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Victoria G. Marchese, PhD, PT, FAPTA

Jane Kroh Satterfield Endowed Professor of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science

Academic Title:


Primary Appointment:

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science

Administrative Title:

Chair, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science


AHRB, Suite 115D

Phone (Primary):

(410) 706-7979

Education and Training

  • University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN, Physical Therapy, B.S., 1994
  • MCP Hahnemann University, Philadelphia, PA, Rehabilitation Sciences, PhD, 2001


In 2019, Victoria "Tori" Marchese, PT, PhD, FAPTA, was named chair of the Department of PT & Rehabilitation Science at UMSOM. Dr. Marchese has over 25 years of clinical and research experience in pediatric physical therapy and rehabilitation science.  She has authored numerous book chapters and peer-reviewed articles in assessment and physical therapy intervention for children with acute and chronic illnesses.  Dr. Marchese's research focuses on the complex interplay of physiological mechanisms contributing to physical performance and physical activity in children, adolescents, and young adults.

Research/Clinical Keywords

pediatric physical therapy, pediatric oncology, cancer survivorship, rehabilitation science, pediatric hematology, physical therapy and rehabilitation science education

Highlighted Publications

Marchese VG, Chiarello LA, Lange BJ. Effects of physical therapy intervention for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pediatric Blood Cancer. 2004;42:127-133.

Marchese VG, Hinds PS, Rai SN, Cremer LK, Neel MD, Rao BN, Spunt SL, Daw ND. A New Tool to Assess Functional Mobility in Survivors of Lower-Extremity Sarcoma, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Scientific Report, 2005.

Marchese VG, Morris GS, Gilchrist L, Ness KK, Wampler M, VanHoose L, Galantino ML Screening for Chemotherapy Late Effects, Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 2011; 27:234-243.

Marchese VG, Oriel KN, Fry JA, Kovacs JL, Weaver RL, Reilly MM, and Ginsberg JP, Development of a Normative Sample for the Functional Mobility Assessment, Pediatric Physical Therapy, 2012;24:224-30.

Marchese VG, McEvoy CS, Brown H, Greiner R, Demski M, Ginsberg JP, Exploring Factors that Influence Childhood Cancer Survivors' Choice of Occupation and Choice to Attend College. Rehabilitation Oncology 2014;32:23-28.

Rook MK, McEvoy CS, Greiner RG, Brown H, Marchese VG, Exploring the Feasibility of Performing Objective Screening Tools on Survivors of Pediatric Cancers as Part of a Long-Term Survivorship Clinic. Rehabilitation Oncology 2014;32:29-37.

Marchese VG, Sanders O, York T, Creath R, Rogers M. Motion analysis of a jumping task in childhood leukemia survivors.  Rehabilitation Oncology 2017;35:9-14.

Harrington SE, Stout NL, Hile E, Fisher MI, Eden M, Marchese V, Pfalzer LA. A Scoping review of cancer rehabilitation Publications (2008-2018) with a focus on physical function. Physical Therapy 2020;100:363-415.

Nelson C, Marchese V, Rock K, Addison O. Alterations in muscle architecture: A review of the relevance to individuals after limb salvage surgery for bone sarcoma. Frontiers in Pediatrics, Pediatric Orthopedics 2020;8:292.

Rock K, Nelson C, Addison O, Marchese V. Assessing the reliability of handheld dynamometry and ultrasonography to measure quadriceps strength and muscle thickness in children, adolescents, and young Adults. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 2021;41:540-554.

Ho S, Betz G, Marchese VG. Exploring pulmonary function and physical function in childhood cancer: A systematic review. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 2021;160:1-11.

Felter C, Glickman L, Westlake K, Shipper A, Marchese V. International global health education for doctor of physical therapy students: A scoping review. Physical Therapy Reviews. 2021; 27:25-39

Marchese VG, Rock K, York T, Creath R. Gray V. Neuromuscular mechanisms that contribute to gross motor performance in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Pediatr Rehabil Med., 2021;14:415-423.

