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Kenneth H. Butler, DO

Academic Title:

Clinical Professor

Primary Appointment:

Emergency Medicine


110 South Paca Street 6th floor, Suite 200

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-8025


(410) 328-8028

Education and Training

Residency: Emergency Medicine, Michigan State University

Medical School, West Virginia Medical School


Dr. Butler is an internationally recognized expert in advanced airway management. A member of the emergency medicine faculty at the University of Maryland since 1994, he has become the “go-to” instructor for faculty, resident, and student education on the latest trends and techniques in emergency airway control techniques. Dr. Butler is a core faculty member for the national Practical Emergency Airway Management seminar, offered monthly in Baltimore, and a regular speaker at the board preparation courses hosted by the Ohio chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the Michigan chapter of the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians. He has been an invited lecturer at conferences in South Africa, Greece, France, Italy, Poland, Egypt, China, and Argentina. His teaching skills have been recognized with the presentation of the inaugural Associate Residency Director of the Year Award from the Emergency Medicine Residents Association and ACEP’s National Emergency Medicine Faculty Teaching Award.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Airway Management, Emergency Medicine

Highlighted Publications

  • Levitan RM, Bortle CD, Snyder TA, Nitsch DA, Pisaturo JT, Butler KH. Use of a battery-operated needle driver for intraosseous access by novice users: skill acquisition with cadavers. Annals of Emergency Medicine 54(4):692–694, November 2009.
  • Kratz SN, Butler KH. Vertebral artery dissection presenting as acute cerebrovascular accident. Journal of Emergency Medicine 40(2):151–157, February 2011.
  • Bond MC, Butler KH. Elder abuse and neglect: definitions, epidemiology, and approaches to emergency department screening. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 29(1):257‒273, February 2013.
  • Wilkerson RG, Butler KH, Witting MD. Emergency cricothyroidotomies for trauma: further considerations. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 31(6):990‒991, June 2013.
  • Butler KH. Management of patients with laryngospasm. In Berkow L, Sakles J (eds). Cases in Emergency Airway Management. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2015, chapter 15, pp 112-118.