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Shifeng Chen, PhD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:

Radiation Oncology

Administrative Title:

Chief of Clinical Medical Physics


UMMC/Gudelsky, GGJ-39

Phone (Primary):




Education and Training

Ph.D., Florida State University, 2006

I received the PhD degree of Physics from Florida State University in 2006. I then pursued postdoctoral training in the Department of Radiation Oncology, at Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC. I then joined the department of Radiation Oncology as an Assistant Professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. In 2012 I came to the University of Maryland where I am currently a Professor and Chief of Clinical Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology.


My research interests are in the areas of clinical data mining. With existing clinical database (patient data, radiation dose, and clinical outcomes), the treatment outcomes can be modeled and used to guide the treatment of future patients. I have devoted my efforts to model normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) using machine learning method. My clinical interests focus on development and implementation of innovative technologies in the clinical practice. While at the University of Maryland, I have implemented many programs into clinical practice, such as, RayStation Treatment Planning System, calculaton-based patient specific QA, Linac-based SRS,  and thermal therapy program, etc.   

I am a member of American Association of Physicists in Medicine, and American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. I am a member of the Board of Editors for Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. 

Research/Clinical Keywords

NTCP, IMRT/VMAT, SRS/SBRT, treatment planning system, radiation safety and quality, HDR, and thermal therapy

