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Mark J. Gage, MD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery


22 South Greene Street

Education and Training

New York University School of Medicine 2011

Orthopaedic Surgery Residency - NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases 2011-2016

Orthopaedic Trauma Fellowship - R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center 2016-2017


I am an orthopaedic traumatologist whose practice focuses on reconstruction of complex traumatic injuries of the pelvis and extremities as well as the treatment of musculoskeletal infections. I spend approximately 80% of my time on clinical and teaching activities at University of Maryland.

Highlighted Publications

  1. Spitzer AB, Gage MJ, Looze CA, Walsh M, Zuckerman JD, Egol KA. Factors Associated with Successful Performance in an Orthopaedic Surgery Residency. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2009 Nov; 91(11):2750-5.
  2. Takemoto RC, Gage MJ, Walsh M, Rybak L, Egol KA. Articular Skiving: the concept defined. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2011 Jun; 36(5):364-9.
  3. Gage MJ,Newman E, Maldonado TS, Hajdu CH. Leiomyosarcoma of the splenic vein. J Vasc Surg. 2012 May; 55(5):1485-7. Epub 2011 Nov.
  4. Takemoto RC, Gage MJ, Walsh M, Rybak L, Egol KA. Accuracy of Detecting Screw Penetration of the Radiocarpal Joint following Volar Plating Utilizing Plain Radiographs and Computed Tomography. Am J Orthop.2012 Aug; 41(8):358-61.
  5. Gage MJ, Patel AV, Karen KL, Newman E. Non-Vena Cava Venous Leiomyosarcomas: A Review of the Literature. Ann Surg Oncol. 2012 May 23.
  6. Koerner JD, Patel NM, Yoon RS, Gage MJ, Donegan DJ, Liporace FA. Femoral Malrotation after Intramedullary Nailing in Obese versus Non-Obese Patients. 2014 Feb 26. pii: S0020-1383(14)00081-3.
  7. Gage MJ, Egol KA. Painful Hardware. What to do? Curr Orthop Pract, 2014 April 3-11.
  8. Gage MJ, Schwarzkopf R, Abrouk M, Slover J. Impact of Metabolic Syndrome on Perioperative Complication Rates after Total Joint Arthroplasty Surgery. J Arthroplasty. 2014 April 13.
  9. Gage MJ, Yoon RS, Egol KA, Liporace FA. “Applications and Use of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Orthopaedic Trauma.” Orthop Clin North Am. 2014 December.
  10. Blank AT, Gage MJ, Tejwani NC, McLaurin T. Overlapping Dislocation of the Pubic Symphysis: A Case report of an Open Reduction with Anterior and Posterior Pelvic Ring Fixation. J Bone Joint Surg Am Case Connector, Feb 2015.
  11. Yoon RS, Gage MJ, Donegan DJ, Liporace FA. Intramedullary Nailing of Complex Tibia Fractures: Indications for Use Beyond the Proximal Third. J Orthop Trauma. 2015. Aug: 29 (8): e277-9.
  12. Gage MJ, Yoon RS, Gaines RJ, Dunbar R, Egol KA, Lipoarce FA. Temporary Tissue Dead Space Management Following Orthopaedic Trauma: Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls. J Orthop Trauma. 2015 Sep 22.
  13. Gage MJ, Park BK, Strauss EJ. Reduction of Acute Anterior Glenohumeral Dislocations: A New Closed Reduction Technique. Phys Sportsmed. 2016 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print].
  14. Yoon RS, Gage MJ, Galos DK, Donegan DJ, Liporace FA. Trochanteric Entry Femoral Nails Yield Better Femoral Version and Lower Revision Rates: A Large Cohort Multivariate Regression Analysis. 2017 Mar 18
  15. Mundy LR, Gage MJ, Yoon RS, Liporace FA. Comparing the speed of irrigation between pulsatile lavage versus gravity irrigation: An Ex-vivo experimental investigation. Patient Saf Surg.2017 Mar 27; 11:7.
