Academic Title:
Primary Appointment:
Epidemiology & Public Health
Secondary Appointment(s):
660 West Redwood St., Howard Hall
Phone (Primary):
(410) 706-1058
Education and Training
Dr. Brown received his B.S. in Mathematics and Psychology from the University of Oregon, M.S. in Biostatistics from the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and his Ph.D. in Biostatistics from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Dr. Brown is a biostatistician and Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. He is also the Director of the Biostatistics Unit in the V.A. Capitol Healthcare Network MIRECC (Mental Illness, Research, Education and Clinical Center). He collaborates with a wide range of scientists and clinician investigators in medicine, epidemiology, health services, and behavioral interventions research. He is the coursemaster and instructor for Principles of Biostatistics, the entry-level statistics course required in several academic programs in the UMSOM Graduate School, including the Ph.D. in Epidemiology and Human Genetics, MPH in Epidemiology, and M.S. in Clinical Research programs. In addition he has mentored multiple career development awardees (K’s, VA CDA’s) in statistics and served as a statistical consultant/mentor for the NIMH-funded Summer Research Institute in Geriatric Psychiatry for four years.
Research/Clinical Keywords
Analysis of longitudinal and other clustered data, clinical trials, missing data, factor analysis, mental illness.
Highlighted Publications
Margo, J.A., Munir, W.M., Brown, C.H., Hoover, C.K. (epub Dec 2016). Association between endothelial cell density and transplant suitability of corneal tissue with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. JAMA Ophthalmology.
Slack, D.F., Corwin, D.S., Shah, N.G., Shanholtz, C.B., Verceles, A.C., Netzer, G., Jones, K.M., Brown, C.H., Terrin, M.L., Hasday, J.D. (July 2017). Pilot feasibility study of therapeutic hypothermia for moderate to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. Critical Care Medicine, 45(7): 1152-1159.
Lucksted, A.L., Drapalski, A.L., Brown, C.H., Wilson, C., Charlotte, M., Mullane, A., Fang, L. (April 2017). Outcomes of a Psychoeducational Intervention to Reduce Internalized Stigma among Psychosocial Rehabilitation Clients. Psychiatric Services, 68(4):360-367.
Oswald, L.M., Wand, G.S., Wong, D.F., Brown, C.H., Kuwabara, H., Brasic, J.R. (June 2015). Risky decision-Making and Ventral Striatal Dopamine Responses to Amphetamine: A Positron emission Tomography [11C]Raclopride Study in Healthy Adults. NeuroImage,113:26-36.
Deutsch, S.I., Schwartz, B.L., Schooler, N.R., Brown, C.H., Rosse, R.B., Rosse, S.M. (Aug 2013). Targeting alpha-7 nicotinic neurotransmission in schizophrenia: A pilot study of a novel agonist strategy. Schizophrenia Research 148(1-3), 138-44.
Brown, C.H., Medoff, D., Dickerson, F.B., Fang, L., Lucksted, A., Goldberg, R.W., Kreyenbuhl, J., Himelhoch, S., Dixon, L.B. (Apr 2015). Factors Influencing Implementation of Smoking Cessation Treatment within Community Mental Health Centers. Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 11(2), 1-6.
Brown, C., Leith, J., Dickerson, F., Medoff, D., Kreyenbuhl, J., Fang, L., Goldberg, R., Potts, W., Dixon, L. (2010). Predictors of mortality in patients with serious mental illness and co-occurring type 2 diabetes. Psychiatry Research, 177, 250 - 254
Additional Publication Citations
More of my publications can be found by clicking on the following link: