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The University of Maryland Division of Audiology

Audiology Home | Our Audiologists | Hearing Aids Services | Hearing & Balance Disorders

The University of Maryland Division of Audiology is comprised of audiologists that pride themselves on compassionate individualized care for each patient.  Our audiologists work with patients of all ages to address their hearing and balance needs.  We offer a well-rounded practice that is patient-centered, grounded in research, and enhanced by our academic connection with students and faculty throughout the University of Maryland System.

Comprehensive Services

  • Audiologic Evaluations (hearing tests): For this evaluation, we determine an individual's  hearing ability through pure tone and speech testing.  Testing procedures can be adapted for individuals of all ages and abilities.  Based on the test results, recommendations are made for further evaluation and/or management of the hearing loss.
  • Auditory Brainstem Response & Otoacoustic Emissions: These advanced diagnostic tests provide additional information about the function of the auditory structures. They are also used to assist in the evaluation of hearing in infants and toddlers.
  • Balance Evaluations: We use a variety of tests to evaluate the balance system of individuals with dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance.  These tests include videonystagmography (VNG), rotary chair (RC), video head impulse testing (vHIT), electrocochleography (ECOG), and vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP).
  • Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Program: Through our three-stage program we assess and treat individuals suffering from bothersome tinnitus and sound sensitivity. Learn More
  • Hearing Aids: We provide hearing aid services to individuals of all ages.  Our Center offers all styles of devices from the leading hearing aid manufacturers. Learn More
  • Cochlear Implants: For individuals who do not benefit from traditional amplification, we offer comprehensive otologic and audiologic cochlear implant services.  We are proud to be an integral part of the Maryland Cochlear Implant Center of Excellence (MCICE), which unifies the clinical, academic, and research fields to strengthen our program. We work with all FDA-approved cochlear implant manufacturers.  Cochlear implants require surgery.  Learn More
  • Osseo-integrated Bone Conduction Implants (BAHA): For individuals with certain hearing loss configurations, osseo-integrated bone conduction implants may offer the best option for better h earing.  This implant requires surgery. Learn More

To schedule an appointment, please contact the University of Maryland Division of Audiology at 410-328-5947. Physicians may call our referral line at 1-800-373-4111.

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