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Curtis N. Adams, MD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry


701 W. Pratt Street, #515, Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-2564

Phone (Secondary):



(410) 328-0096

Education and Training

  • Howard University, Washington, D.C. B.S. in Zoology, 1988
  • Howard University, Washington, D.C. MD, 1990
  • Hahnemann University, Philadelphia, PA. General Adult Psychiatry Residency.


Dr. Adams is a community psychiatrist who is focused on recovery-oriented, person-centered care for persons with mental illnesses. Since 1998, he has worked at the Carruthers Clinic, a community mental health clinic and on the Programs for Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) team. He also provides educational consultation to the Harbor City Unlimited psychosocial Rehabilitation program.

He served as the Area 3 representative to the Board of the American Association of Community Psychiatrists from 2008 to 2016. He is currently the vice president of the American Association of Community Psychiatrists. He is also an associate editor of the Community Mental Health Journal, the leading publication of the American Association of community Psychiatrists. He is also a member of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) and is a member of the Psychiatry and Community Committee of GAP.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Recovery Person-centered care Systems-based practice

Highlighted Publications

  • Lisa B. Dixon, MD, MPH, Deborah Medoff, PhD, Richard Goldberg, PhD, Alicia Lucksted, PhD, Julie Kreyenbuhl, PharmD, PhD, Carlo DiClemente, PhD, Wendy Potts, MS, Jaclyn Leith, BS, Clayton Brown, PhD, Curtis Adams, MD, Joseph Afful, MS. “Is Implementation of the 5 A’s of Smoking Cessation at Community Mental Health Centers Effective for Reduction of Smoking by Patients with Serious Mental Illness?” The American Journal on Addictions , 2009, 18: 386–392

  • Dixon, L; Medoff, DR, Wohlheiter, K, Diclemente, C, Goldberg, R, Kreyenbuhl, J, Adams, C, Lucksted, A, Davin, C. “correlates of Severity of Smoking Among Persons with Severe Mental Illness.” The American Journal on Addictions 2007; 16:101-110.

  • Dixon, L; Adams, C; Lucksted, A. “Update on Family Psychoeducation for Schizophrenia” Schizophrenia Bulletin 2000;26(1):5-20

Community Service