  16. Mundy LR, Troung T, Shammas RL, Gage MJ, Pomann G, Hollenbeck ST. Acute Treatment Patterns for Lower Extremity Trauma in the United States:  Flaps Versus Amputation. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2017 May.
  17. Konda SR, Fisher N, Gage MJ, Egol KA. Posterior Fracture Dislocation of the Shoulder:  A Modified McLaughlin Procedure.  J Orthop Trauma. 2017 Aug; 31 Suppl 3:S36-S37.
  18. Konda SR, Fisher N, Gage MJ, Egol KA. Segmental Bone Defect Treated with the Induced-Membrane Technique. J Orthop Trauma. 2017 Aug; 31 Suppl 3:S21-S22.
  19. Maceroli MA, Gage MJ, Wise BT, Connelly D. Ordonio K, Castillo RC, Jarman MP, Nascone JW, O’Toole RV, Sciadini MF. Risk Factors for Failure of Bone Grafting of Tibia Nonunions and Segmental Bone Defects:  A New Preoperative Risk Assessment Score.  J Orthop Trauma. 2017 Aug; 31 Suppl 5: S55-S59.
  20. Gage MJ, Liporace FA, Egol KA, McLaurin T. Management of Bone Defects in Orthopaedic Trauma.  Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases.  76 (1):4-8, March 2018. 
  21. Gage MJ, Sala D, Otsuka NY. Identifying Predictive Factors of Pediatric Septic Arthritis of the Knee in a Lyme Endemic Area.  Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases.  76(3):161-4, September 2018.
  22. Mascarenhas D, Connelly D, O’Hara NN, Gage MJ, Coale M, Manson TT, O’Toole RV. Radiographic Predictors of Symptomatic Locking Screw Removal after Treatment of Tibial Fractures with Intramedullary Nails.  Injury, September 2018, Vol 49, Issue 12, p2284-2289.
  23. Shammas RL, Mundy LR, Truong R, Weber JM, Grier AJ, Cho EH, Peskoe SB, Gage MJ, Hollenbeck ST. Identifying Predictors of Time to Soft Tissue Reconstruction Following Open Tibia Fractures. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018 Dec; 142(6): 1620-1628.
  24. Mundy LR, Grier AJ, Weissler EH, Carty MJ, Pusic AL, Hollenbeck ST, Gage MJ. Patient-reported Outcome Instruments in Lower Extremity Trauma: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2019 May 3;7(5):e2218.
  25. Wise BT, Connelly D, Rocca M, Mascarenhas D, Huang Y, Maceroli MA, Gage MJ, Joshi M, Castillo RC, OʼToole RV. A Predictive Score for Determining Risk of Surgical Site Infection After Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery. J Orthop Trauma. 2019 Oct;33(10):506-513.
  26. Mundy LR, Klassen A, Grier J, Carty MJ, Pusic AL, Hollenbeck ST, Gage MJ. Development of a Patient-Reported Outcome Instrument for Patients With Severe Lower Extremity Trauma (LIMB-Q): Protocol for a Multiphase Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2019 Oct 17;8(10):e14397.
  27. Gage MJ, Mascarenhas D, Marinos D, Maceroli MA, Wise BT, Bhat SB, Potter GD, Slobogean GP, Sciadini MF, Lebrun CT, Nascone JW, Manson TT, O'Hara NN, O'Toole RV. Surgeons Cannot Predict Pilon Fracture Outcomes Based on Initial Radiographs. Orthopedics. 2019 Nov 26:1-4
  28. Berger M, Oyeyemi D, Olurinde MO, Whitson HE, Weinhold KJ, Woldorff MG, Lipsitz LA, Moretti E, Giattino CM, Roberts KC, Zhou J, Bunning T, Ferrandino M, Scheri RP, Cooter M, Chan C, Cabeza R, Browndyke JN, Murdoch DM, Devinney MJ, Shaw LM, Cohen HJ, Mathew JP; INTUITInvestigators. The INTUIT Study: Investigating Neuroinflammation Underlying Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 Apr;67(4):794-798. 
