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Clement A. Adebamowo, BM, ChB, ScD, FWACS, FACS

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:

Epidemiology & Public Health


660 West Redwood Street

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Education and Training


1978-1984       BM, ChB Hons. - University of Jos, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria 

2000-2004       Sc.D. in Nutrition Epidemiology and minor in Biostatistics, Harvard University,
Boston, MA                                 

Post Graduate Education and Training    

1987-1993       Postgraduate Surgery (Oncology) - University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria


I am the Director of the Cancer Epidemiology Division in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM). At the UMSOM Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center, I am Associate Director of the Population Sciences Program.

My research focuses the epidemiological and genomic risks, biomarkers discovery, early detection and prevention of breast and cervical cancers. I am the PI of the Baltimore Clinical Site of the NCI CASCADE Network ( - a global partnership focused on optimizing the cervical cancer screening, management, and pre-cancer treatment cascade for women living with HIV.

I direct NIH funded African Collaborative Center for Microbiome and Genomics Research (ACCME) which is one of the NIH/Wellcome Trust funded Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) initiative on genomics research and education in Africa. ACCME’s current project include analyses of the genomic and epidemiologic risk factors of persistent high risk HPV infections, cervical cancer, breast cancer, uterine fibroids, and Hepatitis B, C, and D infections in a cohort of ~12,000 women who were followed up every 6 months. The outcome from this integrative epidemiology research includes host germline (GWAS and Whole Genome Sequencing), somatic genomics, viral genomics, epigenomics, microbiome, proteomics, and metabolomics data. 

I am PI of several NIH funded Training Programs in Research Ethics, Responsible Conduct of Research and Research Methodology. I developed short, medium, and long-duration multi-disciplinary graduate programs in Research Ethics and in Responsible Conduct of Research. My work in research ethics has received national recognition from the Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIMR) who awarded me the Jeff Cohen Service Award in 2022 ( In addition to training, I also conduct research on research ethics in Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's Diseases Related Dementias (AD/ADRD), Responsible Conduct of Research, and the Ethics of Data Science Health Research.

I implement training programs on Research on Non-Communicable Diseases which has led to the development of a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) for African foods and a Food Composition Database (FCD) to convert dietary intakes into nutrients. These projects build the capacity of our collaborators, particularly surgeons, to conduct ethical research and scientifically sound research. 

In the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, I direct the graduate course in cancer epidemiology, which I started during the fall 2010 semester. The course is available to students across the University System of Maryland and attracts lecturers and resource persons from the National Cancer Institute and surrounding institutions. 

Research/Clinical Keywords

Cancer epidemiology, Genomics epidemiology, Nutrition epidemiology, NCD research, Research ethics

Highlighted Publications

Some books:

Boyle P., Autier P., Adebamowo C., Anderson B. O. Badwe R. A., Ashton L. P., Yamaguchi N. (Eds.) World Breast Cancer Report 2012. International Prevention Research Institute. Lyon, France 2013.

Jedy-Agba E., Odutola M., Oga E., Adebamowo C. Cancer in Nigeria 2009 – 2013. Nigerian National System of Cancer Registries. Abuja, Nigeria. 2016 ISBN 978-978-955-030-2 Available from

Akintola A., Odutola M., Olayinka T., Akinjiola A., Nwokwu U., Adebamowo C. editors.Cancer in Nigeria 2009–2016. Abuja, Nigeria: Nigerian National System of Cancer Registries;2021.ISBN 978-978-979-993-0 206p.Available from


Some peer reviewed articles

Adebamowo C. A., Callier S, Akintola S, Maduka O, Jegede A, Arima C, Ogundiran T, Adebamowo SN; BridgELSI Project as part of the DS-I Africa Consortium. The promise of data science for health research in Africa. Nat Commun. 2023 Sep 29;14(1):6084. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-41809-2. PMID: 37770478

Adebamowo C. A., ACCME Research Group as part of the H3Africa Consortium, Adebamowo S. N. Population-based study of the reproductive risk factors for transvaginal ultrasound diagnosed uterine fibroids in Nigerian women. Sci Rep. 2023 Nov 2;13(1):18926. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-44703-5. PMID: 37919335; PMCID: PMC10622570

Adebamowo SN, Adeyemo A, Adebayo A, Achara P, Alabi B, Bakare RA, Famooto AO, Obende K, Offiong R, Olaniyan O, Ologun S, Rotimi C; ACCME Research Group as part of the H3Africa Consortium; Adebamowo CA. Genome, HLA and polygenic risk score analyses for prevalent and persistent cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Eur J Hum Genet. 2024 Jan 10. doi: 10.1038/s41431-023-01521-7. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38200081

Bigman G, Adebamowo SN; Nutrition Epidemiology Research of Nigeria (NERON) Group; Adebamowo CA. Validity and Reproducibility of a Semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire and Food Picture Book in Nigeria. Curr Dev Nutr. 2024 Mar 16;8(4):102135. doi: 10.1016/j.cdnut.2024.102135. PMID: 38618557; PMCID: PMC11015507.

