Academic Title:
Assistant Professor
Primary Appointment:
Education and Training
Ventura College, Technical Certification & Licensing, Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate, EMT-I, 1998
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Biomedical Science, B.S., 2010
University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson Campus, M.D, 2015
The George Washington University Hospital, General Surgery, 2020
University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, Fellowship, Surgical Critical Care, 2021
University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, Research Fellow, Trauma Surgery, 2022
Highlighted Publications
Sarani B, Hendrix CJ, Matecki M, Estroff J, Ambdur RL, Bryce RH, Shapiro G, Gondek S, Mitchell R, Smith ER. Wounding Patterns Based on Firearm Type in Civilian Public Mass Shootings in the United States. J Am Coll Surg. 2018 Dec 7. pii: S1072-7515(18)32192-6. DOI: 1016/j.jamcollsurg.2018.11.014. PMID: 30529633.
Hendrix CJ. Resurrecting Compassion. Acad Med. Jan 2019; 94: 1. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002477. PMID: 30585815.
Maghami S, Hendrix CJ, Matecki M, Mahendran K, Amdur R, Mitchell R, Diaz F, Estroff J, Smith ER, Shapiro G, Sarani B. Comparison of the Causes of Death and Wounding Patterns in Urban Firearm-Related Violence and Civilian Public Mass Shooting Events. J Trauma. 2019 Aug 5. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000002470.
Aicher BO, Hernandez MC, Betancourt-Ramirez A, Grossman MD, Heise H, Schroeppel TJ, Kongkaewpaisan N, Kaafarani H, Wagner A, Grabo D, Scott M, Peck G, Chang G, Matsushima K, Cullinane DC, Cullinane LM, Stocker B, Posluszny J, Simonoski UJ, Catalano RD, Vasileiou G, Yeh DD, Agrawal V, Truitt MS, Pickett M, Dultz L, Muller A, Ong AW, San Roman JL, Barth N, Fackelmayer O, Velopulos CG, Hendrix CJ, Estroff JM, Gambhir S, Nahmias J, Jeyamurugan K, Bugaev N, Portillo V, Carrick MM, O’Meara L, Kufera J, Zielinski MD, Bruns BR. Colorectal Resection in Emergency General Surgery- An East Multicenter Trial. J Trauma. Dec 2020. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000002894. PMID: 32890337.
Chow JH, Richards JE, Galvagno SM, Coleman PJ, Lankford AS, Hendrix CJ, Dunitz J, Ibrahim I, Ghneim M, Tanaka KA, Scalea TM, Mazzeffi MA, Hu P. Algorithm Examining the Risk of Massive Transfusion (ALERT) Score Accurately Predicts Massive Transfusion at the Scene of Injury and on Arrival to the Trauma Bay: A Retrospective Analysis. 2021 Oct 1;56(4):529-536. DOI: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000001772. PMID: 34524267.
Research Interests
Management of penetrating trauma, surgical critical care, expanding military medic skills for austere forward operating locations, culturally-informed medical care, medical student and trainee education,palliative and end of life care
Clinical Specialty Details
American Board of Surgery, General Surgery, 2021
American Board of Surgery, Surgical Critical Care, 2022