  29. Costales T, Shannon SF, Gage MJ, Manson TT. Current Treatments of Tibial Surgical Site Infection and Osteomyelitis after Fracture Surgery. Techniques in Orthopaedics. 2020 Jan.
  30. Slobogean GP, Prep-It Investigators. Effectiveness of Iodophor vs Chlorhexidine Solutions for Surgical Site Infections and Unplanned Reoperations for Patients Who Enderwent Fracture Repair: The PREP-IT Master Protocol. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Apr 1;3(4).
  31. Mundy LR, Klassen A, Grier AJ, Gibbons C, Lane W, Carty MJ, Pusic AL, Hollenbeck ST, Gage MJ. Identifying Factors Most Important to Lower Extremity Trauma Patients: Key Concepts from the Development of a Patient-Reported Outcome Instrument for Lower Extremity Trauma, The LIMB-Q. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2020 May: 145(5):1292-1301.
  32. VanDusen KW, Eleswarpu S, Moretti EW, Devinney MJ, Crabtree DM, Laskowitz DT, Woldorff MG, Roberts KC, Whittle J, Browndyke JN, Cooter M, Rockhold FW, Anakwenze O, Bolognesi MP, Easley ME, Ferrandino MN, Jiranek WA, Berger M; MARBLE Study Investigators. The MARBLE Study Protocol: Modulating ApoE Signaling to Reduce Brain Inflammation, DeLirium, and PostopErative Cognitive Dysfunction. J Alzheimers Dis. 2020;75(4):1319-1328. doi: 10.3233/JAD-191185.
  33. Ryan SP, Padilla JA, Schwarzkopf R,Gage MJ, Bolognesi MP, Seyler TM.
    Arthroplasty Surgeons Do Not Improve Acute Outcomes for Patients With Hip Fracture Relative to Other Subspecialists. Orthopedics. 2020 Jun 30:1-5. 
  34. Ryan SP, Adams SB, Allen N, Lazarides A, Wellman SS, Gage MJ. Intraoperative Fire Risk: Evaluating the Three Minute Wait After Chlorhexidine-Alcohol Antiseptic Scrub. J Ortho Trauma. 2020 Jun 26. Online ahead of print.
  35. Mundy LR, Klassen A, Sergesketter AR, Grier AJ, Carty MJ, Hollenbeck ST, Pusic AL,Gage MJ. Content Validity of the LIMB-Q: A Patient-Reported Outcome Instrument for Lower Extremity Trauma Patients. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2020 Jul 2. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1713669. 
  36. Klaucke J, OʼHara NN, Peterson D, Gitajn IL, Natoli R, Sciadini MF, Manson TT, Nascone JW,Gage MJ, LeBrun C, Pollak AN, OʼToole RV. Quantitative Lesser Trochanter Profile Versus Cortical Step Sign in Assessing Femoral Malrotation After Femoral Nailing. J Orthop Trauma. 2020 Jul;34(7):e256-e260.
  37. Cunningham D, LaRose M, Klifto C,Gage MJ. Mental health and substance use impact perioperative opioid demand in upper extremity trauma surgery. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Jul 7:S1058-2746(20)30541-3. 
  38. Hale D, Marvel D, Wells J, Prep-It Investigators. What’s important: Patient Engagement in Research. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2020 Jun 9.
  39. Saltzman EB, Belay E, Federer AE, French R, Anakwenze O,Gage MJ, Klifto CS. Intramedullary Humeral Nail Placement through the Rotator Interval: An Anatomic and Radiographic Analysis. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Aug 19;S1058-2746(20)30649-2.
