2009-2010 Publications
Barton BA, Birge SJ, Magaziner J, Zimmerman S, Ball L, Brown KM, Kiel DP. The Hip Impact Protection Project: design and methods. Clin Trials 2008;5(4) :347-355. [PMID:18697849] (RC 1)
Baxter BT, Terrin MC, Dalman RL. Medical management of small abdominal aortic aneurysms. Circulation. 2008 Apr 8;117(14):1883-9. Review. [PMID: 18391122] (RC 1, 5)
Bhat VM, Cole JW, Sorkin JD, Wozniak MA, Malarcher AM, Giles WH, Stern BJ, Kittner SJ. Dose-response relationship between cigarette smoking and risk of ischemic stroke in young women. Stroke. 2008 Sep;39(9):2439-43. [PMID: 18703815] (RC 5)
Boockvar KS, Gruber-Baldini AL, Stuart B, Zimmerman S, Magaziner J. Medicare expenditures for nursing home residents triaged to nursing home or hospital for acute infection. J Am Geriatr Soc 2008;56(7):1206-1212. [PMID:18482299] (RC 1)
Casado BL, Resnick B, Zimmerman S, Nahm ES, Orwig D, Macmillan K, Magaziner J. Social support for exercise by experts in older women post-hip fracture. J Women Aging. 2009;21(1):48-62. [PMID: 19199153] (RC 1, RCDC)
Cole JW, Brown DW, Giles WH, Stine OC, O'Connell JR, Mitchell BD, Sorkin JD, Wozniak MA, Stern BJ, Sparks MJ, Dobbins MT, Shoffner LT, Zappala NK, Reinhart LJ, Kittner SJ. Ischemic stroke risk, smoking, and the genetics of inflammation in a biracial population: the stroke prevention in young women study. Thromb J. 2008 Aug 26;6:11. [PMID: 18727828] (RC 5)
Ferrara CM, Goldberg AP, Nicklas BJ, Sorkin JD, Ryan AS. Sex differences in insulin action and body fat distribution in overweight and obese middle-aged and older men and women. Appl Physiol, Nutrit, and Metab 2008;33(4):784-790. [PMID: 18641723] (RC 3, 5)
Forrester LW, Wheaton LA, Luft AR. Exercise-mediated Locomotor Recovery and Lower Extremity Neuroplasticity after Stroke. JRRD 2008 45 (2): 205-220. [PMID: 18566939 ] (RC 2)
Hafer-Macko CE, Ryan AS, Ivey FM, Macko RF. Skeletal muscle changes after hemiparetic stroke and potential beneficial effects of exercise intervention strategies. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2008;45(2):261-72. [PMID: 18566944 ] (RC1, 3, 4, PESC, RCDC)
Huang W, Metlakunta A, Dedousis N, Ortmeyer HK, Stefanovic-Racic M, O'Doherty RM. Leptin Augments the Acute Suppressive Effects of Insulin on Hepatic Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) Production in Rats. Endocrinology. 2009 Jan 15. [PMID: 19147673 ] (RC 4)
Ivey FM, Hafer-Macko CE, Macko RF. Task-Oriented Treadmill Aerobic Exercise in Chronic Stroke. J Rehab Res Dev 2008; 45 (2) 249-261. [PMID: 18566943 ] (RC 1, 2, 3, 5, RCDC, PESC)
LeBoff MS, Hawkes WG, Glowacki J, Yu-Yahiro J, Hurwitz S, Magaziner J. Vitamin D-Deficiency and post-fracture changes in lower extremity function and falls in women with hip fractures. Osteoporos Int 2008;19(9): 1283-1290 [PMID: 18373057 ] (RC 1)
Lenze EJ, Shardell M, Ferrell RE, Orwig D, Yu-Yahiro J, Hawkes W, Fredman L,Miller R, Magaziner J. Association of serotonin-1A and 2A receptor promoter polymorphisms with depressive symptoms and functional recovery in elderly persons after hip fracture.J Affect Disord. 2008 Nov;111(1):61-6. Epub 2008 Mar 11. [PMID: 18334271] (RC 1, 5, RCDC)
