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Yonmee Chang, MD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:



UMMC, S11C00

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-9799


(410) 328-5531

Education and Training


09/1997–12/1998: University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
01/1999–12/2001: B.A., (Cum Laude), Biology, New York University
08/2003–05/2007: M.D., UMDNJ – New Jersey Medical School

Post Graduate Training

06/2007–06/2008: Internship, Internal Medicine, Georgetown University Hospital
07/2008-06/2010: Residency, Internal Medicine, Georgetown University Hospital
07/2013–06/2016: Residency, Anesthesiology, University of Texas Medical Branch
08/2016–07/2017: Fellowship, Pediatric Anesthesiology, Children’s National Medical Center
08/2017–07/2018: Fellowship, Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesiology, Children’s National Medical Center

Highlighted Publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles

1. I. Lebedeva, Z. Su, Y. Chang, S. Kitada, J. Reed, P. Fisher. “The cancer growth suppressing gene mda-7 induces apoptosis selectively in human melanoma cells.” Oncogene, Jan 2002, Vol. 21(5) p.708-18
2. I. Fayed, Y. Chang, R. Keating, S. Reddy. “Spontaneous subdural haematoma in a paediatric patient on anticoagulant therapy.” BMJ Case Reports, Nov 2017, doi:10.1136/bcr-2017-223041

Book Chapters

1. Y. Chang , A. Matisoff. Pediatric Anesthesiology: A Problem Based Learning Approach, Chapter 11. William’s Syndrome, Edited by ?, New York, Oxford University Press, 2018 [Accepted]

Proffered Communications

1. K. Sowerwine, Y. Chang, U. Le, K. Petrie, J. Baraniuk. Ketorolac Nasal Provocation in Aspirin Sensitivity, Georgetown University Hospital, Research Day, 2009
2. Y. Chang. Malignant Hyperthermia, University of Texas Medical Branch, Grand Rounds Lecture, 2016
3. Y. Chang, R. Harvey, N. Sanborn, A. McQuitty. Code Bag Optimization, University of Texas Medical Branch, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Poster Session, 2016
4. Y. Chang, R. Kaplan, A. Matisoff. Williams-Beuren Syndrome and Anesthetic Implications, Children’s National Medical Center, Grand Rounds Lecture, 2016
5. Y. Chang, A. Waberski. Pre-medications in Children, Children’s National Medical Center, Grand Rounds Lecture, 2017
