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Neeraj Badjatia, MD, MS

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:


Secondary Appointment(s):

Anesthesiology, Neurosurgery

Administrative Title:

Executive Vice Chair

Additional Title:

Chief of Neurocritical Care, Program in Trauma



Phone (Primary):


Education and Training


M.D.        Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine (NEOUCOM)

M.S.        Biostatistics, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

MHCDS Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College

Post Graduate Education and Training

Resident, Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine

Chief Resident, Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine

Clinical Fellow, Neurocritical Care/ Vascular Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital

Program in Clinical Effectiveness, Harvard University School of Public Health


I have focused my research career on understanding the systemic sequelae of acute brain injury. As a junior investigator, I received a KL2 award to study the metabolic impact of temperature regulation after brain injury. As part of these investigations, I identified an intricate inter-relationship between inflammation, the metabolic response and neurologic recovery after subarachnoid hemorrhage. This ongoing work has shown that a modified, high-protein diet combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation may have a beneficial impact on neurologic recovery in a critically ill subarachnoid hemorrhage population. My research group is additionally applying machine learning-based algorithms to continuous streams of vital sign data in an effort to quantify dysautonomia as a systemic marker of neurological decline after TBI and ischemic stroke. With respect to temperature regulation, I have partnered with industry to develop approaches to targeted temperature management that optimizes brain temperature while minimizing systemic effects. I lead a recently completed a multi-center phase 2 clinical trial of a novel transnasal cooling device and am on the steering committee for a multicenter, international clinical trial of targeted normothermia in cerebrovascular patients.

Research/Clinical Keywords

targeted temperature management, machine learning, nutrition and metabolism, inflammation, traumatic brain injury

Highlighted Publications

Complete List of Published Work in MyBibliography:

Grants and Contracts
