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Seth A. Ament, PhD

Academic Title:

Associate Professor

Primary Appointment:


Additional Title:

Associate Professor, Institute for Genome Sciences; Associate Professor, Maryland Psychiatric Research Center


670 West Baltimore Street Room 3182 Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone (Primary):

(410) 706-5681

Education and Training

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, PhD, Neuroscience, 2010
  • A.B. Harvard University, A.B., Biology, 2003


My research focuses on genetic and genomic studies of the brain and brain disorders through four strategies:

  1. genome sequencing studies to identify rare mutations that increase risk for brain disorders, and functional studies of these mutations in human stem cells and animal models;
  2. single-cell transcriptomics and epigenomics studies to characterize the diversity of cell types in the brain and how these populations of cells are altered in brain disorders;
  3. molecular and computational systems biology studies integrating GWAS and functional genomics data from the mammalian brain to characterize disease-perturbed gene networks and multi-scale disease mechanisms; and
  4. translational studies designed to leverage genomic data for the development of clinically useful biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets.

Ongoing studies in the lab apply these approaches to mood disorders, schizophrenia, substance use disorders, Huntington's disease, neuroinflammation, and hearing loss. Our work is highly collaborative, both locally and as part of large consortia, including the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network and the Whole Genome Sequencing of Psychiatric Disorders consortium.

Research/Clinical Keywords

Bipolar disorder; schizophrenia; genetics; genomics; systems biology; stem cells; neuron; brain; behavior, mood disorders, schizophrenia, substance use disorders, Huntington's disease, neuroinflammation, hearing loss

Highlighted Publications

Rare Variants in Neuropsychiatry

Hasin N., Riggs L.M., Shekhtman T., Ashworth J., Lease R., Oshone R.T., Humphries E., Badner J., Thompson P., Glahn D.C., Craig D.W., Edenberg H.J., Gershon E., McMahon F.J., Nurnberger J.I., Zandi P.P., Kelsoe J.R., Roach J.C., Gould T.D., and Ament S.A. (2021) Rare variants implicate NMDA receptor signaling and cerebellar gene networks in risk for bipolar disorder. medRxiv. doi:10.1101/2021.06.02.21258261

Ament S.A., Szelinger S., Glusman G., Ashworth J., Hou L., Akula N., Shekhtman T., Badner J.A., Brunkow M.E., Mauldin D.E., Stittrich A.B., Rouleau K., Detera-Wadleigh S., Nurnberger J.I., Edenberg H.J., Gershon E.S., Schork N.J., The Bipolar Genome Study, Price N.D., Gelinas R., Hood L., Craig D.W., McMahon F.J., Kelsoe J.R., and Roach J.C. (2015) Rare variants in neuronal excitability genes influence risk for bipolar disorder. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 112(11):3576-3581.

Single-Cell Genomics

Herb B.R., Glover H.J., Bhaduri A., Casella A.M., Bale T.L., Kriegstein A.R., Doege C.A., Ament S.A. Single-cell genomics reveals region-specific developmental trajectories underlying neuronal diversity in the prenatal human hypothalamus. bioRxiv.

Adkins R.S. et al. (along with the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network, including Ament S.A.). A multimodal cell census and atlas of the mammalian primary motor cortex. bioRxiv. doi:

Ziffra R.S., Kim C.N., Wilfert A., Turner T.N., Haeussler M., Casella A.M., Przytycki P.F., Kreimer A., Pollard K.S., Ament S.A., Eichler E.E., Ahituv N., Nowakowski T.J. Single cell epigenomic atlas of the developing human brain and organoids. bioRxiv. doi:

Malaiya S.*, Cortes-Gutierrez M.*, Herb B.R., Coffey S.R., Legg S.R.W., Cantle B.P., Carroll J.B., Ament S.A. Single-nucleus RNA-seq reveals dysregulation of striatal cell identity due to Huntington’s disease mutations. J Neurosci. JN-RM-2074-20; DOI:

Network Biology

Casella A.M., Colantuoni C., Ament S.A. Regulome-wide association study identifies enhancer properties associated with risk for schizophrenia. bioRxiv.

Funk C.C.*, Casella A.M.*, Jung S., Richards M., Rodriguez A., Shannon P., Donovan R., Heavner B., Chard K., Xiao Y., Glusman G., Erleskin-Taner N., Golde T., Toga A., Hood L., Van Horn J.D., Kesselman C., Foster I., Madduri R., Price N.D., Ament S.A. (2020) Atlas of Transcription Factor Binding Sites from ENCODE DNase Hypersensitivity Data Across 27 Tissue Types. Cell Reports. 32(7):108029.

Pearl J.R., Colantuoni C., Bergey D.E., Funk C.C., Basu B., Casella A.M., Oshone R., Shannon P., Hood L., Price N.D., Ament S.A. (2019) Genome-scale transcriptional regulatory network models of psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Cell Systems. 8(2):122-135.e7

Ament S.A.*, Pearl J.R.*, Bragg R.M., Skene P., Coffey S.R., Plaisier C.L., Wheeler V.C., MacDonald M.E., Baliga N.S., Rosinski J., Hood L.E., Carroll J.B., and Price N.D. (2018) Genome-scale transcriptional regulatory network models for the mouse and human striatum predict roles for SMAD3 and other transcription factors in Huntington's disease. Mol. Systems Biol. 14(3):e7435.

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