Academic Title:
Assistant Professor
Primary Appointment:
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science
Additional Title:
Assistant Professor
AHRB - 240A (office) MSTF - 6-34B (lab office), 6-22 and 6-23 (lab)
Phone (Primary):
Education and Training
- BS, Exercise Science, Pfeiffer University, 2005
- DPT, Duke University, 2009
- Certificate in Neurologic Physical Therapy (Residency), University of Southern California, 2010
- PhD, Neuroscience, The Ohio State University, 2019
- Postdoctoral Research, Duke University, 2024
Dr. Faw is a neuroscientist and physical therapist whose expertise is in the neurobiology of nervous system damage and treatment of adults with neurologic damage. His teaching efforts within the Doctor of Physical Therapy program range from basic neuroscience and neuroanatomy to clinical management of individuals with spinal cord injury. His research interests include cellular and molecular responses to central nervous system (CNS) damage; therapeutic strategies to promote CNS plasticity, repair, and functional recovery; and neurobiological mechanisms underlying rehabilitation and motor learning.
Research/Clinical Keywords
Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, CNS Injury, Neuroplasticity, White Matter Plasticity, Myelin Plasticity, Rehabilitation, Motor Learning, Locomotor Recovery
Highlighted Publications
Faw TD, Lerch JK, Thaxton TT, Deibert RJ, Fisher LC, Basso DM. (2018) Unique Sensory and Motor Behavior in Thy1-GFP-M Mice before and after Spinal Cord Injury. J Neurotrauma. 35(18):2167-2182. PMID: 29385890; PMCID: PMC6119226.
Faw TD, Lakhani B, Schmalbrock P, Knopp MV, Lohse KR, Kramer JLK, Liu H, Nguyen HT, Phillips EG, Bratasz A, Fisher LC, Deibert RJ, Boyd LA, McTigue DM, Basso DM. (2021) Eccentric rehabilitation induces white matter plasticity and sensorimotor recovery in chronic spinal cord injury. Exp Neurol. 346:113853. PMID: 34464653; PMCID: PMC10084731.
Lewis NE, Tabarestani TQ, Cellini BR, Zhang N, Marrotte EJ, Wang H, Laskowitz DT, Abd-El-Barr MM, Faw TD. (2022) Effect of Acute Physical Interventions on Pathophysiology and Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature. Neurospine. 19(3):671-686. PMID: 36203293; PMCID: PMC9537860
Cigliola V, Shoffner A, Lee N, Ou J, Gonzalez TJ, Hoque J, Becker CJ, Han Y, Shen G, Faw TD, Abd-El-Barr MM, Varghese S, Asokan A, Poss KD. (2023) Spinal cord repair is modulated by the neurogenic factor Hb-egf under direction of a regeneration-associated enhancer. Nat Commun. 14(1):4857. PMID: 37567873; PMCID: PMC10421883.
Mace BE, Lassiter E, Arulraja EK, Chaparro E, Cantillana V, Gupta R, Faw TD, Laskowitz DT, Kolls BJ. (2024) Optimization of a translational murine model of closed-head traumatic brain injury. Neurol Res. 46(4):304-317. doi: 10.1080/01616412.2024.2302261. Epub 2024 Jan 10. PMID: 38197610.
Additional Publication Citations
Fisher BE, Lee YY, Pitsch EA, Moore B, Southam A, Faw TD, Powers CM. (2013) Method for assessing brain changes associated with gluteus maximus activation. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 43(4):214-21. PMID: 23485621.
Hansen CN, Faw TD, White S, Buford JA, Grau JW, Basso DM. (2016) Sparing of Descending Axons Rescues Interneuron Plasticity in the Lumbar Cord to Allow Adaptive Learning After Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury. Front Neural Circuits. 10:11. PMID: 26973469; PMCID: PMC4773638.
Hansen CN, Norden DM, Faw TD, Deibert R, Wohleb ES, Sheridan JF, Godbout JP, Basso DM. (2016) Lumbar Myeloid Cell Trafficking into Locomotor Networks after Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury. Exp Neurol. 282:86-98. PMID: 27191729; PMCID: PMC4930359.
