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Peixin Yang, PhD

Christopher R. Harman, MD Endowed Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:

Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences

Secondary Appointment(s):

BioChemistry&Molecular Biology

Administrative Title:

Division Director, Center for the Study of Birth Defects; Deputy Director, Graduate & Post-Doctoral Studies; Vice Chair for Research


655 West Baltimore Street

Education and Training

  • 1986-1990 - B.S., Animal Science, Zhejiang Agricultural University, Zhejiang, P. R. China
  • 1990-1993 - M.S., Animal Reproductive Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, P. R. China
  • 1994-1999 - Ph.D., Biophysics, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Japan and Zhejiang University, P. R. China
  • 1999-2002 - University of Nebraska Medical Center, Postdoctoral Research Associate
  • 2008-2009 - BIRCWH scholar (NIH K12), University of Maryland Baltimore



Dr. Yang is the founding director of the Center for Birth Defect Research in the University of Maryland School of medicine. He has built up an extensive research program in diabetic embryopathy: pregestational diabetes-induced neural tube defects (NTDs), congenital heart defects (CHDs) and kidney defects. His research using genetically modified mice reveals the role of pro-apoptotic kinase signaling, autophagy, intercellular crosstalk via exosomes, endoplasmic reticulum/unfolded protein response, senescence, ferroptosis, DNA/RNA methylation, and microRNA in diabetes-induced NTDs and CHDs. Dr. Yang also investigates the infectious etiology using SARS-CoV-2 as a model, insulin receptor signaling impairment in brain insulin resistance, and neuron senescence in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Yang has a sincere passion to determine the cause of the extremely high incidence of maternal morbidity and mortality in the US by studying the effect of maternal obesity on placental function. He is leading a group of translational and clinical scientists to establish the Maryland Maternal Health Research Center of Excellence by focusing on the adverse effects elicited by obesity, placental accreta spectrum and opioid use disorder.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Diabetic embryopathy, pregestational diabetes, neural tube defects, congenital heart defects, embryonic vasculopathy, exosome, ferroptosis, obesity, placenta, Alzheimer's disease, SARS-CoV-2 infection, DNA/RNA methylation

Highlighted Publications

Yang P, Zhao Z and Reece EA.  Activation of oxidative stress signaling implicated in apoptosis using a mouse model of diabetic embryopathy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2008;198(1):130.e1-7.

Li X, Weng H, Xu C, Reece EA, Yang P. Oxidative Stress–Induced JNK1/2 Activation Triggers Proapoptotic Signaling and Apoptosis That Leads to Diabetic Embryopathy. Diabetes. 2012 Aug;61(8):2084-2092.

Li X, Xu C, Yang P. JNK1/2 and endoplasmic reticulum stress as interdependent and reciprocal causation in diabetic embryopathy. Diabetes. 2013;62:599-608.

Xu C, Li X, Wang F, Yang P. Trehalose prevents neural tube defects by correcting maternal diabetes-suppressed autophagy and neurogenesis. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2013 Sep 1;305(5):E667-678.

Yang P, Li X, Xu C, Reece EA, Eckert R, Zielke R, Wang F. Maternal hyperglycemia activates an ASK1–FoxO3a–Caspase 8 pathway that leads to embryonic neural tube defects. Science Signaling. 2013 Aug 27; 6(290):ra74,1-12.

Wang F, Xu C, Wu Y, Reece EA, Harman C, Yu J, Dong D, Yang P, Zhong J, Yang P.  Protein kinase C-alpha negatively regulates autophagy and induces neural tube defects by repressing PGC-1α expression in diabetic pregnancies. Nature Communications, 2017 May 5;8:15182. doi: 10.1038/ncomms15182.

Penghua Yang, Cheng Xu, Xi Chen, Min Zhan, Deborah J. Stumpo, Perry J. Blackshear, E. Albert Reece, Peixin Yang.  Tip60- and Sirtuin 2-regulated MARCKS acetylation and phosphorylation are required for diabetic embryopathy. Nature Communications, 2019 Jan 17;10(1):282.

Xu C, Shen WB, Reece EA, Hasuwa H, Harman C, Kaushal S, Yang P. Maternal diabetes induces senescence and neural tube defects sensitive to the senomorphic rapamycin. Science Advances. 2021 Jun 30;7(27):eabf5089. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abf5089. Print 2021 Jun. PMID: 34193422

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