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Bruce L. Gilliam, MD

Academic Title:

Clinical Professor

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Director, Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program, Medical Director, IHV Clinic at UMMC Midtown Campus, Clinical Director, UM Local Performance Site of the Pennsylvania/Mid-Atlantic AETC, Senior Technical Advisor, Guyana, AIDSRelief


UMBI Room N545

Phone (Primary):

(410) 706-1372


(410) 706-1992

Education and Training

1986-1990 M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1990-1993 Residency, Internal Medicine, University of California, Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, California


1993-1996Fellowship, Infectious Diseases, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina



My career in infectious diseases research began developing a cohort of HIV infected men in order to evaluate the role of HIV in semen. I subsequently have focused my clinical and research careers on HIV clinical trials both HIV vaccine trials and the evaluation of novel therapeutic strategies and agents for the treatment of HIV. Both as a member of the U.S. Military HIV Research Program(USMHRP) and, now, as faculty at IHV, I have developed cohorts for the evaluation of candidate HIV vaccines both preventive and therapeutic. My experience has spanned multiple vaccine candidates both therapeutic and preventive including: Apollon DNA vaccine, RV 124 - oligomeric gp160 in prime boost with a canary pox vector, the Merck adenovirus vaccines, and a therapeutic Tat vaccine. I continue to work to advance HIV vaccine candidates such as a novel IHV vaccine candidate, full length single chain (FLSC), as well as new therapeutic interventions for the treatment of HIV.

Currently, I not only care for HIV infected patients in the clinic and hospital but also I have a leadership role in our HIV clinical program where I help to improve the care of our patients. I have extensive experience in medical education and training, as well as clinic/practice development, locally and internationally, particularly in the fields of HIV and other infectious diseases. I served as the Director of the Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program for 13 years, and as Clinical Director of the AIDS Education Training Center (AETC) site at the University of Maryland, local performance site of the PA/Mid Atlantic AETC for the past 15 years. In this capacity I have trained and developed curricula for all levels of health care providers, including physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and students, in the medical care of patients with a particular focus on HIV. This experience has been applied not only in the U.S. but also in Guyana, China, Haiti, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Zambia. In Guyana, I helped to revise the infectious disease curriculum at the University of Guyana, School of Medicine and, as Principal Investigator of a CDC funded grant, implemented an internal medicine/infectious diseases residency program in Guyana, providing the country with its first postgraduate training program in internal medicine and infectious diseases. Although I have given lectures internationally, my focus has been on the education of providers in the field and transformation of the clinics and practices locally, as part of the Pennsylvania/Mid-Atlantic AETC and, internationally, as part of the University of Maryland Global Health Program activities.

Research/Clinical Keywords

HIV, Antiretroviral Treatment, Vaccines, Infectious Diseases

Highlighted Publications

Gilliam BL, Dyer JR, Fiscus SA, Marcus C, Zhou S, Wathen L, Freimuth WW, Cohen MS, Eron Jr JJ. Effects of Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Therapy on the HIV-1 Viral Burden in Semen. J Acquir Immun Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol 1997;15:54-60.

Gilliam BL, Heredia A, DeVico A, Le N, Bamba D, Bryant JL, Pauza CD, and Redfield RR. Rapamycin reduces CCR5 m-RNA levels in macaques: Potential applications in HIV-1 prevention and treatment. AIDS 2007;21(15);2108-10.

Riedel DJ, Mwangi EIW, Fantry LE, Alexander C, Hossain MB, Pauza CD, Redfield RR, Gilliam BL. High Cancer-Related Mortality in an Urban, Predominantly African-American, HIV-Infected Population. AIDS 2013;27:1109-1117.

Akajagbor D, Wilson S, Shere-Wolfe KD, Dakum P, Charurat M, Gilliam BL. Higher Incidence of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) With Intravenous Colistin (Colistimethate Sodium) Compared to PB (Polymyxin B) in Critically Ill Patients at a Tertiary Care Medical Center. Clin Infect Dis 2013;57(9):1300–3.

O’Connell RJ, Excler J-L, Polonis VR, Ratto-Kim S, Cox J, Jagodzinski LL, Liu M, Wieczorek L, McNeil JG, El-Habib R, Michael NL, Gilliam BL, Paris R, VanCott TC, Tomaras GD, Birx DL, Robb ML, Kim JH. Safety and Immunogenicity of a randomized Phase I prime-boost trial with ALVAC-HIV(vCP205) and Oligomeric gp160 MN/LAI-2 Adjuvanted in Alum or Polyphosphazene. J Infect Dis 2016 Jun 15;213(12):1946-54.

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