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Daria A. Gaykalova, PhD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:

Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery


Health Sciences Facility III, 670 West Baltimore St, Baltimore 21201

Phone (Primary):

410 706 2609


410 706 0729

Education and Training

  • B.Sc. in Molecular Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 2004
  • M.Sc. in Molecular Biology (Magna Cum Laude), Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 2005
  • Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Piscataway, NJ, 2009


As a cancer biologist with a background in pharmacology, the ultimate goal of Dr. Gaykalova is to develop novel cancer therapies, particularly for tumor types that lack effective disease-specific treatment options, such as head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). She heads the translational laboratory, which defines the functional role of epigenetics in the regulation of expression of canonical and alternatively spliced transcripts. Her team has recently characterized the landscape of the cancer-specific alternative splicing events (ASE) in HNSCC and defined their potential role in cancer formation. Moreover, her data suggest that chromatin, and in particular, enhancers, have a regulatory role in the expression of cancer-specific ASE isoforms. The further analysis will help to investigate the interplay between open chromatin and ASE isoform expression, define the role of ASE on cancer formation, and help to determine the detailed functional role of enhancers on the expression of ASE isoforms, which significantly contribute to HNSCC formation. Her work also suggests that both of these processes (alternative isoform expression and chromatin remodeling) can be therapeutically controlled. Such potential therapeutic strategies can form the basis for the development of effective disease-specific therapeutics for this disease and other solid tumors.

Dr. Gaykalova is an expert in the wide variety of biochemical and molecular biology techniques from PCR to in vitro assembly of transcription machinery complexes, as well as cancer and cell biology techniques from gene cloning and transfection to CRISPR and drug treatment of different in vivo and in vitro models, as well as further functional evaluation (cell proliferation, migration, and invasion) of the treated cells. Her group is specialized in the high-throughput analysis of gene expression landscape and chromatin structure in different models and tissue types on both bulk and single-cell level. Dr. Gaykalova has multiple papers documented her expertise bridging the divide between the diversity of such experimental data, high throughput data integration, and robust experimental validation. These and other wet-lab experiences were gained over many years of wet-lab training, practicing, teaching, and leading.

Main scientific discoveries

  • Discovered the detailed mechanism of PolII transcription through chromatin
  • Defined the role of the first transcribed nucleosome in PolII transcription regulation
  • Assigned the role of BORIS transcription factor in HNSCC regulation through epigenetic modulation
  • Described the landscape of alternative splicing in HPV- and HPV+ HNSCC
  • Defined the role of chromatin in HNSCC development and HPV integration
  • Described the role of the NOTCH pathway in HNSCC development
  • Discovered primary DNA methylation markers of HNSCC


Research/Clinical Keywords

Mouth squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck cancer, HPV, genomics, cancer epigenetics, chromatin, gene expression, transcription regulation, alternative splicing, epigenetic therapeutics, immune regulation in cancer, immune regulation of tumor development, data integration, genome-wide analysis

Highlighted Publications

Kelley DZ, Flam EL, Izumchenko E, Danilova LV, Wulf HA, Guo T, Singman DA, Bahman A, Skaist A, Considine M, Stavrovskaya E, Bishop JA, Westra WH, Khan Z, Koch WM, Sidransky D, Wheelan S, Favorov AV, Califano JA, Fertig EJ, Gaykalova DA. Integrated analysis of whole-genome ChIP-Seq and RNA-Sequencing data of primary tumor samples associates HPV integration sites with open chromatin marks. Cancer Res. 2017 Sep 25. PMCID: PMC6029614

Guo T, Sakai A, Afsari B, Considine M, Danilova L, Favorov AV, Kelley DZ, Flam EL, Khan Z, Wheelan S, Gutkind S, Fertig EJ*, Gaykalova DA*, Califano JA*. Definition of Alternative Splice Expression in HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer includes a novel functional splice variant of AKT3. Cancer Res. 2017 Oct 1;77(19):5248-5258. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-3106. Epub 2017 July 21st. PMID: 28733453. *Equal contribution


Kelley DZ, Flam EL, Guo T, Danilova LV, Zamuner F, Bohrson C, Considine M, Windsor EJ, Bishop JA, Zhang C, Koch WM, Sidransky D, Westra WH, Chung CH, Califano JA, Wheelan S, Favorov AV, Florea L, Fertig EJ, Gaykalova DA. Functional characterization of alternatively spliced GSN in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Transl Res. 2018 Jul 26. pii: S1931-5244(18)30108-7. doi: 10.1016/j.trsl.2018.07.007. [Epub ahead of print]. PMCID: PMC6218276

Flam EL, Danilova L, Kelley DZ, Stavrovskaya E, Guo T, Considine M, Qian J, Califano JA, Favorov A, Fertig EJ, Gaykalova DA. Differentially Methylated Super-Enhancers Regulate Target Gene Expression in Human Cancer. Sci Rep. 2019 Oct 21;9(1):15034. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-51018-x. PMID: 31636280. 


Guo T, Zambo KDA, Zamuner FT, Ou T, Hopkins C, Kelley DZ, Wulf HA, Winkler E, Erbe R, Danilova L, Considine M, Sidransky D, Favorov A, Florea L, Fertig EJ, Gaykalova DA. Chromatin structure regulates cancer-specific alternative splicing events in primary HPV-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Epigenetics. 2020 Mar 22:1-13. doi: 10.1080/15592294.2020.1741757. PMID: 32164487

Kagohara LT, Zamuner F, Davis-Marcisak EF, Sharma G, Considine M, Allen J, Yegnasubramanian S, Gaykalova DA*, Fertig EJ*. Integrated single-cell and bulk gene expression and ATAC-seq reveals heterogeneity and early changes in pathways associated with resistance to cetuximab in HNSCC-sensitive cell lines. Br J Cancer. 2020 May 4. doi: 10.1038/s41416-020-0851-5. Online ahead of print.PMID: 32362655. *Equal contribution

 Lopatina T, Favaro E, Danilova L, Fertig EJ, Favorov AV, Kagohara LT, Martone T, Bussolati B, Romagnoli R, Albera R, Pecorari G, Brizzi MF, Camussi G, Gaykalova DA. Extracellular Vesicles Released by Tumor Endothelial Cells Spread Immunosuppressive and Transforming Signals Through Various Recipient Cells. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020 Sep 9;8:698. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.00698. eCollection 2020.PMID: 33015029


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