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Roberto M. Benitez, MD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Professor of Medicine Associate Chief (Clinical), Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


Paca-Pratt, 7N-122

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-5396


(410) 328-3530

Education and Training

BA, Biology, Magna Cum Laude, Departmental Honors, Phi Beta Kappa, McDaniel College (Formerly Western Maryland College), Westminster, Maryland 1982

MD, Cum Laude, Alpha Omega Alpha, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, 1986

Internship & Residency, Categorical Internal Medicine, University of Virginia Health Science Center, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1986 - 1989

Chief Resident, Internal Medicine, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore Maryland

Fellowship, Cardiovascular Disease, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland 1989-1992


Dr. Benitez specializes in general cardiovascular medicine with a particular interest in valvular heart disease and echocardiography. He has shown a major interest in the training of residents and fellows and previously was the Program Director for Fellowship in Cardiovascular Disease. Dr. Benitez helped to draft and approve the Milestones for Cardiovascular Medicine for the ABIM/ACGME "Next Accreditation System", has acted on the American College of Cardiology's "Lifelong Learning" committee, and has authored chapters in three editions of the American College of Physican's "Medical Knowledge Self Assessment Program".  He has participated in writing three prior editions of the American College of Physicians "Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program" (MKSAP) and will be a member of the writing team for the upcoming MKSAP 19.  

Dr. Benitez has particular interest in trans-esophageal echocardiography and provides echocardiographic services for the percutaneous mitral structural intervention team.

Dr. Benitez has also participated in the development of the 'Historical CPC' program at the University of Maryland and has been involved in investigating the deaths of Edgar Allan Poe, Alexander the Great and other notable figures.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Valvular Heart Disease Mitral Valve Echocardiography

Highlighted Publications

Mehra MR, Reyes P, Benitez RM, Zimrin D, Gammie JS. Surgery for severe mitral regurgitation and left ventricular failure: what do we really know? J Card Fail.2008 Mar;14(2):145-50.

Mehra MR, Uber PA, Benitez RM. Cardiomyopathy and the dilemma of geometric mitral regurgitation. Current Opinion in Cardiology. 2009;24:179-183.

Vesely MR, Benitez RM, Robinson SW, Collins JA, Dawood MY, Gammie JS. Surgical and Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair for Severe Chronic Mitral Regurgitation: A Review of Clinical Indications and Patient Assessment. J Am Heart Assoc. 2015 Dec 11;4(12). pii: e002424.

Wang A, Grayburn P, Foster J, McCulloch M, Badhwar V, Gammie J, Costa S, Benitez RM, Rinaldi M, Thourani V, Martin R. Practice gaps in the care of mitral valve regurgitation: Insights from the American College of Cardiology mitral regurgitation analysis and advisory panel. Am Heart J. 2016 Feb;172:70-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2015.11.003. Epub 2015 Nov 12.

Awards and Affiliations
