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Jayaum Booth, MSc, PhD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:


Education and Training

B.Sc (honors), Microbiology and Immunology, 2000                 
College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

M.Sc, Pharmacy and Nutrition, 2003
College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

PhD, Veterinary Immunology and Microbiology, 2009
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization/International Vaccine Center
Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2011                  
Internal Medicine-Section of Digestive Diseases
Yale School of Medicine, Yale University, USA

Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2017                  
Center for Vaccine Development and Global health
University of Maryland, USA


I am an immunologist and microbiologist who have worked on elucidating the mechanisms by which the intestine elicit strong specific immune responses to pathogens while maintaining tolerance to commensals and food antigens for the past 12 years.  My work focuses on understanding the interplay between innate and adaptive immunity and the microbiota and its influence on vaccine development by identifying key cellular and molecular players. During my B.Sc training in Canada (University of Saskatchewan), I studied Microbiology and Immunology and was involved in Phage-Prophage research. In my MSc training in the Department of Pharmacy and Nutrition (University of Saskatchewan, Canada), I worked on defining the role of Homeobox D1 (Hox D1) in the development of oligodendrocyte development. During my PhD training at the Vaccine and Infectious disease organization (University of Saskatchewan, Canada), I worked on the regulation of TLR9- induced innate immune responses in Peyer’s patches using the sheep, pig and bovine animal models. My research included the study of intestinal homeostasis by using novel adjuvants molecules (CpG ODN, ORN) and modulating the immune responses of Peyer’s Patches cells. During my first post-doctoral training at Yale school of Medicine (Section of digestive diseases, Internal Medicine, Yale University), I focused on understanding the role of NOD2 in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) by defining the dysregulation of the mucosal immune system. Pro-inflammatory and regulatory cytokines were determined in mice models of inflammatory bowel diseases including IL-10/NOD2/Foxp3/IL-17 KO and combination of DKO. Subsequently, I joined the Center for Vaccine Development (CVD) at the University of Maryland to gain expertise in human mucosal immunology as well as to further explore local immune responses to infectious agents and vaccines in the context of translational medicine. As a member of the CVD, I enriched my knowledge in human immunology by working on the induction of immune responses elicited by H. pylori in isolated gastric cells obtained from biopsies from children, adults and the elderly. Additionally, I am working on defining mucosal immune responses (Teff) particularly tissue resident memory T (TRM) cells elicited by the oral vaccine (Ty21a) in isolated terminal ileum cells obtained from biopsies from adults and the elderly. Therefore, my research interests are at the interface of microbiology, mucosal immunology and infectious disease pathogenesis.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Oral vaccine, Ty21a, mucosal immunology, T cells, S. Typhi, tissue resident memory T cells, MAIT cells

Highlighted Publications


  • Booth J. S, Patil S, Ghazi L, Barnes R, Fraser CM, Fasano A, Greenwald B.D, Sztein M.B. Systemic and Terminal ileum mucosal immunity elicited by oral immunization with the Ty21a typhoid vaccine in humans. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Aug 16;4(3):419-437.
  • Booth J. S, Salerno-Goncalves R, Blanchard T.G, Patil S, Kader HA, Safta A.M, Morningstar L.M, Czinn S.J, Greenwald B.D, Sztein M.B. Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cells in the Human Gastric Mucosa and Blood: Role in Helicobacter pylori Infection. Front Immunol. 6:466 2015
  • Booth J. S, Toapanta F.R, Salerno-Goncalves R, Patil S, Kader HA, Safta A.M, Czinn S.J, Greenwald B.D, Sztein M.B. Characterization and functional properties of gastric tissue-resident memory T cells from children, adults, and the elderly. Front Immunol. 5:294 2014
  • Booth J. S, Arsenault R, Napper S, Griebel P. J, Potter A, Babiuk L. A and Mutwiri G. K. TLR9 signaling failure renders Peyer’s patch regulatory B cells unresponsive to CpG oligodeoxynucleotides. J. Innate Immun, 118. 2(5):483-94. 2010.
  • Booth J. S, Griebel P. J, Babiuk L. A and Mutwiri G. K. A novel regulatory B cell population in sheep Peyer’s patches spontaneously secretes IL-10 and downregulates TLR9-induced IFNa responses. Mucosal Immunol. 2(3):265-75.2009.


