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Roy H. Bechtel, PT, PhD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor (Adjunct Faculty I I)

Primary Appointment:

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science


AHB 240C

Phone (Primary):

(410) 706-4544

Phone (Secondary):

(410) 328-7725 (Frenkel Bldg - PT Outpatient Clinic)


(410) 706-6387

Education and Training


1973 College of Wooster, Wooster, OH BA Urban Studies

1979 University of Maryland, Baltimore BS Physical Therapy

1982 New York University MA Physical Therapy

1998 University of Maryland PhD Biomechanics,  Dissertation: Biomechanical properties of the axial interosseous ligament and surface topology of the human sacroiliac joint. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59 (6), 2626, Dec., 1998.


Active California

Active Maryland

Active New York

Research/Clinical Keywords

physical therapy

Highlighted Publications


1. Benjamin, S., Flood, J., Bechtel, R. and Alon, G. (2007) Measurement of soft tissue

temperature and impedance following the application of transdermal direct current.

Physiotherapy 93: 114-120.

2. Bechtel, R., Cleland, J., and Smith, B. (2006) Researchers and Clinicians: A Growing

Divide or Narrowing Gap? J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 36(7):451-461.

3. *Benjamin, S., Flood, J. and Bechtel, R. (2005) Isokinetic testing prior to and following

anterior lumbar interbody fusion surgery: a pilot study. Isokinetics and Exercise

Science 13(2): 159-162.

4. *Bechtel, R (2001) Physical characteristics of the axial interosseous ligament of the

human sacroiliac joint. The Spine Journal 1 (4): 255-259.

5. * Bechtel, R & Caldwell, G. (1994) The influence of task and angle on torque

production and muscle activity at the elbow. J Electromyog and Kines 4(4): 195-204.

6. * Herzenberg, J.E., Scheufele, L.L., Paley, D., Bechtel, R, & Tepper, S. (1994)

Knee range of motion in isolated femoral lengthening. Clin Orthop and Related Res,


7. * Colangelo, G.A., Hobart, D.J., Belenky, M.M. & Bechtel, R. (1991) Elbow angle

during a simulated task requiring fine psychomotor control". Journal of Dental Education


Additional Publication Citations

Clinical Specialty Details

Awards and Affiliations

Professional Activity

Administrative Service
