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Lottie M. Hachaambwa, MB,ChB

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:



725 W. Lombard Street

Education and Training

Dr. Hachaambwa graduated from the University of Zambia School of Medicine. He finished his Internal Medicine residency at Kettering Medical Center. He later completed a fellowship in Infectious Diseases at University of Rochester Medical Center. He is board certified in internal medicine and adult infectious diseases.



Dr. Hachaambwa is currently based in Zambia where he provides technical support for the University of Maryland’s HIV Care and Treatment programs and graduate medical education programs in collaboration with the University of Zambia.

Research/Clinical Keywords

HIV, Tuberculosis

Highlighted Publications

        1. Keefer MC, Gilmour J, Hayes P, Gill D, Kopycinski J, Cheeseman H, Cashin-Cox M, Naarding M, Clark L, Fernandez N, Bunce CA, Hay CM, Welsh S, Komaroff W, Hachaambwa L, Tarragona-Fiol T, Sayeed E, Zachariah D, Ackland J, Loughran K, Barin B, Cormier E, Cox JH, Fast P, Excler JL. A phase I double blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study of a multigenic HIV-1 adenovirus subtype 35 vector vaccine in healthy uninfected adults. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e41936. Epub 2012 Aug 3

        2. Namangala B, Hachaambwa L, Kajino K, Mweene AS, Hayashida K, Simuunza M, Simukoko H, Choongo K, Chansa P, Lakhi S, Moonga L, Chota A, Ndebe J, Nsakashalo-Senkwe M, Chizema E, Kasonka L, Sugimoto C. The use of Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) to detect the re-emerging Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) in the Luangwa and Zambezi valleys. Parasit Vectors. 2012 Dec 4;5:282. doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-5-282.

        3. Vinikoor M, Schuttner L, Moyo C, Li M, Musonda P, Hachaambwa L, Stringer J, Chi B (2013). Late refills during the first year of antiretroviral therapy predict mortality and program failure among HIV-infected adults in urban Zambia. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 30(1):74-72

        4. Thakur KT, Mateyo K, Hachaambwa L, Kayamba V, Mallewa M, Mallewa J, Nwazor EO, Lawal T, Mallum CB, Atadzhanov M, Boulware DR, Birbeck GL, Siddiqi OK (2015). Lumbar puncture refusal in sub-Saharan Africa: A call for further understanding and intervention. Neurology. 84(19):1988-90

        5. Hayashida K, Kajino K, Hachaambwa L, Namangala B, Sugimoto C (2015). Direct Blood Dry LAMP: A Rapid, Stable, and Easy Diagnostic Tool for Human African TrypanosomiasisPLoS Negl Trop Dis. 9(3):e0003578

        6. Alexander CS, Pappas G, Amoroso A, Lee MC, Brown-Henley Y, Memiah P, O'Neill JF, Dix O, Redfield RR, Delva G, Edozien A, Hachaambwa L, Maro P, Nwandu A, Nwizu C, Obeifune M, Oni B, Patel D, Sheneberger R, Baribwira C, Kiromera A, Tepper V, Oyebola FO, Kaiza-Kangalwe A, Anthony Loy G, Enejoh V, Nwene E, Stanis-Ezeobi W, Shimabale M, Gashongore I, Etienne-Mesubi M (2015). Implementation of HIV Palliative Care: Interprofessional Education to Improve Patient Outcomes in Resource-Constrained Settings, 2004-2012. J Pain Symptom Manage. 50(3):350-61

        7. Sinyange N, Kumar R, Inambao A, Moonde L, Chama J, Banda M, Tembo E, Nsonga B, Mwaba J, Fwoloshi S, Musokotwane K, Chizema E, Kapin'a M, Hang'ombe BM, Baggett HC, Hachaambwa L. Outbreak of Plague in a High Malaria Endemic Region - Nyimba District, Zambia, March-May 2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2016 Aug 12;65(31):807-811. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6531a4








Clinical Specialty Details
