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Stephanie R. Knight, MD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:


Administrative Title:

Chief of Clinical Services for Department of Psychiatry

Additional Title:

Chief of Psychiatry, University of Maryland Medical Center - Midtown Campus Assistant Professor of Psychiatry


6th floor

Phone (Primary):




Education and Training

I attended McDaniel College (formerly Western Maryland College) in Westminster, MD and graduated magna cum laude with honors in 2003 with a B.A. in Biology. From there, I moved down to New Orleans to attend medical school at the Tulane University School of Medicine in Louisiana. Following my graduation from Tulane SOM in 2007, I began my Adult Psychiatry residency at the University of Maryland/Sheppard Pratt program here in Baltimore, serving as chief in my PGY4 year.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Adult psychiatry, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, community psychiatry, population health, emergency psychiatry, medical student teaching, resident education, academic psychiatry

Highlighted Publications

Grand Rounds Presentations

  1. Knight S. “Strategies for Dealing with Patients with Difficult Behaviors.” Ethics Grand Rounds, University of Maryland Medical System, May 2012.
  2. Knight S, Gulati M, Brown T, Latham V, Robinson C. “HIV and Psychiatry: A Collaborative Approach to Address the Local HIV Epidemic.” University of Maryland Medical System, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, 19 Feb 2015.


Publications – Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Jani Sh, Knight S, Jani Su. The implementation of milieu therapy training to reduce the frequency of restraints in residential treatment centers. Adolescent Psychiatry 2011, 1(3), 251-254. doi: 10.2174/2210-677411101030251.
  2. Krishna N, Chiappelli J, Fischer BA, Knight S. Tacrolimus induced paranoid delusions and fugue-like state. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 5 Sep 2012. doi: 10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2012.07.010.


Proffered Communications

  1. Jani, S and Knight, S. Poster presentation: The implementation of milieu therapy training to reduce the frequency of mechanical restraints in a therapeutic group home setting. University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry Scientific Research Day, May 2010.
  2. Knight, S and Adams C. Workshop Chair: First Psychiatric Hospitalization for Psychotic Illness: Improving the Experience for Consumers and Family Members. American Psychiatric Association 2014 Annual Meeting. New York, New York; 4 May 2014.

Clinical Specialty Details

Since completing residency, I have focused my clinical skills on inpatient and ER Psychiatry. I also enjoy teaching medical students and residents, and working in administrative aspects within our department. As chief of Psychiatry at UMMC Midtown, there are several clinical programs which we are in the process of developing, including a proactive psychiatric consultative service, a collaborative care model in a local primary care clinic, SBIRT programs in our ER, and strengthening programming on our inpatient unit to include a dual-diagnosis track.

Awards and Affiliations


      2003                 Mary Ward Lewis prize for most outstanding female graduating senior, awarded to one woman in each graduating class from McDaniel College for overall leadership and academic, extracurricular accomplishments

      2006                 Arnold P. Gold Humanism in Medicine Honor Society     

      June 2011          John Talbott Award for Clinical Excellence, awarded by the University of Maryland/Sheppard Pratt Residency Training Program

      June 2011          Donald Ross Prize, awarded by the University of Maryland/Sheppard Pratt Residency Program for top psychotherapy paper, entitled “A Lesson in Competitive Drives: When Your Patient is a Therapist”

      May 2012          Physician-Colleague Award nominee, awarded during UMMS Nursing Week

      June 2012          Walter Weintraub Teacher of the Year Award, nominated and awarded by the University of Maryland/Sheppard Pratt Residency Training Program

      May 2014          Physician-Colleague Award nominee, awarded during UMMS Nursing Week

      May 2014          Student Council Award for Best Clinical Faculty from the University of Maryland School of Medicine Class of 2014

      Oct 2014           Virginia Huffer Post-Graduate Teaching Award from the University of Maryland Department of Psychiatry, Education Division

Professional Activity

American Medical Association                                               2004 – 2016

Maryland Psychiatric Society                                                 2007 – current

American Psychiatric Association                                           2007 – current

         *Fellow, APA                                                                Dec 2014 – current

 American Association for Emergency Psychiatry                     2014 – current