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Lydia S.Y. Tang, MB,BCh

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Institute of Human Virology


725 West Lombard Street

Phone (Primary):

410 706 6567

Education and Training

Dr Lydia Tangobtained her medical degree from the University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, United Kingdom, and bachelor's degree in Science in Pharmacology at Kings' College, London, United Kingdom. After graduation, she completed her Pre-Registration House Officer postgraduate training in medicine at University Hospital Llandough and surgery at Singleton Hospital, Swansea, United Kingdom, before working as a Senior House Officer in emergency medicine at Hillingdon Hospital, London. She completed Internal Medicine Residency at Orlando Health, Orlando, FL, holding the position of Chief Resident, and Fellowship in Infectious Diseases at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Dr. Tang has been a member of the academic faculty at the Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, since 2012.


My research interests are focused on host-pathogen interactions and host correlates with disease clearance in chronic hepatitis B and C infections, with and without HIV infection. I joined Dr Shyam Kottilil’s translational research group after graduating from ID fellowship where I am an investigator on multiple studies exploring the role of innate and adaptive immunity in the pathogenesis of these diseases. I am the principal investigator for the HOPE study, a natural history study of patients with hepatitis B, C and HIV; TEMUL (TEnofovir alafenaMide for HBV – a longitUdinaL study), a treatment study where patients are treated with tenofovir alafenamide, a nucleos(t)ide analogue; and MAVERIC (MAraViroc EfficacyfoR HepatItis C), a study aimed at exploring the role of CCR5 antagonism in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis in patients with HIV with and without HCV infection.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Hepatitis B therapeutics, hepatitis B long term outcomes, HIV/hepatitis C coinfection

Highlighted Publications

Kattakuzhy S, Gross C, Emmanuel B, Teferi G, Jenkins V, Silk R, Akoth E, Thomas A, Ahmed C, Espinosa M, Price A, Rosenthal E, Tang L, Wilson E, Bentzen S, Masur H, Kottilil S; and the ASCEND Providers. Expansion of Treatment for Hepatitis C Virus Infection by Task Shifting to Community-Based Nonspecialist Providers: A Nonrandomized Clinical Trial. Ann Intern Med. 2017 Sep 5;167(5):311-318. doi: 10.7326/M17-0118. Epub 2017 Aug 8. 

Tang L, Masur J, Sims Z, Nelson A, Osinusi A, Kohli A, Kattakuzhy S, Polis M, Kottilil S Safe and effective sofosbuvir-based therapy in patients with mental health disease on hepatitis C virus treatment. World J Hepatol. 2016 Nov 8;8(31):1318-1326.

Townsend K, Meissner EG, Sidharthan S, Sampson M, Remaley AT, Tang L, Kohli A, Osinusi A, Masur H, Kottilil S. Interferon-Free Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus in HIV/Hepatitis C Virus-Coinfected Subjects Results in Increased Serum Low-Density Lipoprotein Concentration. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2016 May;32(5):456-62.

Wilson E, Kattakuzhy S, Sidharthan S, Z Sims, L Tang, McLaughlin M, Price A, Nelson A, Silk R, Gross C, Akoth E, Mo H, Subramanian GM, Pang PS, McHutchison JG, Osinusi A, H. Masur, A Kohli, S. Kottilil. Successful Retreatment of Chronic HCV Genotype-1 Infection With Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir After Initial Short Course Therapy With Direct-Acting Antiviral Regimens. Clin Infect Dis. 2016 Feb 1;62(3):280-8.

Kattakuzhy S, Wilson E, Sidharthan S, Sims Z, McLaughlin M, Price A, Silk R, Gross C, Akoth E, McManus M, Emmanuel B, Shrivastava S, Tang L, Nelson A, Teferi G, Chavez J, Lam B, Mo H, Osinusi A, Polis MA, Masur H, Kohli A, Kottilil S. Moderate Sustained Virologic Response Rates With 6-Week Combination Directly Acting Anti-Hepatitis C Virus Therapy in Patients With Advanced Liver Disease. Clin Infect Dis. 2016 Feb 15;62(4):440-7.

Townsend K, Petersen T, Gordon LA, Kohli A, Nelson A, Seamon C, Gross C, Tang L, Osinusi A, Polis MA, Masur H, Kottilil S. Effect of HIV co-infection on adherence to a 12-week regimen of hepatitis C virus therapy with ledipasvir and sofosbuvir. AIDS. 2016 Jan;30(2):261-6.

Kohli A, Kattakuzhy S, Sidharthan S, Nelson A, McLaughlin M, Seamon C, Wilson E, Meissner EG, Sims Z, Silk R, Gross C, Akoth E, Tang L, Price A, Jolley TA, Emmanuel B, Proschan M, Teferi G, Chavez J, Abbott S, Osinusi A, Mo H, Polis MA, Masur H, Kottilil S. Four-Week Direct-Acting Antiviral Regimens in Noncirrhotic Patients With Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1 Infection: An Open-Label, Nonrandomized Trial. Annals of internal medicine. 2015; 163(12):899-907.


Additional Publication Citations