Norden DM, Faw TD, McKim DB, Deibert RJ, Fisher LC, Sheridan JF, Godbout JP, Basso DM. (2019) Bone Marrow-Derived Monocytes Drive the Inflammatory Microenvironment in Local and Remote Regions after Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury. J Neurotrauma. 36(6):937-949. PMID: 30014767; PMCID: PMC6484351.
Sawicki CM, Kim JK, Weber MD, Faw TD, McKim DB, Madalena KM, Lerch JK, Basso DM, Humeidan ML, Godbout JP, Sheridan JF. (2019) Microglia Promote Increased Pain Behavior through Enhanced Inflammation in the Spinal Cord during Repeated Social Defeat Stress. J Neurosci. 39(7):1139-1149. PMID: 30559153; PMCID: PMC6381245.
Wang H, Faw TD, Lin Y, Huang S, Venkatraman TN, Cantillana V, Lascola CD, James ML, Laskowitz DT. (2021) Neuroprotective Pentapeptide, CN-105, Improves Outcomes in Translational Models of Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care. 35(2):441-450. PMID: 33474632.
Tabarestani TQ, Lewis NE, Kelly-Hedrick M, Zhang N, Cellini BR, Marrotte EJ, Williamson T, Wang H, Laskowitz DT, Faw TD, Abd-El-Barr MM. (2022) Surgical Considerations to Improve Recovery in Acute Spinal Cord Injury. Neurospine. 19(3):689-702. PMID: 36203295; PMCID: PMC9537855.
Research Interests
Dr. Faw’s translational research is informed by years of neurologic physical thearpist practice and conducting foundational studies using clinically-relevant animal models of CNS injury. This research seeks to better understand the cellular and molecular responses underlying CNS damage and repair, as well as the ability of rehabilitation and/or novel therapeutics to influence these processes from rodents to humans. Cellular, molecular, genetic, and behavioral approaches performed in small animal models allow development and testing of therapeutics for clinical translation. Moreover, the use of clinically-relevant rehabilitation paradigms and behavioral outcomes in rodents, such as treadmill locomotion, kinematics, and magnetic resonance imaging, allow for rapid translation or even parallel study in clinical populations. The overall goal of Dr. Faw’s research program is to improve the ability of individuals living with neurologic dysfunction to participate in the things they find meaningful.
Clinical Specialty Details
Dr. Faw was Board Certified as a Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy in 2011. He specializes in rehabilitation of individuals with CNS damage (i.e. spinal cord injury, acquired brain injury, and stroke).
Awards and Affiliations
- Travel Award, International Symposium on Neural Regeneration, 2017
- Mary Lou Barnes Award, Foundation for Physical Therapy, 2017
- Promotion of Doctoral Studies Level II Scholarship, Foundation for Physical Therapy, 2017
- Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31), National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, 2016
- Travel Award, Neuroscience Graduate Program, The Ohio State University, 2016
- Outstanding Oral Presentation, The Ohio State University IGP Life Sciences Symposium, 2016
- Research Day Award, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Research Day, 2016
- Promotion of Doctoral Studies Level II Scholarship, Foundation for Physical Therapy, 2016
- Travel Award, International Symposium on Neural Regeneration, 2015
- Patricia Leahy Award, Foundation for Physical Therapy, 2015
- Promotion of Doctoral Studies Level I Scholarship, Foundation for Physical Therapy, 2015
- Specialization Academy of Content Experts Inductee (Neurology), American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, 2015
- Promotion of Doctoral Studies Level I Scholarship, Foundation for Physical Therapy, 2014
Professional Activity
State / Local
2006–2009 Member, North Carolina Physical Therapy Association
2009–2010 Member, California Physical Therapy Association
2010–2013 Member, Florida Physical Therapy Association
2013–2019 Member, Ohio Physical Therapy Association
2020–Present Member, APTA of North Carolina
2025-Present Member, APTA Maryland
2006–Present Member, APTA
2024–Present Member, American Spinal Injury Association
2014–Present Member, Society for Neuroscience
2022–Present Member, North American Spinal Cord Injury Consortium