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Charles J. Fox, MD

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Education and Training

  • Univeristy of Maryland Baltimore County, BA
  • George Washinton University, MD
  • Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Surgery, Residency
  • Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Vascular Surgery, Fellowship
  • American Board of Surgery, Inc., Certifications


Dr. Charles Fox came from Denver Health and the University of Colorado where he functioned as a Trauma and Vascular Surgeon. Dr. Fox is a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel and former program director for vascular surgery training at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC. His medical career began as firefighter-paramedic for the Baltimore County Fire Department. After serving as an 82nd Airborne Division paratrooper, he became a special forces medic and deployed to the Middle East.  Following medical school, he served as a flight surgeon for the 10th Special Forces Group in Bosnia. Following his surgical training he was deployed to Baghdad, Iraq and later as chief and trauma director for the 31st Combat Hospital in Afghanistan. Dr Fox is now a well-recognized vascular surgeon with an academic interest in hemorrhage control and vascular trauma care. He is a reviewer for the Journal of Vascular Surgery and is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery and the Journal of Endovascular Trauma Management.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Resuscitation, Trauma, Endovascular, Vascular Surgery

Highlighted Publications

DuBose JJ, Morrison J, Moore LJ, Cannon JW, Seamon M, Inaba K,  Fox CJ, Moore EE,  Feliciano D, Scalea T. Clamshell thoracotomy better facilitates thoracic life-saving procedures without increased complications compared to anterolateral approach to resuscitative thoracotomy: Results from the AAST AORTA registry, J. Am Coll of Surg. 2020 Sep. Online ahead of print.

Fox CJ, Moore EE. The Posterior Approach to the Mid-Popliteal Vessels is the Preferred Approach for an Isolated Knee Injury. J. Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Oct;89(4): e101-e105.

Bukur M, Dubose J, Fox CJ, Scalea T, Podbielski J, Moore LJ, Temporal Changes in REBOA Utilization Practices are Associated with Increased Survival: An Analysis of the Aorta Registry. Shock. 2020 Aug 24. Online ahead of print.

Fox CJ, Morton A, Watters A, Mehler P. Abdominal Pain Associated with Anorexia Nervosa and Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome: A Rare Condition Shadowed by a Post-Operative Conversion Disorder J. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. Vol 54:6; 2020.

Brenner M, Moore L, Bishoy Z, Schwed A, Cralley A, Romagnoli A, Fox CJ, Scalea T, Burlew CC. Scalpel or Sheath? Outcomes comparison between Pre-Peritoneal Pelvic Packing and Angioembolization for Definitive Hemorrhage Control after REBOA. J. Endovascular Trauma Management. Vol. 4, No. 1; 2020; pp 49–55.

Plotkin S, Magee G, Fox, CJ. A standardized trauma-specific endovascular inventory. J. Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Aug;89(2S Suppl 2):S83-S87.

Musawi M, Fackelmayer O, Fox CJ. Sleeve Fistulectomy: A Novel Hybrid Technique to Manage the Degenerative Arteriovenous Fistula. Ann. Vasc. Surg. 2020 Feb;63:450-453.

Magee G, Fox, CJ, Moore, EE. Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta in Pelvic Ring Fractures: The Denver Health Protocol. Injury 2020 Jan.


Additional Publication Citations

Research Interests

Clinical Specialty Details

Awards and Affiliations

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