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Tim C. Luetkens, MD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:

Microbiology and Immunology

Additional Title:

Director R&D, Fannie Angelos Cellular Therapeutics GMP Laboratory

Education and Training

2012-2013 University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, Postdoc
2008-2011 University of Hamburg, Germany, Postdoc
2009-2011 Centre for Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg, Graduate Program Molecular Biology
2002-2008 University of Hamburg, Germany, M.D.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Cellular immunotherapies, protein engineering

Highlighted Publications

  1. Systematic single amino acid affinity tuning of CD229 CAR T cells retains efficacy against multiple myeloma and eliminates on-target off-tumor toxicity. Vander Mause ER, Baker JM, Dietze KA, Radhakrishnan SV, Iraguha T, Omili D, Davis P, Chidester SL, Modzelewska K, Panse J, Marvin JE, Olson ML, Steinbach M, Ng DP, Lim CS, Atanackovic D, Luetkens T. Sci Transl Med. 2023 Jul 19;15(705):eadd7900.
  2. Low-affinity CAR T cells exhibit reduced trogocytosis, preventing rapid antigen loss, and increasing CAR T cell expansion. Olson ML, Mause ERV, Radhakrishnan SV, Brody JD, Rapoport AP, Welm AL, Atanackovic D, Luetkens T. Leukemia. 2022 Jul;36(7):1943-1946.
  3. Roadmap to affinity-tuned antibodies for enhanced chimeric antigen receptor T cell function and selectivity. Vander Mause ER, Atanackovic D, Lim CS, Luetkens T. Trends Biotechnol. 2022 Jul;40(7):875-890. 
  4. Atanackovic D, Yousef S, Shorter C, Tantravahi SK, Steinbach M, Iglesias F, Sborov D, Radhakrishnan SV, Chiron M, Miles R, Salama M, Kröger N, Luetkens T. In Vivo Vaccination Effect in Multiple Myeloma Patients Treated with the Monoclonal Antibody Isatuximab. Leukemia. 2020 Jan;34(1):317-321.
  5. Radhakrishnan SV*, Luetkens T* (corresp. author), Scherer SD, Davis P, Vander Mause ER, Olson M, Yousef S, Panse J, Abdiche Y, David Li K, Miles RR, Matsui W, Welm AL, Atanackovic D. CD229 CAR T cells eliminate multiple myeloma and tumor propagating cells without fratricide. Nat Commun. 2020 Feb 7;11(1):798. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14619-z.

Additional Publication Citations

Research Interests

Links of Interest
