Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Drug Development
Cardiovascular, Renal and Metabolic Physiology

Cardiomyocyte MaCellUnderstanding the Functions of the Heart, Kidneys and Metabolism

Faculty in the Department of Physiology are internationally recognized for their research into the cellular and molecular aspects of cardiovascular, kidney, and metabolic function. We employ cutting-edge interdisciplinary approaches, encompassing molecular, cell biological, electrophysiological, transgenic, functional genomic and optical techniques to understand how the cardiovascular and renal systems work and how metabolism is regulated across tissues.

Many of our graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty are focused on elucidating the mechanisms of human disease, including hypertension, heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, vascular dementias, and inherited disorders of salt and water balance.

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  • Toni Antalis, membrane serine proteases
  • Robert Bloch, The structure and function of the membrane systems in muscle, and the effects of muscular dystrophy and other myopathies
  • Mordecai Blaustein, Mechanisms of calcium signaling
  • Ivy Dick, Calcium channels, neuronal and cardiac channelopathies
  • Steven Fisher, Regulation of gene expression in vascular smooth muscle in hypoxia and heart morphogenesis
  • Vivek Garg
  • John Hamyln, Endogenous ouabain and mechanisms of hypertension
  • Joseph P. Y. Kao, Molecular Mechanisms of Calcium signaling
  • W. Jon Lederer, Molecular models of cardiac dysfunction
  • Tomas Longden, Control of brain blood flow and energy delivery
  • Andrea L. Meredith, Regulation of sino-atrial node firing and in vivo modulation of heart rate
  • Shawn Robinson, Pathophysiology of hypertensive heart disease, heart failure
  • Alan Shuldiner, Molecular genetics of type 2 (adult) onset diabetes, obesity, and hypertension
  • Marc Simard, Cerebral circulation, stroke
  • Dudley Strickland, LDL receptor proteins in inflammation
  • Matthew Trudeau, The molecular specializations underlying ion channel function in potassium channels activated by voltage and cation channels activated by intracellular cyclic nucleotides
  • James Wade, Membrane traffic of epithelial transporters
  • W. Gil Wier, Calcium signaling in heart and vascular smooth muscle
  • Shenq Huey Wong, Glucokinase biosensor mouse model
  • Owen Woodward, Renal epithelial transporters, TRP channels, and renal physiology
  • Li Zhang, The role of leukocytes in adaptive immune responses and the development of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, and stroke
  • Guiling Zhao, How the IP3 receptor works in heart and smooth muscle