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Ann L. Hackman, MD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Administrative Title:

Community Psychiatry Division Director

Additional Title:

Division Director Community Psychiatry, Medical Director PACT, Senior Psychiatrist RA1SE, Senior Education Consultant


701 W. Pratt St

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-2564


(410) 328-0096

Education and Training

 B.A.  Psychobiology   Western Maryland College  1980

 M.A. Clinical Psychology   LoyolaCollege (Baltimore) 1987

 M.D. University of Maryland  School of Medicine 1990 

Psychiatry Residency TrainingUniversity of Maryland  1994


Ann Hackman is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.  She completed her psychiatry residency training at the University of Maryland in 1994.  She is a board certified psychiatrist with added qualifications in forensics and addictions.  She is the Division Director for Community Psychiatry, Medical Director for the University of Maryland’s Programs of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT), Senior Education Consultant and Senior Psychiatrist for the Recovery after Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RA1SE) program.  She has longstanding interest in serious mental illness, in the treatment of people living with schizophrenia and in underserved populations including people experiencing homelessness

Research/Clinical Keywords

Schizophrenia, First episode, Underserved, Homelessness

Highlighted Publications

Hackman AL,Goldberg RG, Brown C, Fang LJ., Dickerson F, Wohlheiter K, Medoff D,  Kreyenbuhl J, Dixon L  (2006)  The use of  somatic emergency room services by people with serious mental illness.  Psychiatric Services 57(4):563-6

Hackman A, Brown, C, Yang Y, Goldberg, R,  Kreyenbuhl J, Lucksted A, Wohlheiter K, Dixon L (2007). Consumer satisfaction with inpatient psychiatric treatment among persons with severe mental illness. Community Mental Health Journal 43(6):551-564

Hackman AL, Stowell KR (2009) Transitioning clients from assertive community treatment to traditional mental health services.  Community Mental  Health Journal 45 (1): 1-5 .Epub ahead of print 2009 Jan 8


Additional Publication Citations

Research Interests

Clinical Specialty Details

Awards and Affiliations

Community Service

Professional Activity