  40. Sprague S, Scott T, Dodds S, Pogorzelski D, McKay P, Harris AD, Wood A, Thabane L, Bhandari M, Mehta S, Gaski G, Boulton C, Marcano-Fernández F, Guerra-Farfán E, Hebden J, O'Hara LM, Slobogean GP; PREP-IT Investigators. Cluster identification, selection, and description in Cluster randomized crossover trials: the PREP-IT trials. Trials. 2020 Sep 30;21(1):821. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04767-4.
  41. Cunningham D, LaRose M,Gage MJ. The impact of substance use and abuse on opioid demand in lower extremity fracture surgery. J Orthop Trauma. 2020 Sep 3.
  42. Pizzo RA, Gianakos AL, Haring RS,Gage MJ, Stevens NM, Liporace FA, Yoon RS. Are Arthroplasty Procedures Really Better in the Treatment of Complex Proximal Humerus Fractures? A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. J Orthop Trauma. 2020 Oct 13.
  43. Cunningham D, LaRose M,Yoon RS, Gage MJ. Factors associated with perioperative opioid demand in lower extremity fractures: Does consumption vary by anatomic location? 2020 Oct 8;S0020-1383(20)30838
  44. Cunningham D, LaRose M,Gage MJ. The impact of substance use and abuse on opioid demand after hip fracture surgery. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2020 Nov 16. 
  45. Mundy LR, Truong T, Shammas RL, Cunningham D, Hollenbeck ST, Pomann GM, Gage MJ. Amputation rates in more than 175,000 open tibia fractures in the United States. Orthopaedics. 2020 Dec 7:1-6.
  46. Lin CA, O'Hara NN, Sprague S, O'Toole RV, Joshi M, Harris AD, Warner SJ, Johal H, Natoli RM, Hagen JE, Jeray KJ, Fowler JT, Phelps KD, Pilson HT, Gitajn IL, Bhandari M, Slobogean GP; PREP-IT Investigators. Low Adherence to Recommended Guidelines for Open Fracture Antibiotic Prophylaxis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2021 Jan 7.
  47. Pogorzelski D, Nguyen U, McKay P, Thabane L, Camara M, Ramsey L, Seymour R, Goodman JB, McGee S, Fraifogl J, Hudgins A, Tanner SL, Bhandari M, Slobogean GP, Sprague S; PREP-IT Investigators. Managing work flow in high enrolling trials: The development and implementation of a sampling strategy in the PREPARE trial. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2021 Jan 23;21:100730. 
  48. Anastasio AT, Patel PS, Fernandez-Moure J, Gage MJ. A Solution to After-Hours Fatigue and Surgical Backlog. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil. 2021 Jan 29;12:2151459321989523.
  49. Sprague S, Guyatt P, Bzovsky S, Nguyen U, Bhandari M, Thabane L, Petrisor B, Johal HS, Leonard J, Dodds S, Mossuto F, O'Toole RV, Howe A, Demyanovich HK, Camara M, O'Hara NN, Slobogean GP; PREP-IT Investigators. Pragmatic randomized trial evaluating pre-operative aqueous antiseptic skin solution in open fractures (Aqueous-PREP): the feasibility of a cluster randomized crossover study. Pilot Feasibility Stud. 2021 Mar 1;7(1):61.
  50. Medeiros M, Love TR, Slobogean GP, Sprague S, Perfetto EM, O'Hara NN, Mullins CD; PREP-IT Investigators: Patient and stakeholder engagement learnings: PREP-IT as a case study. J Comp Eff Res. 2021 Mar 24.
  51. Evans DR, Saltzman EB, Anastasio AT, Guisse NF, Belay ES, Pidgeon TS, Richard MJ, Ruch DS, Anakwenze OA,Gage MJ, Klifto CS. Use of a 5-item modified Fragility Index for risk stratification in patients undergoing surgical management of proximal humerus fractures. JSES Int. 2020 Dec 16;5(2):212-219. 
