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Patrik M. Bavoil, PhD

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:

University of Maryland School of Dentistry

Secondary Appointment(s):

Microbiology and Immunology

Additional Title:

Professor & Chair, Department of Microbial Pathogenesis, University of Maryland School of Dentistry


Dental School, Room 9215

Phone (Primary):

(410) 706-6789 (office)

Phone (Secondary):

(410) 706-7917 (PA)


(410) 706-0865

Education and Training

  • Université de Grenoble, France, Diplôme Universitaire d'Etudes Supérieures (DUES) en Chimie-Biologie, 1972
  • Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France, Maîtrise et Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA) en Biochimie, 1975-6
  • Dept of Microbiology & Immunology, UC Berkeley (Advisor: Prof. Hiroshi Nikaido), Ph.D. in Microbiology, 1982
  • Dept of Laboratory Medicine, UC San Francisco (Advisor: Prof. Julius Schachter), Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1982-4
  • Dept of Medical Microbiology, Stanford University (Advisor: Prof. Stanley Falkow), Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1984-7


Dr. Patrik Bavoil is a leading researcher in the molecular and cellular pathogenesis of Chlamydia spp. that infect humans and animals. He is recognized for his studies of chlamydial type III secretion, the impact of chlamydia phage infection on chlamydial development, the role of the polymorphic membrane protein family of C. trachomatis in infection and disease, and the development of the contact-dependent model of chlamydial development.

Drs. Bavoil and Jacques Ravel (UMB Institute for Genome Sciences) co-direct the NIH-NIAID-funded STI Cooperative Research Center "Ecopathogenomics of Sexually Transmitted Infection" (EPSTI). EPSTI studies investigate the triangular relationship between pathogenomic properties of infecting Chlamydia trachomatis, the dynamics and composition of the vaginal microbiota, and genetics of the infected human host. EPSTI includes the recruitment and documentation of the STING cohort of Chlamydia trachomatis-infected networks led by Drs. James Campbell (UMB School of Medicine) and Mary Regan (UMB School of Nursing), genome-wide association studies of infected STING participants led by Drs. Dennis Ko and Raphael Valdivia (Duke University, North Carolina), investigations of STING serologic biomarkers led by Drs. Bavoil, Garry Myers (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) and Herve Tettelin(UMB Institute for Genome Sciences), and 'omics analyses, biological informatics and biostatistics directed by Drs. Jacques Ravel, Herve Tettelin and Larry Forney (University of Idaho).

Dr. Bavoil is a former president of the Chlamydia Basic Research Society and current President of the Maryland Branch of the American Society for Microbiology. Throughout his career, Dr. Bavoil has been active in editing. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of Pathogens and Disease, a journal of the Federation of European Microbiological Societies.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Microbial pathogenesis, Type III secretion, antigenic variation, biomathematical modelling, comparative genomics, Ecopathogenomics, Chlamydia

Highlighted Publications

  • Bavoil, P.M., H. Nikaido, & K. von Meyenburg. 1977.  Pleiotropic transport mutants of E. coli lack porin, a major outer membrane protein. Molecular and General Genetics 158:23-33.
  • Bavoil, P.M., & H. Nikaido. 1981. Physical interaction between the phage Lambda-receptor protein and the carrier-immobilized maltose-binding protein of Escherichia coli. Journal of Biological Chemistry 256:11385-11388.
  • Bavoil, P.M., A. Ohlin, & J. Schachter. 1984. Role of disulfide bonding in outer membrane structure and permeability in C. trachomatis. Infection and Immunity. 44:479-485.
  • Hsia, R.-c., Y. Pannekoek, E. Ingerowski, & P.M. Bavoil. 1997. Type III secretion genes identify a putative virulence locus of Chlamydia. Molecular Microbiology 25:351-359.
  • Hsia, R.-c., H. Ohayon, P. Gounon, A. Dautry-Varsat, & P.M. Bavoil. 2000. Phage infection of the obligate intracellular bacterium, Chlamydia psittaci strain GPIC. Microbes and Infection 2:761-772.
  • Wilson, D.P., P. Timms, D.L.S. McElwain, & P.M. Bavoil.  2006. Type Three Secretion-mediated, contact-dependent model for the intracellular development of Chlamydia. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 68:1-18.
  • Crane, D.D., J.H. Carlson, P.M. Bavoil, R.-c. Hsia, C. Tan, C.-c. Kuo, & H.D. Caldwell.  2006. Chlamydia trachomatis polymorphic membrane protein D is a species common pan neutralizing antigen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 103:1894-1899.
  • Peters, J., D. Wilson, G.S.A.. Myers, P. Timms & P.M. Bavoil.  2007. Type III secretion à la Chlamydia. Trends in Microbiology 15:241-251.
  • Wilson, D.P., J. Whittum-Hudson, P. Timms, & P.M. Bavoil.  2009. Kinematics of intracellular chlamydiae provide evidence for contact-dependent development. Journal of Bacteriology 191:5734-5742.
  • Tan, C., R.-c. Hsia, H. Shou, J.A. Carrasco, R.G. Rank & P.M. Bavoil. 2010. Variable Expression of Surface-Exposed Polymorphic Membrane Proteins in in vitro-grown Chlamydia trachomatis. Cellular Microbiology 12:174-187. 
  • Mojica, E., K.M. Hovis, M. Frieman, B. Tran, R.-c. Hsia, J. Ravel, K.L. Wilson & P.M. Bavoil. 2015.SINC, a type III secreted effector of Chlamydia psittaci, targets emerin and the inner nuclear membrane of infected cells and uninfected neighbors. Molecular Biology of the Cell 26(10): 1918-1934.

Additional Publication Citations

Awards and Affiliations
