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Roumen M. Vesselinov, PhD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Epidemiology & Public Health

Secondary Appointment(s):


Additional Title:

Statistician, Charles "McC" Mathias National Study Center for Trauma and EMS


110 S. Paca Street, Room 3N-147

Phone (Primary):

(410) 328-8426

Education and Training

B.A., Economics and Statistics, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria

Fulbright scholar, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island

M.A., Economics, University at Albany, State University of New York

Ph.D., Statistics and Econometrics, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria



Dr. Vesselinov’s primary research area is public health, mental health and violence, emergency medicine and trauma. His background is in applied statistics, econometrics, data mining and forecasting. He has taught at Statistics Department at University of South Carolina and Economics Department at Queens College, City University of New York.

Dr. Vesselinov’s previous employment includes work as manager of statistical consulting laboratory at University of South Carolina, senior statistical analyst for a private research company and econometrician for the New York State Assembly.

He has participated in many research projects funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Eurostat, MacArthur Foundation, Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), etc.

Dr. Vesselinov is a certified SAS programmer since 2002 and has an expert knowledge of other statistical packages like SPSS, STAT, R, CART, EViews, etc.

He has published more than 30 papers in peer-refereed journals.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Statistics, Econometrics, Data Mining, Forecasting

Highlighted Publications

Fratta K, Bouland A, Vesselinov R, Hirshon JM, Lawner B, Levy M, Seaman K, Evaluating Barriers to Community CPR Education in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, accepted, 2019.

Tran Q, O’Connor, J, Vesselinov R, Haase D, Duncan R, Aitken A, Rea J, Jones K, Dinardo T, Scalea T, Menaker J, Rubinson L. The Critical Care Resuscitation Unit Transfers More Patients from Emergency Departments Faster and is Associated with Improved Outcomes. The Journal of Emergency Medicine, accepted, 2019.

Howley I, Bruns B, Tesoriero R, Vesselinov R, Kufera J, Feliciano D, Diaz J. Resource Statewide Analysis of Peptic Ulcer Disease: As Hospitalizations Decrease, Procedural Volume Remains Steady. The American Surgeon, 2019 Sep 01; Vol. 85 (9), pp. 1028-1032.

Aledhaim A, Walker A, Vesselinov R, Hirshon JM, Pimentel L. Resource Utilization in Non-Academic Emergency Departments with Advanced Practice Providers. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 20, Issue 4, 2019, 541–548.

Georgieva I, Whittington R, Lauvrud C, Steinert T, Wikman S, Lepping P, Duxbury J, Snorrason J, Mihai A, Berring LL, Raveesh B, Vesselinov R. International Variations in Mental Health Law Regulating Involuntary Commitment of Psychiatric Patients as Measured by the Mental Health Legislation Attitudes Scale (MHLAS). Medicine, Science and the Law, Vol. 59, Issue 2, April 2019, 104–114.

Galvagno SM, Massey M, Bouzat P, Vesselinov R, Levy M, Millin MG, Stein DM, Scalea TM, Hirshon JM. Correlation Between the Revised Trauma Score and Injury Severity Score: Implications for Prehospital Triage. Prehospital Emergency Care, 23(2), Mar/Apr 2019, 263–270.

Grants and Contracts
