy has a significant adverse effect on quality of life in long-term cancer survivors. Pharmacological intervention is generally not effective. I have been actively working with Dr. Kathleen Griffith on patient-base studies to develop preventive measurements in patients receiving chemotherapy agents cause neuropathy.

Highlighted Publications

Jiang Y, Wang L, Gong W, Le X, Huang S, Yao J, Ajani J, Abbruzzese JL and Xie K. (2004) A High Level Expression of Insulin-like Growth Factor I receptor is Associated with Increased Expression of Transcription Factor Sp1 and Regional Lymphnode Metastasis of Human Gastric Cancer. Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 21 (2004): 755-764.

Jiang Y, Ajani JA. Anal margin cancer: current situation and ongoing trials. Curr Opin Oncol. 2012, Jul;24(4):448-53.

Jiang Y, Mackley HB, Kimchi ET, Zhu J, Gusani N, Kaifi J, Staveley-O'Carroll KF, Belani CP. Phase I dose escalation study of capecitabine and erlotinib concurrent with radiation in locally advanced pancreatic cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2014 Jul;74(1):205-10.

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Research Interests

Links of Interest
