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Steven R. Gambert, MD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:


Secondary Appointment(s):


Administrative Title:

Associate Chair


110 S. Paca Street, 5-N-103

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-1143


(410) 328-0267

Education and Training

Medical School: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York

Residency in Internal Medicine: Dartmouth Affiliated Hospitals, Hanover, New Hampshire

Fellowship in Endocrinology and Metabolism and Geriatrics and Gerontology Research: Harvard Medical School/Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts


Steven R. Gambert, MD, AGSF, MACP is a Tenured Professor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Maryland and a Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. At the University of Maryland, he has been Associate Chairman, Director of Geriatrics, and Director of Medical Student Education in the Department of Medicine. He is Director of Geriatric Medicine at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center and Medical Director of the Office of Development for the School of Medicine. At Johns Hopkins, Dr. Gambert is a member of the Division of Geriatric Medicine in the Department of Medicine.

Dr. Gambert has served as Chairman of the Department of Medicine at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore—a Hopkins academic affiliate—where he was also Medicine Residency Program Director. Prior to this, he was Vice-Chairman for Academic Affairs and Professor at UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School and Professor, Director of Geriatrics, Chairman of Medicine, and Associate Dean for Academic Programs at New York Medical College.

A graduate of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Gambert received postgraduate training at Dartmouth and Harvard Medical Schools specializing in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, and Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. He has authored/ co-authored over 500 journal articles, book chapters, and research reports; edited numerous publications; and served on many editorial boards. He has been President of the American Aging Association, Chairman Clinical Medicine Gerontological Society, President Baltimore City Medical Society, and Governor NYS Chapter American College of Physicians. He was awarded the Geriatric Medicine Academic Award, National Institute on Aging, Joseph T. Freeman Award, Gerontological Society of America, and the Laureate Award, American College of Physicians. He has served as a member of the NBME USMLE Step 3 committee and has consistently been recognized as one of “America’s Best Physicians”. He was elected to Mastership in the American College of Physicians, its highest honor. In 2024, Dr. Gambert was the recipient of the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Gold Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Medicine—the highest honor awarded by their Alumni Association.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Dr. Gambert has focused his research efforts on Endocrine Aspects of Aging including aspects of thyroid and neuropeptide function in response to stress/nutrition; successful aging; atypical presentation of illness in the elderly; health care services for the elderly; trauma care in the elderly; and medical education.

Highlighted Publications

Bailey, MD, Gambert, SR, Gruber-Baldini, A, Guralnik, J, Kozar, R, Qato, D, Shardell, M, Albrecht, JS. The Impact of Traumatic Brain Injury and the Risk of Long-Term Nursing Home Entry among Older Adults: An Analysis of Medicare Administrative Claims Data. J Neurotrauma, 2022

Herrera, AV, Wastila, L, Brown, HP, Chen, H, Gambert SR, Albrecht, JS. Effects of Prescription Opioid Use on Traumatic Brain Injury Risk in Older Adults. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 36. 5. 388-395, 2021

Gambert, SR, Kant, R, Miller, M: Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Adrenal Disorders in the Elderly. In: Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Geriatrics, 3rd Edition. CS Landefeld, RM Palmer, MA Johnson, CB

Johnston, and WL Lyons (Eds), Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, New York, 2019

Miller, M, Gambert, SR: Thyroid Heart Disease in the Elderly.  In Tresch and Aronow’s Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly, 6th edition, WS Aronow, JL Fleg, MW Rich (eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 382 – 404, 2019     

Gambert, SR, Blumenthal, J. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment. In: Developing Drugs for the Older Patient, Chapter 2.3. S. Stegemann (Ed), Springer Publishers, 2016 

Hamed, M.S., Gambert, S.R. Bliden, K, et al.: Dark Chocolate Effect on Platelet Activity, C-Reactive Protein and Lipid Profile: A Pilot Study. Southern Medical Journal 101, (12), 12-3-1208, 2008

Mogul, H.R., Marshall, M., Frey, M, Burke, H.B., Wynn, P.S. Wilder, S., Southern, A.L., and Gambert, S.R.: Insulin Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein-1 as a marker for hyperinsulinemia in Obese Menopausal Women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 81, 4492-4495, 1996

Gambert, S.R.: Effect of Increasing Age on the Degradation of Thyroxine by Rat Liver Honogenate. AGE 4:48050, 1981

Gambert, S.R., T.L., Garthwaite, C.H. Pontzer, and T.C. Hagen: Fasting Associated Decrease in Hypothalamic Beta-Endorphin. Science 210:1271-1272, 1980


Gambert, SR, Gambert BA: Successful Aging: The Role of Nutritional Supplements in Promoting Successful Aging and Longevity, Nova Scientific Publishers, New York, 2017

Gambert, SR: Be Fit for Life: A Guide to Successful Aging. World Scientific Press, New Jersey and Singapore, 2010

Research Interests

Clinical Specialty Details

Awards and Affiliations

Community Service

Professional Activity

Links of Interest
