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Division of Child Protection / Center for Families

The Division of Child Protection, also known as the Center for Families, within the Department of Pediatrics, is focused on the problem of child abuse and neglect. We have activities in four main areas: clinical, research, teaching, and advocacy.

Clinical Programs

Our clinical work spans the range from prevention to forensic diagnosis to treatment.  Please click here to learn more about our clinical programs.


Our research focuses on two major issues related to child maltreatment.

The Prevention of Child Maltreatment

  • The Safe Environment for Every Kid (SEEK) project has been funded by the Maryland Department of Human Resources, the US DHHS, Administration for Children and Families, the CDC, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. It is a clinical research project, involving enhanced pediatric primary care.  By helping address common social determinants of health or adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), SEEK aims to strengthen families, support parents and parenting, promote children's health, development and safety, and help prevent child abuse and neglect.

Understanding the Antecedents and Outcomes of Child Maltreatment 

  • This project,  LONGitudinal Studies on Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN), has been funded by the US DHHS, Administration for Children and Families and the National Institute for Drug Abuse for over 25 years. Together with researchers in four other states, we aim to enhance our understanding of the antecedents and outcomes of child maltreatment. The study has yielded a wealth of information. 


Our interdisciplinary faculty and staff teach a wide variety of topics related to child maltreatment within the University of Maryland, the state of Maryland, nationally and internationally. Medical and other students and residents regularly spend time in our Division.

The Care Clinic serves as a training site for clinical and counseling psychology students as well as medical professionals. Graduate psychology and counseling students get hands-on training and experience, providing evidenced-based trauma treatment to child victims and their families. Care Clinic staff also offer free training to the public and community partners on topics related to child maltreatment. 


Our faculty and staff are active in advocating for improved laws, policies and programs concerning child maltreatment at the local, state, and national levels. Care Clinic staff also advocate for victims on an individual level regarding school, court, employment, housing, and medical issues.

Division Faculty and Staff

Howard Dubowitz, MD, MS, FAAP
(Professor of Pediatrics & Division Head)  

Rose Belanger, PhD
Senior Research Project Coordinator

Randy Chang, PsyD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Care Clinic; Licensed Psychologist

Sarah Jordan, LCPC, RPT
Care Clinic Therapist

Gary Klein, MD
Care Clinic Psychiatrist 

Stacey Newton, MSSA, LMSW
Counselor / SEEK Helpline

Zill Raval, MPH
Clinical Research Assistant

April Rectanus, EdD, MA, LCPC
Clinical Assistant Professor, Care Clinic Director

Meredith Roberts, LCPC
Care Clinic Therapist 

Lakeisha Wilson, M.S.
Program Administrator


Contact Information

Division of Child Protection / Center for Families
520 W Lombard St, 1st Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-706-1703
Fax: 410-706-3017 

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