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Karen S. Greeley, PT, DScPT

Academic Title:

Instructor (Adjunct Faculty I)

Primary Appointment:

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science


Allied Health Research Building

Education and Training


9/79 - 6/81  Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland

7/81 - 7/83  University of Maryland at Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, B.S. in Physical Therapy, High Honors

2/98 - 12/02  Loyola College/ Maryland State Department of Education, Masters' Equivalency

1/04 - 12/07   University of Maryland at Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, DScPT (Doctor of Science in Physical Therapy), Final Project: "An Investigation of the Feasibility ofIntegrating a Motor Component into an Existing Early Communication and Learning Support Program for Preschoolers with Autism", Advisor: Toby Long, PT, PhD


2002   Credentialed Clinical Instructor


Maryland Physical Therapy License, DHMH, active 1983-present

Research/Clinical Keywords

physical therapy, gait, pediatric

Highlighted Publications


1. Campbell, K., Hagood, S., Greeley, K., Thompson, J., and Crawford, T. (1991). Gait Analysis in StickMan

Syndrome: A Case Study. Seventh Annual East Coast Clinical Gait Laboratory Conference.

2. Greeley, K. (2008). Investigation of the feasibility of integrating a motor component into an existing early

communication and learning support program for preschoolers with autism. Poster Presentation, Annual

Conference and Exposition of the American Physical Therapy Association. San Antonio, Texas.

Awards and Affiliations

Professional Activity