Luft A, Macko RF, Forrester L, Goldberg A, Hanley D. Post-stroke exercise rehabilitation: What we know about retraining the motor system and how it may apply to retraining the heart. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 2008;75(2):S83-S86. [PMID: 18540153 ] (RC 2, 3)
Luft AR, Macko RF, Forrester LW, Villagra F, Ivey F, Sorkin JD, Whitall J, McCombe-Waller S, Katzel L, Goldberg AP, Hanley DF. Treadmill exercise activates subcortical neural networks and improves walking after stroke: A randomized controlled trial. Stroke 2008;39:3341-3350 [PMID: 18757284 ] (RC 2, 3, 5, RCDC)
Macko RF, Benvenuti F, Stanhope S, Macellari V, Taviani A, Nesi B, Weinrich M, Stuart M. Adaptive Physical Activity Improves Mobility Function and Quality of Life in Chronic Hemiparesis. J Rehab Res Dev 2008; 45 (2) 323-329. [PMID: 18566949] (RC 1, 3)
McCombe Waller S, Forrester LW, Villagra F, Whitall J. (2008). Intracortical inhibition and facilitation with unilateral dominant, unilateral nondominant and bilateral movement tasks in left and right handed adults. J. Neurological Sciences 296: 96-104. [PMID: 18336839 ] (RC 2, PESC, RCDC)
McKenzie MJ, Yu, S. Macko, RF, McLenithan JC, Hafer-Macko CE. Human Genome Comparison of Paretic and Non-Paretic Vastus Lateralis Muscle in Hemiparetic Stroke Patients: Profile of Metabolic Abnormalities. J Rehab Res Dev 2008; 45 (2) 273-283. [PMID: 18566945] (RC 3, 4)
Michael, K, Goldberg, AP, Treuth, MS, Beans, J, Normandt, P, and Macko, RF. (2009) Testing Adaptive Physical Activity in Stroke: Pilot Study Results. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. Accepted. [PMC Journal – In Process] (RC 1, 3, PESC, RCDC)
Miller RR, Shardell MD, Hicks GE, Cappola AR, Hawkes WG, Yu-Yahiro JA, Magaziner J. Association between Interleukin-6 and lower extremity function after hip fracture – the role of muscle mass and strength. J Am Geriatr Soc 2008;56(6):1050-1056. [PMID:18410321] (RC 1, 5, PESC, RCDC)
Mody L, Miller DK, McGloin J, Freeman M, Marcantonio ER, Magaziner J, Studenski S. Recruitment and retention of older adults in aging research. J Am Geriatr Soc 2008;56(12):2340-2348. [PMID: 19093934] (RC 1)
Mortimore E, Haselow D, Dolan M, Hawkes W, Langenberg P, Zimmerman S, Magaziner J. Amount of social network interaction and hip fracture mortality. J Am Geriatr Soc 2008;56(6):1069-1074. [PMID:18410322] (RC 1, RC 5)
Obisesan TO, Ferrell RE, Goldberg AP, Phares DA, Ellis TJ, Hagberg JM. APOE genotype affects black-white responses of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol subspecies to aerobic exercise training. Metabolism 2008;57:1669-1676. [PMID: 19013289] (RC 3)
Papaconstantinou J, Rabek J, Hafer-Macko C, Amining J, Madsen M, Macko R. Effects of Chronic Hemiparetic Stroke on Troponin T Expresions in Vastus Lateralis Muscle. In Press - Journal of Applied Physiology [PMC Journal – In Process] (RC 4)
Penrod JD, Litke A, Hawkes WG, Magaziner J, Doucette JT, Koval KJ, Silberzweig SB, Egol KA, Siu AL. The association of race, gender, and comorbidity with mortality and function after hip fracture. J Gerontol Med Sci 2008;63A(8):867-872. [PMID:18772476] (RC 1, RC 5)