Ho S, York T, Marchese VG. Exploring relationships between inspiratory muscle strength and functional capacity in childhood cancer survivors: A pilot study. Pediatric Hematology & Oncology 2021;18:1-12.

Ho S, Culligan M, Friedberg J, Goloubeva O, Marchese V.Examining the impact of physical function performance in predicting patient outcomes after lung-sparing surgery for malignant pleural mesothelioma.  Disability and Rehabilitation, 44:22, 6676-6683.

Marchese VG, Rock K, Harpold A, Salazar, A, Williams M, Shipper A. Physical impairment and function in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease: A systematic review. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2022;103(6):1144-1167.

Ortega M, Marchese VG, Film R, Zarro M, Felter C. Digital and blended curriculum delivery in health professions education: An umbrella review with implications for Doctor of Physical Therapy education programs. The Journal of Medical Internet Research 27:1, 4-24.

Lanza M, Rock K, Marchese VG, Addison O, Nelson C. Hip Abductor and Adductor rate of torque development and muscle activation, but not muscle size, are associated with functional performance. Frontiers in Physiology, section Exercise Physiology 2021:12:74415.

Pravdo A, Rock K, Abzug JM, Bowman P, Marchese VG.  Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: Characteristics and Outcomes of Physical Therapy Episodes of Care. Annals of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy, 2021;4:2640-2734.

Marchese V, Rock K, York T, Ruble K and Gray VL. The Efficacy of Targeted Exercise on Gross Motor and Neuromuscular Performance in Survivors of Childhood Leukemia: A Pilot Study.  Pediatr.2022;10:891650.

Ho S, Rock K, Addison O, and Marchese V. Relationships between diaphragm ultrasound, spirometry, and respiratory mouth pressures in children.  Respiratory, Physiology & Neurobiology 2022;305:103950.

Lanza M, Rock K, Marchese V, Gray V. Addison O. Ultrasound Measures of Muscle Thickness and Subcutaneous Tissue from the Hip Abductors: Inter- and intra-rater Reliability. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 2022;62:102612.

Rock K, Addison O, Gray VL, Nelson CM, Henshaw RM, York T, Ruble K, Marchese V. Quantifying muscle strength, size, and neuromuscular activation in adolescent and young adult survivors of musculoskeletal sarcoma: identifying correlates and responses to functional strengthening. The Knee 2023; 40: 270-282.

Rock K, Addison O, Gray VL, Henshaw RM, Ward C, Marchese V. Skeletal Muscle Measurements in Pediatric Hematology and Oncology: Essential Components to a Comprehensive Assessment. Children 2023;10 (1):114.

Omecene NE, Morgan JA, Marchese V, Stines EM, Martin M, Smith E, Perman JA. Parent satisfaction survey in a pediatric ambulatory care clinic utilizing: An interprofessional education model.  Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice.  2023; 31:100601.

Ho S, Rock K, Marchese V. Diaphragm excursion correlates with performance and ventilation on the 6-minute walk test in children with sickle cell disease. Pediatric Pulmonology. 2023;58:1665-1673.

Skiba MB, Wells SJ, Brick R, Tanner L, Rock K, Marchese V, Khalil N, Raches D, Thomas K, Krause KJ, and Swartz MC. A Systematic Review of Telehealth-Based Pediatric Cancer Rehabilitation Interventions on Disability.  Telemedicine and e-Health 2024;30:901-918.

Marchese VG, Saeed GM, Brockmeyer AM, McCarthy E, Gorman EF, Cheun CK, Felter C. Psychosocial barriers and physical activity in children with neuromotor impairments: A scoping review. Physical Therapy Reviews

McCarthy E, Marchese V, Shipper AG, Rock K, Felter C. Identifying causes of balance impairment and exploring sensory contributions to balance in pediatric oncology: A scoping Review. Oncology Hematology

Additional Publication Citations

Awards and Affiliations