Adebamowo C, Callier S, Maduka OC, Akintola S, Kukucka J, Arima CG, Ogundiran TO, Jegede A, Akintola A, Adeyemo O, Adebamowo SN Ethical Oversight of Data Science Health Research in Africa. NEJM AI. 2024;1(6):AIpc2400033. doi: doi:10.1056/AIpc2400033.

Dareng E. O., Ma B., Famooto A. O., Akarolo-Anthony S. N., Offiong R. A., Olaniyan O., Dakum P. S., Wheeler C. M., Fadrosh D., Yang H., Gajer P., Brotman R. M., Ravel J., Adebamowo C. A. Prevalent high-risk HPV infection and vaginal microbiota in Nigerian women. Epidemiol. Infect. 2016 Jan;144(1):123-37. PubMed PMID: 26062721

Jedy-Agba E. E., Oga E. A., Odutola M., Abdullahi Y. M., Popoola A., Achara P., Afolayan E., Banjo A. A., Ekanem I. O., Erinomo O., Ezeome E., Igbinoba F., Obiorah C., Ogunbiyi O., Omonisi A., Osime C., Ukah C., Osinubi P., Hassan R., Blattner W., Dakum P., Adebamowo C. A. Developing National Cancer Registration in Developing Countries - Case Study of the Nigerian National System of Cancer Registries. Front Public Health. 2015 Jul 30;3:186. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00186. eCollection 2015. Review. PubMed PMID: 26284233; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4519655

Adebamowo S. N., Ma B., Zella D., Famooto A., Ravel J., Adebamowo C. And ACCME Research Group Mycoplasma hominis and Mycoplasma genitalium in the Vaginal Microbiota and Persistent High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection. Frontiers in Public Health 2017; 50(4): Epub 2017 June 26.

Jedy-Agba E., McCormack V., Olaomi O., Badejo W., Yilkudi M., Yawe T., Ezeome E., Salu I., Miner E., Anosike I., Adebamowo S. N., Achusi B., Dos-Santos-Silva I., Adebamowo C. Determinants of stage at diagnosis of breast cancer in Nigerian women: Sociodemographic, breast cancer awareness, health care access and clinical factors. Cancer Causes Control. 2017 Jul 28; 7: 685-697. doi: 10.1007/s10552-017-0894-y.

Adebamowo S. N., Olawande O., Famooto A. O., Dareng E. O., Offiong A. R., Adebamowo C. A. Persistent Low-Risk and High-Risk HPV Infections of the Uterine Cervix in HIV Negative and HIV Positive Women. Frontiers in Public Health. 2017 Jul 21; 5: 178. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00178. eCollection 2017. PMID: 28785554.

