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Edward B. Bolgiano, MD

Academic Title:

Clinical Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Emergency Medicine


110 S. Paca Street, Sixth floor, suite 200

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-8025


(410) 328-8028

Education and Training

1976 B.S.  Physics and Mathematics Majors, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL

1983 M.D. University of Maryland School of Medicine

1983-1986  Resident, Internal Medicine, University of Maryland

1986-1988  Resident, Emergency Medicine, Georgetown University/George Washington University


Following Medical School graduation in 1983, I completed residency training in Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine and am board certified in both specialties. I was commisioned as a Medical Officer in the U.S. Navy in 1988 and am still active in the US Navy Reserve. I was forward deployed to Ramadi, Iraq with the 1 Marine Expeditionary Force in 2008 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. During the period 1994-2008 I served as Chairman, Emergency Medicine, Bon Secours Hospital Baltimore. I currently serve as Attending Physician, Emergency Medicine, VA Medical Center, Baltimore, MD.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Tick borne illnesses; Military Medicine

Highlighted Publications

  1. Bolgiano EB, Sexton J. Tick-borne Illnesses. In Marx J, Hockberger R, Walls R, editors. Rosen’sPrinciples and Practice of Emergency Medicine, 8th edition. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2014.

  2. Bolgiano E, Barish R, Tso E, Browne BJ. Coronary artery spasm. Part I: Overview. Journal of Emergency        Medicine     4:307-310, 1986.
  3. Bolgiano E, Barish R, Tso E, Browne BJ, Whye D. Coronary artery spasm. Part II. Journal of Emergency Medicine 4:477-481. 1986
  4.  Bolgiano EB, Foxwell MM, Browne BJ, Barish RA. Deep venous thrombosis of the upper extremity: diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Emergency Medicine 8:85-91, 1990.
  5.  Bolgiano EB, Vachon DA, Barish RA, Browne BJ. Arterial injury from a high pressure water jet: case report. Journal of Emergency Medicine 8:35-40, 1990.
  6.  Bolgiano EB, Sykes L, Barish RA, Zickler R, Eastridge B. Accidental hypothermia with cardiac arrest: recovery following rewarming by cardiopulmonary bypass. Journal of Emergency Medicine 10(4):427-433, 1992.