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Chixiang Chen, PhD

Academic Title:

Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Epidemiology & Public Health

Secondary Appointment(s):


Education and Training

Postdoctoral researcher, University of Pennsylvania, 2021.

Ph.D. in Biostatistics, Pennsylvania State University, 2020.


Dr. Chixiang Chen is an Assistant Professor in Biostatistics and a NIH-funded principal investigator who joined the Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine since 2021. Dr. Chen has worked across both theoretical and applied areas of statistics, also has extensive interdisciplinary collaborations including clinical trial design and analysis in neuroscience, medicare claim data, electronical health records, imaging data analysis, oncology research, among others. These research has resulted in >20 first-author/senior-author peer-reviewed publications (in total > 70 publications)

Dr. Chen has been devoted to advancing statistical methods in large-scale observational studies and real-world data (e.g., Medicare Claims, UKB), encompassing diverse areas, including causal inference, data integration, unsupervised clustering, machine learning, single-cell data analysis, longitudinal data analysis, missing data analysis, biological age, among others. The applications of these methods aim to better depict patient-level heterogeneity for treatment effects, identify high risk sub-cohort leading poor health outcomes, and predict health outcomes promoting early intervention.

Please find more details from my Personal Website

Research/Clinical Keywords

Statistical Method: Data/Information Integration; Causal inference and machine learning; Trajectory analysis; Federated learning; Cell Type Deconvolution; single cell data analysis. Biomedical Studies: Clinical studies in neuroscience; Biological Aging; Alzheimer's disease; Post-fracture recovery; Single-cell transcriptomics.

Highlighted Publications

Selected Publications in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics (* corresponding author):

  • Chen, C., Murphy, T. E., Speiser, J. L., Bandeen-Roche, K., Allore, H., Travison, T. G., ... & Shardell, M. (2025) Gerontologic Biostatistics and Data Science: Aging Research in the Era of Big Data. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 80(1), glae269.
  • Chen, C., Han, P., Chen, S., Shardell, M., Qin, J. (2024) Integrating External Summary Information in the Presence of Prior Probability Shift: An Application to Assessing Essential Hypertension. Biometrics. 80(3), ujae090.

  • Chen, C.*, Wang, M., and Chen, S. (2023). An efficient data integration scheme to synthesize information from multiple secondary outcomes to the main data analysis. Biometrics. 79(4):2947–2960.
  • Chen, C.*, Leung, Y., Ionita, M., Wang, L.-S., and Li, M. (2022). Omnibus and Robust Deconvolution Scheme of Bulk RNA Sequencing Data via Integrating Multiple Single-cell reference sets and Prior Biological Knowledge. Bioinformatics. 38(19), 4530–4536.

Selected Publications in interdisciplinary science:

  • Shardell, M., Chen, C., McCoy, RG. (2024). Doubly robust causal modeling: An application of the technique to evaluate device implantation. JAMA Internal Med, 184(7), 834-835.
  • Carney, C. P., Pandey, N., Kapur, A., Saadi, H., Ong, H. L.,Chen, C., ... & Kim, A. J. (2023). Impact of Targeting Moiety Type and Protein Corona Formation on the Uptake of Fn14-Targeted Nanoparticles by Cancer Cells.ACS nano, 17(20), 19667-19684.


Research Interests

Awards and Affiliations

Grants and Contracts

Community Service

Professional Activity