Adam Abeshouse, Clement Adebamowo, Sally N. Adebamowo, Rehan Akbani, Teniola Akeredolu, Adrian Ally, Matthew L. Anderson, Pavana Anur, Elizabeth L. Appelbaum, Joshua Armenia, J. Todd Auman, Matthew H. Bailey, Laurence Baker, Miruna Balasundaram, Saianand Balu, Floris P. Barthel, John Bartlett, Stephen B. Baylin, Madhusmita Behera, Dmitry Belyaev, Joesph Bennett, Christopher Benz, Rameen Beroukhim, Michael Birrer, Thèrése Bocklage, Tom Bodenheimer, Lori Boice, Moiz S. Bootwalla, Jay Bowen, Reanne Bowlby, Jeff Boyd, Andrew S. Brohl, Denise Brooks, Lauren Byers, Rebecca Carlsen, Patricia Castro, Hsiao-Wei Chen, Andrew D. Cherniack, Fréderic Chibon, Lynda Chin, Juok Cho, Eric Chuah, Sudha Chudamani, Carrie Cibulskis, Lee A. D. Cooper, Leslie Cope, Matthew G. Cordes, Daniel Crain, Erin Curley, Ludmila Danilova, Fanny Dao, Ian J. Davis, Lara E. Davis, Timothy Defreitas, Keith Delman, John A. Demchok, George D. Demetri, Elizabeth G. Demicco, Noreen Dhalla, Lixia Diao, Li Ding, Phil DiSaia, Peter Dottino, Leona A. Doyle, Esther Drill, Michael Dubina, Jennifer Eschbacher, Konstantin Fedosenko, Ina Felau, Martin L. Ferguson, Scott Frazer, Catrina C. Fronick, Victoria Fulidou, Lucinda A. Fulton, Robert S. Fulton, Stacey B. Gabriel, Jianjiong Gao, Qingsong Gao, Johanna Gardner, Julie M. Gastier-Foster, Carl M. Gay, Nils Gehlenborg, Mark Gerken, Gad Getz, Andrew K. Godwin, Eryn M. Godwin, Elena Gordienko, Juneko E. Grilley-Olson, David A. Gutman, David H. Gutmann, D. Neil Hayes, Apurva M. Hegde, David I. Heiman, Zachary Heins, Carmen Helsel, Austin J. Hepperla, Kelly Higgins, Katherine A. Hoadley, Shital Hobensack, Robert A. Holt, Dave B. Hoon, Jason L. Hornick, Alan P. Hoyle, Xin Hu, Mei Huang, Carolyn M. Hutter, Mary Iacocca, Davis R. Ingram, Michael Ittmann, Lisa Iype, Stuart R. Jefferys, Kevin B. Jones, Corbin D. Jones, Steven J. M. Jones, Tamara Kalir, Beth Y. Karlan, Apollon Karseladze, Katayoon Kasaian, Jaegil Kim, Ritika Kundra, Hanluen Kuo, Marc Ladanyi, Phillip H. Lai, Peter W. Laird, Erik Larsson, Michael S. Lawrence, Alexander J. Lazar, Sanghoon Lee, Darlene Lee, Kjong-Van Lehmann, Kristen M. Leraas, Jenny Lester, Douglas A. Levine, Irene Li, Tara M. Lichtenberg, Pei Lin, Jia Liu, Wenbin Liu, Eric M. Liu, Laxmi Lolla, Yiling Lu, Yussanne Ma, Rashna Madan, Dennis T. Maglinte, Anthony Magliocco, Robert G. Maki, David Mallery, Georgy Manikhas, Elaine R. Mardis, Armaz Mariamidze, Marco A. Marra, John A. Martignetti, Cathleen Martinez, Michael Mayo, Michael D. McLellan, Sam Meier, Shaowu Meng, Matthew Meyerson, Piotr A. Mieczkowski, Christopher A. Miller, Gordon B. Mills, Richard A. Moore, Scott Morris, Lisle E. Mose, Evgeny Mozgovoy, Andrew J. Mungall, Karen Mungall, Michael Nalisnik, Rashi Naresh, Yulia Newton, Michael S. Noble, Janet E. Novak, Angelica Ochoa, Narciso Olvera, Taofeek K. Owonikoko, Oxana Paklina, Jeremy Parfitt, Joel S. Parker, Alessandro Pastore, Joseph Paulauskis, Robert Penny, Elena Pereira, Charles M. Perou, Amy H. Perou, Todd Pihl, Raphael E. Pollock, Olga Potapova, Amie J. Radenbaugh, Suresh S. Ramalingam, Nilsa C. Ramirez, W. Kimryn Rathmell, Chandrajit P. Raut, Richard F. Riedel, Colleen Reilly, Sheila M. Reynolds, Jeffrey Roach, A. Gordon Robertson, Jason Roszik, Brian P. Rubin, Sara Sadeghi, Gordon Saksena, Andrew Salner, Francisco Sanchez-Vega, Chris Sander, Jacqueline E. Schein, Heather K. Schmidt, Nikolaus Schultz, Steven E. Schumacher, Harman Sekhon, Yasin Senbabaoglu, Galiya Setdikova, Candace Shelton, Troy Shelton, Ronglai Shen, Yan Shi, Juliann Shih, Ilya Shmulevich, Gabriel L. Sica, Janae V. Simons, Samuel Singer, Payal Sipahimalani, Tara Skelly, Nicholas Socci, Heidi J. Sofia, Matthew G. Soloway, Paul Spellman, Qiang Sun, Patricia Swanson, Angela Tam, Donghui Tan, Roy Tarnuzzer, Nina Thiessen, Eric Thompson, Leigh B. Thorne, Pan Tong, Keila E. Torres, Matt van de Rijn, David J. Van Den Berg, Brian A. Van Tine, Umadevi Veluvolu, Roel Verhaak, Doug Voet, Olga Voronina, Yunhu Wan, Zhining Wang, Jing Wang, John N. Weinstein, Daniel J. Weisenberger, Matthew D. Wilkerson, Richard K. Wilson, Lisa Wise, Tina Wong, Winghing Wong, John Wrangle, Ye Wu, Matthew Wyczalkowski, Liming Yang, Christina Yau, Venkata Yellapantula, Jean C. Zenklusen, Jiashan J. Zhang, Hailei Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Erik Zmuda. Comprehensive and Integrated Genomic Characterization of Adult Soft Tissue Sarcomas. Cell. 2017 Nov; 171(4): 950 - 965. e28, doi:10.1016/j.cell.2017.10.014

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