  52. Sharma A, Whitlock KG,Gage MJ, Lassiter TE, Anakwenze OA, Klifto CS. Malpractice trends in shoulder and elbow surgery. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Feb 3:S1058-2746(21)00078-1.
  53. Cunningham DJ, Paniaugua AR, LaRose MA, DeLaura IF, Blatter MK,Gage MJ.  Regional anesthesia does not decrease inpatient or outpatient opioid demand in distal femur fracture surgery. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2021 May 3. doi: 10.1007/s00402-021-03892-2.
  54. Cunningham DJ, LaRose MA, Anakwenze OA, Klifto CS, Richard MJ, Ruch DS, Gage MJ. Fracture location impacts opioid demand in upper extremity fracture surgery. Injury. 2021 May 20:S0020-1383(21)00465-4. 
  55. Cunningham DJ, LaRose ML, DeLaura IF, Zhang GX, Klifto CS, Gage MJ. Legislation Only Limiting Opioid Prescription Length Has Minimal Impact on Prescribing in Orthopaedic Trauma. J Surg Orthop Adv. 2021 Summer;30(2):101-107.
  56. Pechero G Jr, Pfaff B, Rao M, Pogorzelski D, McKay P, Spicer E, Howe A, Demyanovich HK, Sietsema DL, McTague MF, Ramsey L, Holden M, Rudnicki J, Wells J, Medeiros M, Slobogean GP, Sprague S; PREP-IT Investigators, Slobogean GP, Sprague S, Wells J, Bhandari M, O'Toole RV, D'Alleyrand JC, Eglseder A, Johnson A, Langhammer C, Lebrun C, Manson T, Nascone J, Paryavi E, Pensy R, Pollak A, Sciadini M, Slobogean GP, Degani Y, Demyanovich HK, Howe A, O'Hara NN, Joseph K, Rudnicki J, Camara M; Aqueous-PREP and PREPARE Investigators; Implementing stakeholder engagement to explore alternative models of consent: An example from the PREP-IT trials. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2021 Jun 14;22:100787.
  57. Cunningham DJ, LaRose MA, DeLaura IF, Zhang GX, Paniagua AR,Gage MJ. Regional anesthesia does not decrease inpatient or outpatient opioid demand in femoral shaft fracture surgery. I 2021 Jul 15:S0020-1383(21)00625-2. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2021.07.020.
  58. Mundy LR, Klassen A, Pusic AL, Hollenbeck ST,Gage MJ. Reply: Identifying Factors Most Important to Lower Extremity Trauma Patients: Key Concepts from the Development of a Patient-Reported Outcome Instrument for Lower Extremity Trauma, The LIMB-Q. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2021 Sep 1;148(3):510e-511e. 
  59. LaRose M, Cunningham D, Paniagua A, Gage M. Long-Term Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after Orthopaedic Injury: Prevalence and Risk Factors. J Orthop Trauma. 2021 Aug 25. 
  60. Cunningham D, LaRose M, Zhang G, Au S, MacAlpine E, Paniagua A, Klifto CS, Gage MJ. Regional Anesthesia Reduces Inpatient and Outpatient Perioperative Opioid Demand in Peri-articular Elbow Surgery Regional anesthesia in elbow fracture surgery. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Sep 1:S1058-2746(21).
  61. Cunningham DJ, Robinette JP, Paniagua AR, LaRose MA, Blatter M, Gage MJ. Regional anesthesia does not decrease opioid demand in pelvis and acetabulum fracture surgery. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2021 Sep 14.
  62. Mundy LR, Klassen A, Pusic AL, Hollenbeck ST, Gage MJ. Reply: Identifying Factors Most Important to Lower Extremity Trauma Patients: Key Concepts from the Development of a Patient-Reported Outcome Instrument for Lower Extremity Trauma, The LIMB-Q. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2021 Sep 1;148(3):510e-511e. 
