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Nrusingh C. Biswal, PhD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Radiation Oncology


Maryland Proton Treatment Center

Phone (Primary):

(410) 369-5321


(410) 347-0870

Education and Training

B.Sc, Physics -- Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India

M.Sc, Physics -- Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, India

M.Tech, Laser Technology --  Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India

Ph.D., Electrical Engineering --  University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Residency, Therapeutic Medical Physics -- Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL


Dr. Biswal received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Biomedical Engineering at University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT in 2010. His research focused on " Diffuse optical fluorescence tomography for imaging tumor vasculature and hypoxia", under the supervision of Dr. Quing Zhu. Dr. Biswal completed his Therapeutic Medical Physics residency in Radiation Oncology at Rush University Medical Center in 2015. Dr. Biswal joined us, in 2019, from the Rutgers University where he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology from 2016 to 2019. 

Research/Clinical Keywords

Clinical safety, workflow and efficiency improvement during proton therapy, Molecular Imaging for studying tumor microenvironment, Image-guided proton therapy, Therapeutic response assessment, Imaging and treatment of tumor Hypoxia, Tumor Hyperthermia.

Highlighted Publications

Biswal, N. C., Gupta, S., Ghosh, N., Pradhan, A. Recovery of turbidity free fluorescence from measured fluorescence: an experimental approach. Optics Express. 2003 Dec 1; 11 (24): 3320-3331.

Gupta, S., Nair, M. S., Pradhan, A., Biswal, N. C., Agarwal, N., Agarwal, A., Panigrahi, P. K. Wavelet based characterization of spectral fluctuations in normal, benign and cancerous human breast tissues. J. of Biomedical Optics. 2005; 10(05): 054012(1-8).

Gamelin, J., Yang, Y., Biswal, N. C., Chen, Y., Yan, S., Zhang, X., Karemeddini, M, Brewer, M., Zhu, Q. A prototype hybrid intraoperative probe for ovarian cancer detection; Optics Express. 2009; 17(9): 7245-7258.

Biswal, N. C., Gamelin, J. K., Yuan, B., Becker, M. V., Becker, J. M., Zhu, Q. Fluorescence imaging of vascular endothelial growth factor tumors for mice embedded in turbid medium; J. of Biomedical Optics. 2010; 15(1): 016012 (1-11).

Yang, Y., Wang, T., Biswal, N. C., Wang, X., Sanders, M., Brewer, M., Zhu, Q. Optical scattering coefficient estimated by OCT correlates with collagen content in ovarian tissue. J. of Biomedical Optics. 2011; 16(9): 090504(1-30).

Pavlik, C., Biswal, N. C., Gaenzler, F. C., Morton, M. D., Kuhn, L. T., Claffey K. P., Zhu, Q.,Smith, M. B. Synthesis and fluorescent characteristics of Imidazole-Indocyanine Green conjugates. Dyes and Pigments. 2011; 89(1): 9-15.

Yang, Y., Biswal, N. C., Wang, T., Kumavor, P., Karimeddin, M., Vento, J., Sanders, M., Brewer, M., Zhu, Q. Potential role of a hybrid intraoperative probe based on OCT and positron detection for ovarian cancer detection and characterization; Biomedical Optics Express. 2011; 2(7): 1918-1930.

Biswal, N. C., Pavlik, C., Smith, M. B., Aguirre, A., Xu, Y., Zanganeh, S., Kuhn, L. T., Claffey, K. P., Zhu, Q. Imaging tumor hypoxia by near-infrared fluorescence tomography. J. Biomedical Optics. 2011; 16(6): 066009 (1-8).

Ardeshirpour, Y., Biswal, N. C., Aguirre, A., Zhu, Q. Artifact reduction method in diffuse optical tomography using exogenous contrast agents. J. Biomedical Optics. 2011; 16(4): 046015 (1-11).

Biswal, N.C., Xu, Y., Zhu, Q. Imaging tumor oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin concentrations with ultrasound-guided diffuse optical tomography. Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment. 2011; 10(5): 417-429.

Additional Publication Citations

Clinical Specialty Details

Awards and Affiliations

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