Prior SJ, McKenzie MJ, Joseph LJ, Ivey FM, Macko RF, Hafer-Macko CE, Ryan AS. Reduced skeletal muscle capillarization and glucose intolerance. Microcirculation. 2009 Apr;16(3):203-12. Epub 2009 Feb 16. [PMID: 19225985] (RC 1, 3, 4, PESC, RCDC)
Quinn CC, Port CL, Zimmerman S, Gruber-Baldini AL, Kasper JD, Fleshner I, Yody B, Loome J, Magaziner J. Short-stay nursing home rehabilitation patients: transitional care problems pose research challenges. J Am Geriatr Soc 2008;56(10):1940-1945. [PMID: 18691277 ] (RC 1)
Rasch EK, Hochberg MC, Magder L, Magaziner J, Altman BM. Health of community-dwelling adults with mobility limitations in the United States: prevalent health conditions. Part I. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2008;89(2):210-218. [PMID:18226644] (RC 1)
Resnick B, Michael K, Shaughnessy M, Kopunek S, Nahm ES, Macko RF. Motivators for treadmill exercise after stroke.Top Stroke Rehabil. 2008 Sep-Oct;15(5):494-502. [PMID: 19008208] (RC 1, RCDC)
Resnick B, Michael M, Shaughnessy M, Nahm E, Kopunek S, Sorkin J, Orwig D, Godlberg A, Macko R. Inflated Perceptions of Physical Activity after Stroke: Pairing Self-Report with Physical Measures. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2008;5:308-318 [PMID: 18382039] (RC 1, 3, 5, RCDC)
Roy A, Krebs HI, Williams D, Bever, C, Forrester L, Macko R, Hogan N. Robot-Aided Neurorehabilitation: A Novel Robot for Ankle Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Robotics of the IEEE Transaction on Robotics. Accepted 2009. [PMC Journal – In Process] (RC 1, 2)
Roy-Gagnon MH, Weir MR, Sorkin JD, Ryan KA, Sack PA, Hines S, Bielak LF, Peyser PA, Post W, Mitchell BD, Shuldiner AR, Douglas JA. Genetic influences on blood pressure response to the cold pressor test: results from the Heredity and Phenotype Intervention Heart Study. J Hypertens. 2008 Apr;26(4):729-36. [PMID: 18327083] (RC 3)
Ryan AS, Macko R, Peters M, Ivey F, Prior S, Joseph L, Hafer-Macko, C. Plasma adiponectin levels are associated with insulin sensitivity in stroke survivors. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, in press. [PMC Journal – In Process] (RC 3, RCDC)
Shardell M and Miller RR. Weighted estimating equations for longitudinal studies with death and non-monotone missing time-dependent covariates and outcomes. Statistics in Medicine Mar 30;27(7):1008-25 2008. [PMID: 17579923] (RC 1, 5, RCDC)
Skidmore FM, Patterson SL, Shulman LM, Sorkin JD, Macko RF. A Pilot Safety and Feasibility Study of Aerobic Treadmill Exercise in Parkinson’s Disease with Gait Impairment. J Rehab Res Dev 2008 [PMID: 18566930 ] (RC 3, 5, RCDC)
Stein J, Harvey R, Macko R, Winstein C, Zorowitz R (eds.). Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation. Demos Medical Publishing, NY. 2009. (RC 2, 3)
Waller SM, Whitall J. Bilateral arm training: Why and who benefits? NeuroRehab. 2008, 23: 29-41. [PMID: 18356587] (RC 2, RCDC)
Wheaton LA, Carpenter M, Mizelle JC, Forrester LW. Preparatory Band Specific Premotor Cortical Activity Differentiates of Upper and Lower Extremity Movement. Exp Brain Res. 2008 84: 121-126. [PMID: 17955226] (RC 2)
Wheaton LA, Villagra F, Hanley DF, Macko RF, Forrester LW. Reliability of TMS potentials in quadriceps of subjects with chronic hemiparesis after stroke. J Neurol Sci 2009, 276: 115-7. [PMCID: PMC2662509] (RC 1, 2)