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Jenifer O. Fahey, PhD, MSN, MPH, CNM

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences

Administrative Title:

Director of Midwifery Division

Additional Title:

Assistant Professor Division Director Midwifery


11 South Paca, 4th Floor

Phone (Primary):


Education and Training

The University of Texas at Austin

Bachelor of Arts, 1994

Humanities with Special Honors


Harvard University, School of Public Health

Master of Science in Public Health, 1997

Population and International Health/Reproductive Health

Thesis:  Obstetric Risk Scoring:  Evaluating Perceptions and Management Options


Yale University, School of Nursing

Certificate in Nursing, 1999

Master of Science in Nursing, 2000

Nurse-Midwifery Program


University of Maryland, School of Public Health

Doctoral Candidate, 2012-present (expected completion 2017)

Maternal and Child Health, PhD program


Jenifer was born and raised in Mexico City, Mexico.  She received her B.A. from the University of Texas and her Masters of Science in Public Health from Harvard University’s School of Public Health.  After spending a year in England where she worked with British midwives, Jenifer trained as a midwife and received her Masters in Nursing from Yale University’s School of Nursing.  Currently, she is a doctoral student in the PhD program in Maternal and Child Health at the University of Maryland School of Public Health.  Her dissertation work will be on the health of women in the year following childbirth.

 She has participated in a series of initiatives to improve perinatal outcomes in Baltimore and throughout Maryland.  These activities have included participation in the Baltimore Babies Born Healthy Leadership in Action (Baby-LAP), the Maryland Patient Safety Center’s Perinatal Collaborative, the revision of the State’s Perinatal Systems Standards, and in the development of Baltimore’s 10-year initiative to reduce infant mortality – B’More for Healthy Babies.  She is a co-founder and current Board Member of PRONTO International – an NGO that provides Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care training internationally.   She is an Associate Editor. For the Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health and is one of the editors of Varney’s Midwifery, 5th Edition, the primary midwifery text in the U.S. 

Research/Clinical Keywords

Postpartum health; fetal heart rate monitoring, simulation, shoulder dystocia, group prenatal care

Highlighted Publications

Fahey, JO. and Shenassa, E. (2013), Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Women in the Postpartum Period: The Perinatal Maternal Health Promotion Model. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 58: 613–621.


Walker, D., Fritz, J., Olvera, M., Lamadrid, H., Cohen, S., & Fahey, J. (2014). PRONTO Low-Tech Obstetric Simulation and Team Training in Mexico Improves Patient Outcomes, and Evidence-Based Care at Birth. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 123, 176S-177S.

Fahey, JO.  (2014).  The recognition and management of intrapartum fetal heart rate emergencies: Beyond definitions and classification.  Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 59(6): 616-623.