Highlighted Publications


  1. Chen S, Avakian H, Burkert VD, et al. (CLAS Collaboration). Measurement of deeply virtual Compton scattering with a polarized proton target. Phys Rev Lett. 2006;97:072002
  2. Chen S, Zhou S, Yin F, Marks L, Das S. Investigation of the support vector machine algorithm to predict lung radiation-induced pneumonitis. Med Phys. 2007;34(10):3808–3814.
  3. Chen S, Zhou S, Zhang J, Yin F, Marks L, Das S. A neural network model to predict lung radiation-induced pneumonitis. Med Phys. 2007;34(9):3420–3427
  4. Das S, Chen S, Deasy J, Zhou S, Yin F, Marks L. Combining multiple models to generate consensus: Application to radiation-induced pneumonitis prediction. Med Phys. 2008;35(11):5098–5109.
  5. Chen S, Zhou S, Yin F, Marks L, Das S. Using patient data similarities to predict radiation pneumonitis via a self-organizing map. Phys Med Biol. 2008;53:203.
  6. Boggs H, Guerrero M, Patel K, Chen S, Moeslein F, Amin P, Vujaskovic Z. Pelvic local recurrence in a patient with muscle-invasive bladder cancer treated with interstitial thermal therapy and interstitial brachytherapy. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2015;5(5): e483–e487.
  7. Chen S, Yi B, Yang X, Xu H, Prado KL, D’Souza WD. Optimizing the MLC model parameters for IMRT in the RayStation treatment planning system. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2015;16(5):322–332.
  8. Souchek JJ, Baine MJ, Lin C, Rachagani S, Gupta S, Kaur S, Lester K, Zheng S, Chen S, Smith L, Lazenby A, Johansson SL, Jain M, Batra SK. Unbiased analysis of pancreatic cancer radiation resistance reveals cholesterol biosynthesis as a novel target for radiosensitisation. Br J Cancer. 2014;111(6):1139–1149.
  9. Chen S, Yi B, Yang X, Xu H, Prado KL, D’Souza WD. Optimizing the MLC model parameters for IMRT in the RayStation treatment planning system. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2015;16(5):322–332.
  10. Boggs H, Guerrero M, Patel K, Chen S, Moeslein F, Amin P, Vujaskovic Z. Pelvic local recurrence in a patient with muscle-invasive bladder cancer treated with interstitial thermal therapy and interstitial brachytherapy. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2015;5(5): e483–e487.
  11. Choi W, Xue M, Lane BF, Kang MK, Patel K, Klahr P, Regine WF, Wang J, Chen S, D'Souza W, Lu W. Individually optimized contrast-enhanced 4D-CT for radiotherapy simulation in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Med Phys. 2016;43:5659.
  12. Xu H, Guerrero M, Chen S, Yang X, Prado K, Schinkel C. Clinical implementation of an electron monitor unit dosimetry system based on Task Group 71 report and a commercial calculation program. J Med Phys. 2016;41:214–218.
  13. Verma V, Chen S, Zhou S, Enke C, Wahl A. Prostate bed target inter-fraction motion using RTOG consensus definitions and daily CT-on-Rails: Differential target motion in the superior versus inferior portion of the CTV? Strahlenther Onkol. 2017;193:38–45.
  14. Chen S, Le Q, Mutaf Y, Lu W, Nichols E, Yi B, Leven T, Prado K, D'Souza W. Feasibility of CBCT-based dose with a patient-specific stepwise HU-to-density curve to determine time of replanning. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2017;18(5):64–69.
  15. Xu H, Lee S, Guerrero M, Yi B, Chen S, Becker S, Chung H, Cheston S. Dosimetric effects of the kV based image-guided radiation therapy of prone breast external beam radiation: Towards the optimized imaging frequency. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2019;20(1):212–219.
  16. Zhang B, Lee S, Chen S, Zhou J, Prado K, D’Souza W, Yi B. Action levels on dose and anatomic variation for adaptive radiation therapy using daily offline plan evaluation: Preliminary results. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2019;9(1):49–54.
  17. Snider JW, Nichols EM, Mutaf YD, Chen S, Molitoris JK, Diwanji T, Becker SJ, Feigenberg SJ. Reproducibility of a novel, vacuum-assisted immobilization for breast stereotactic radiotherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2019;20(12):138–148.
  18. Becker S, Sabouri P, Niu Y, Prado K, Chen S, Nichols E, Yi B. Commissioning and acceptance guide for the GammaPod. Phys Med Biol. 2019;64(20):205021.
  19. Zhang B, Chen S, D’Souza WD, Yi B. A systematic quality assurance framework for the upgrade of radiation oncology information systems. Phys Med. 2019;69:28–35.
  20. Becker S, Niu Y, Mutaf Y, Chen S, Poirier Y, Nichols EM, Yi B. Development and validation of a comprehensive patient‐specific quality assurance program for a novel stereotactic radiation delivery system for breast lesions. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2019;20(12):138–148.
  21. Guerrero M, Fellow Z, Mohindra P, Badiyan S, Lamichhane N, Snider JW, Chen S. Multicriteria optimization: Site-specific class solutions for VMAT plans. Med Dosim. 2020;45(1):7–13.
  22. Zhang B, Chen S, Nichols E, D’Souza W, Prado K, Yi B. A practical cyberattack contingency plan for radiation oncology. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2020;21(7):181–186.
  23. Remick JS, Kowalski E, Khairnar R, Sun K, Morse E, Cherng HR, Poirier Y, Lamichhane N, Becker SJ, Chen S, Patel A, Kwok Y, Nichols E, Mohindra P, Woodworth GW, Regine WF, Mishra MV. A multi-center analysis of single-fraction versus hypofractionated stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of brain metastasis. Radiat Oncol. 2020;15(1):128.
  24. Mohindra P, Buchey CR, Chen S, Sio TN, Rong Y. Radiation therapy considerations during the COVID-19 pandemic: Literature review and expert opinions. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2020;21(5):6–12.
  25. Luo Y, Chen S, Valdes G. Machine learning for radiation outcome modeling and prediction. Med Phys. 2020;47(5):e178–e184.
  26. Kowalski E, Remick JS, Sun K, Alexander GS, Khairnar R, Morse E, Cherng H, Berg LJ, Poirier Y, Lamichhane N, Becker S, Chen S, Molitoris J, Kwok Y, Regine WF, Mishra MV. Immune checkpoint inhibition in patients treated with stereotactic radiation for brain metastases. Radiat Oncol 2020; 15 (245).
  27. Yang D, Lasio G, Zhang B, Yi B, Chen S, Zhang Y, Macvittie TJ, Metaxas D, Zhou J. Automated pulmonary fibrosis segmentation using a 3D multi-scale convolutional encoder-decoder approach in thoracic CT for the Rhesus Macaque with radiation-induced lung damage.   J Sig Processing Syst 2020; 
  28. Hamza M, Rice S, Lamichhane N, Chen S, Mohindra P. Conformal radiotherapy in patients with cardiovascular implantable electronic devices: Proposed practical implementation of the TG-203 Risk-Stratified Interrogation Schedule. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2021 Apr 3;S1879-8500(21)00104-1.
  29. Snider JW, Nichols EM, Mutaf YD, Chen S, Molitoris J, Diwanji T, Becker SJ, Feigenberg SJ. Reproducibility of a novel, vacuum-assisted immobilization for breast stereotactic radiotherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2021 Mar 3.
  30. Xu H, Zhang B, Guerrero M, Lee S, Lamichhane N, Chen S, Yi B. Toward automation of initial chart check for photon/electron EBRT: the clinical implementation of new AAPM task group reports and automation techniques. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2021 April 2.
  31. MacFarlane MJ, Jiang K, Mundis M, Nichols E, Gopal A, Chen S, Biswal NC. Comparison of the dosimetric accuracy of proton breast treatment plans delivered with SGRT and CBCT setups. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2021
  32. Wang G, Zhai S, Lasio G, Zhang B, Yi B, Chen S, MacVittie TJ, Metaxas D, Zhou J, Zhang S. Semi-supervised segmentation of radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis from lung CT scans with multi-scale guided dense attention. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2022 Mar; 41(3): 531-542
  33. Kalavagunta C, Xu H, Zhang B, Mossahebi S, MacFarlane M, Jiang K, Lee S, Chen S, Sawant A, Gopal A, , and Yi B, “Is comprehensive weekly MLC QA necessary? Multisite EPID-based QA”, J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022; 23(8):e13699
  34. Yi B, Lee S, Chen S, Sawant A, Zhang B, “ Readiness for radiation treatment continuity: survey on contingency plans against cyberattacks”, Adv. Radiat. Oncol. 2022, Sep-Oct; 795):100990
  35. Xu H, Cheston SB, Gopal A, Zhang B, Chen S, Yu S, Hall A, Dudley S, “A study of skin marker alignment using different diamond-shaped light fields for prone breast external-beam radiation therapy ”, J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Aug 27:e13772
  36. Biswal NC, Rodrigues DB, Yao W, Molitoris JK, Witek ME, Chen S. “Evaluation of intrafraction couch shifts for proton treatment delivery in head-and-neck cancer patients: Toward optimal imaging frequency”. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022 Oct 14:e13795