  63. O'Donnell JA, Gage MJ. Proximal Humerus Geriatric Fracture Care: Fix, Replace, or Nonoperative Treatment? J Orthop Trauma. 2021 Oct 1;35(Suppl 5):S6-S10. 
  64. Ida Leah Gitajn, MD; Paul M. Werth, PhD; Sheila Sprague, PhD; Nathan O’Hara, MHA; Gregory Della Rocca, MD; Robert Zura, MD; Meir Marmor, MD; Christopher M. Domes, MD; Lauren C. Hill, BS, CCRC; Christine Churchill, MA; Christine Townsend, BSc;Chi Van, MS; Natalie Hogan, BSc; Cara Girardi, BSc; Gerard P. Slobogean, MD, MPH; PREP-IT Investigators Association of COVID-19 With Achieving Time-to-Surgery Benchmarks in Patients With Musculoskeletal Trauma. JAMA Health Forum. 2021;2(10):e213460.
  65. Cunningham D, LaRose M, Zhang G, Au S, MacAlpine E, Paniagua A, Klifto CS, Gage MJ. Regional Anesthesia Reduces Inpatient and Outpatient Perioperative Opioid Demand in Peri-articular Elbow Surgery – Letter to the editor. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Nov 11:S1058-2746(21)00777-1. 
  66. Cunningham DJ, Blatter M, Adams SB, Gage MJ. State regulation positively impacts opioid prescribing patterns in ankle fracture surgery: A national and state-level analysis. 2021 Nov 17:S0020-1383(21)00946-3.
  67. Cunningham DJ, Paniagua A, DeLaura I, Zhang GX, Kim BI, Kim J, Lee T, LaRose M, Adams SB Jr, Gage MJ. Regional Anesthesia Decreases Early Perioperative Opioid Demand but Increases Late Opioid Demand in Ankle and Distal Tibia Fracture Surgery. Foot Ankle Orthop. 2022 Jan 21;7(1):2473011421S00160. 
  68. Cunningham DJ, LaRose M, Zhang G, Au S, MacAlpine E, Paniagua A, Klifto CS, Gage MJ. Response to Shen et al regarding "Regional anesthesia reduces inpatient and outpatient perioperative opioid demand in peri-articular elbow surgery". J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2022 Feb;31(2):e83-e84. 
  69. Cunningham DJ, Paniagua A, LaRose M, Kim B, MacAlpine E, Wixted C, Gage MJ. Hip Fracture Surgery: Regional Anesthesia and Opioid Demand. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2022 Mar 18. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-21-00786.  
  70. Paniagua AR, Cunningham DJ, LaRose MA, Morriss NJ, Gage MJ. Psychological resilience as a predictor of opioid consumption after orthopaedic trauma. 2022 Mar 10:S0020-1383(22)00206-6. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2022.03.021.
  71. Cunningham DJ, LaRose M, Zhang G, Patel P, Paniagua A, Gadsden J, Gage MJ. Regional Anesthesia Associated With Decreased Inpatient and Outpatient Opioid Demand in Tibial Plateau Fracture Surgery. Anesth Analg. 2022 May 1;134(5):1072-1081. 
  72. Whitlock KG, LaRose M, Barber H, Fletcher A, Cunningham D, Menken L, Yoon RS, Gage MJ. Deltoid ligament repair versus trans-syndesmotic fixation for bimalleolar equivalent ankle fractures. 2022 Apr 1:S0020-1383(22)00253-4.
  73. Cunningham DJ, Paniagua A, DeLaura I, Zhang G, Kim B, Kim J, Lee T, LaRose M, Adams S, Gage MJ. Regional Anesthesia Decreases Inpatient But Not Outpatient Opioid Demand in Ankle and Distal Tibia Fracture Surgery. Foot Ankle Spec. 2022 Apr 19:19386400221088453.


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