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Rong Chen, PhD, MS, MTR

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:

Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine


100 N Greene St, 411

Phone (Primary):




Education and Training

Southeast University, China, B.S. 1996, Biomedical Engineering
The Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, M.S. 1999, Electrical Engineering
Washington State University, Pullman, WA, Ph.D. 2003, Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Postdoctoral Researcher, 2005, Radiology
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, M.T.R, 2012, Translational Research


Dr. Chen has a strong background in computational neuroscience, machine learning, neuroimaging, and clinical and translational research. Dr. Chen’s research focuses on leveraging machine learning and neuroimaging to understand the relationship between the brain and behavior across scales. This work leads to next-generation AI, a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind cognition, emotion, and decision-making, as well as novel therapeutic concepts for brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, substance use disorder, autism, sickle cell disease, and HIV. He has 20 years of experience in advanced modeling, algorithm, and software development. He has released two open-source biomedical data mining software packages on NITRC: the GAMMA suite and Advanced Connectivity Analysis.

Dr. Chen is Associate Vice Chair of AI, Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine. He is a senior member of IEEE. As the PI, Dr. Chen conducts research funded by NIH NINDS, NIA, NIDA, the BRAIN initiative, and Oracle. 

Research/Clinical Keywords

Computational Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Neuroimaging, Biomedical Data Analysis, Translational Medicine, Clinical Research

Highlighted Publications


Chen R. Bayesian Coherence Analysis for Microcircuit Structure Learning, Neuroinformatics, 2022. (Learn a Markov network with Bayesian network learning)

Chen R., Causal network inference for neural ensemble activity, Neuroinformatics, 19(3), 515-527, 2021. (A machine learning framework of causal inference based on neural activity data)

Barbera G, Liang B, Zhang LF, Gerfen CR, Culurciello E, Chen R#, Li Y#, Lin DT#. Spatially Compact Neural Clusters In The Dorsal Striatum Encode Locomotion Relevant Information. 92(1):202-213, Neuron. 2016. # co-corresponding authors. (The first study for calcium imaging based neural decoding). 

Chen R, Herskovits EH, Graphical-Model-based Morphometric Analysis. IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging. Vol 24, 1237-1248, October 2005. (A Bayesian computational framework for high-dimensional neuroimaging data)

Chen R, Sivakumar K, Kargupta H, Collective Mining of Bayesian Networks from Distributed Heterogeneous Data, Knowledge and Information Systems. 6(2):164-187, 2004. (The first study about distributed Bayesian network learning)


Additional Publication Citations
