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Liron Boyman, PhD

Academic Title:

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Primary Appointment:

Pharmacology & Physiology


Mailing Address : BioMET Building, 111 S. Penn St., Suite 104 Office: Pharmacy Hall S544

Education and Training

  • B.Sc., Medical and Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University School of Medicine and the Faculty of Life Sciences, Israel, 2004
  • Ph.D., Physiology and Pharmacology, Tel Aviv University School of Medicine, Israel, 2010

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, BioMET-Center for Biomedical Engineering and Technology, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, 2010-2015




Dr. Boyman's work centers on investigating cardiac calcium signaling and has been the discoverer of important features in cardiac muscle physiology, including the regulation of calcium efflux from cardiac cells and the quantitative aspects of calcium movement in cardiac mitochondria.

He has developed and implemented novel imaging technologies, most of which are designed for investigating calcium signals at high temporal and spatial resolution in cardiac cells. This includes developing tools to carry out quantitative measurements of mitochondrial Ca2+ signals in real-time using genetically targeted probes, new oxygen micro sensors to investigate the effect of ischemia on mitochondrial Ca2+, and new biochemical fluorescent applications to quantify mitochondrial Ca2+ fluxes through specific ion channels and exchangers. In addition to the effort to develop new tools he has extensively collaborated with many other investigators to implement these new tools in their ongoing investigation.  

Research/Clinical Keywords

Calcium Signaling, Calcium Sparks, Calcium-Dependent Arrhythmogenesis, Excitation-Contraction (EC) Coupling, Sodium Calcium Exchange Mechanisms, Cardiac Hypertrophy, Heart Failure, Cardiac Myocytes, Cardiac Mitochondria, Cardiac Cellular Physiology, Computational Biology, Super-Resolution Imaging, Confocal Imaging

Highlighted Publications

Wescott AP, Kao JPY, Lederer WJ, Boyman L. (2019). Voltage-energized calcium-sensitive ATP production by mitochondria. Nature Metabolism. 14 October 2019. Volume 1, pages 975–984. Free version at

Boyman L, Karbowski M, Lederer WJ. (2019). Regulation of Mitochondrial ATP production: Ca2+ signaling and quality control. Trends in Molecular Medicine.   2020 Jan;26(1):21-39. doi: 10.1016/j.molmed.2019.10.007. PMID:31767352

Boyman, L., Chikando, A.C.,  Williams, G.S., Khairallah, R., Kettlewell, S., Ward, C.W., Smith, G.L., Kao, J.P., Lederer, W.J. (2014). Calcium Movement in Cardiac Mitochondria. Biophys J. 107(6):1289-301. PMID: 25229137.

Boyman, L., Williams, G.S., Khananshvili, D., Sekler, I., Lederer, W.J. (2013). NCLX: The mitochondrial sodium calcium exchanger. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 59:205-213. PMID: 23538132.

Williams, G.S., Boyman, L., Chikando, A.C., Khairallah, R., Lederer, W.J. (2013) Mitochondrial Calcium Uptake. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 25;110(26):10479-86. PMID: 23759742.



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Awards and Affiliations

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