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NIA Funding / National Centers

The Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center Program was established in honor of the late Florida Senator, Claude D. Pepper to establish centers of excellence in geriatrics research and research career development to increase scientific knowledge leading to better ways to maintain or restore independence in older persons. The program is funded by the National Institute on Aging.

To find out more about the OAIC Coordinating Center and opporotunities available please visit their website.

The University of Maryland Baltimore is one of 15 Pepper Centers located throughout the United States.  Each Center focuses on increasing scientific knowledge to support older adults maintain their independence.

OAIC Pepper Centers

Boston University

Duke University

Johns Hopkins University

Mt. Sinai Medical Center

Northwestern University

University of California San Francisco

University of Connecticut Health

University of Florida

University of Michigan

University of Pittsburgh

University of Texas Health Sciences Center San Antonio

University of Texas Medical Branch

Wake Forest University

Yale University
