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Vicki L. Gray, MPT, PhD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science


AHB 205C

Phone (Primary):

(410) 706-3778



Education and Training

  • 1992 B.P.A.   Public Administration, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario
  • 2004 B.H.K.  Human Kinetics (Movement Science), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario
  • 2009 M.P.T.   Physical Therapy, Western University, London, Ontario
  • 2005 - 2012  Ph.D. Health and Rehabilitation Science (Physical Therapy), Western University, London, Ontario
  • 2013 - 2016  Doctoral Fellow UMANRRT (University of Maryland Advanced Neuromotor Rehabilitation Research Training), Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, University of Maryland Baltimore


Dr. Gray is a graduate of a combined M.P.T./Ph.D. at Western University in Canada. In 2012, Dr. Gray earned her Ph.D. in Health and Rehabilitation Science in the field of Physical Therapy, where her dissertation was titled, Motor Control of exercises that emphasizes speed in post-stroke. She then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science at the University of Maryland Baltimore.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Stroke, aging, asymptomatic carotid stenosis, postural control, balance, falls, exercise interventions, electromyography

Highlighted Publications

Garland SJ, Gray VL, Knorr S. Muscle activation patterns and postural control following stroke. Motor Control. 2009:13(4): 387-411.

Gray VL, Ivanova TD, Garland SJ. Retraining postural responses with exercises emphasizing speed post-stroke. Physical Therapy. 2012: 92(7): 924-34.

Gray VL, Ivanova TD, Garland SJ. Effects of fast functional exercise on muscle activity after stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 2012: 26(8): 968-75.

Gray VL, Pollock CL, Wakeling JM, Ivanova TD, Garland. Patterns of muscle coordination during stepping responses post-stroke. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2015: 25(6): 959-965.

Gray VL, Yang, CL, McCombe Waller S, Rogers MW. Lateral perturbation induced stepping: Strategies and predictors in persons post-stroke. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 2017:41(4):222-228.

Gray VL, Yang, CL, Fujimoto M, McCombe Waller S, Rogers MW. Stepping characteristics during externally induced lateral reactive and voluntary steps in chronic stroke. Gait & Posture, 2019:71(198-204).

Additional Publication Citations

Research Interests

Understanding the mechanisms of neuromuscular control of aging and diseases of aging that contribute to poor balance control, and to apply this knowledge to design interventions that improve balance and reduce falls. We use motion analysis and electromyography to understanding human balance control. 

Grants and Contracts

Vicki Gray, MPT, Ph.D. (PI)


National Institute on Aging R01

Hip Muscle Power, Lateral Balance Function, and Falls in Aging


Vicki Gray, MPT, Ph.D. (PI)


National Institute on Aging R21

Neuromuscular and Biomechanical Control of Lower Limb Loading in Individuals with Chronic Stroke

Lab Techniques and Equipment

3D motion analysis, force platforms, EMG, Dynamometer, Gaitrite