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February 2017

OSA News
New OSA Staff Member
OSA has welcomed a new staff member, Ashley Crawford, to the OSA team. She will be in the front office helping students with administrative matters. Be sure to come to the OSA main office and introduce yourself!

Lecture Halls
The lecture halls will be locked at 5:00 pm daily until further notice. There was a theft of some equipment in one of the lecture halls, so we are increasing security in the rooms. Once that it is implemented, we will leave the lecture halls unlocked. Thank you for your patience while we address this issue!

FRCT Project and Entrepreneurship
If you believe that something from your FRCT project could be sold to other people or businesses, please visit Sara Menso in OSA. She can help you to navigate through campus process.

Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS)
GHHS has two cool projects that we wanted to share with the students:
Humans of UMB - Profiles familiar staff members at UM SOM
Candid Kindness - Recognizing acts of altruism by our medical student peers

School News & Events
Honoring a Hero: Dr. Thomas Scalea, Physician-in-Chief at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Marks 20 Years at the University of Maryland

Department of Surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine Forms New Executive Committee to Provide “Visionary Governance”

University Student Financial Assistance News
If you have not completed FAFSA for the 2017-2018 academic year, please do so as soon as possible, our priority deadline date is March 1st.

The Limits of Credit Card Rewards Programs
Be sure to check a credit card's APR and fees before signing up. Depending on these costs, any rewards you receive could end up costing you more than they're worth. Sign up for a free SALT account to gain access to this article and many other financial resources.

Upcoming AAMC Webinars
Join the FIRST Friday webinar, “Credit” on February 15, 2017, at 3 PM EST. Credit can be a useful part of your financial toolkit if you develop good habits. That enticing credit card offer in your mailbox may sound perfect, but it could actually be the opposite. This webinar will help you approach credit decisions in a positive way so that your choices support your lifestyle. After the webinar, you will be better educated about credit basics and what questions you should ask yourself as you approach multiple credit decisions.

Also in February, we will be offering a webinar on “Home Financing for Graduating Medical Students and Residents”. This webinar will be on February 15, 2017, at 2 PM EST. This is a highly informative, non-sales workshop explaining the ins and outs of obtaining the best home financing. Emphasis is placed on proper steps to take when applying for a loan and exact questions to ask loan officers. Specific details such as loans available for doctors, understanding debt ratios, and estimating funds required to close will be discussed.

Doc Halo
In mid-November select providers, clinical staff and medical students at UMMC were given a new and secure method to communicate and coordinate patient care. As texting of protected health information (PHI) via nonsecure messaging constitutes a serious HIPAA violation, Doc Halo is an HIPAA-compliant, secure text messaging application that can be used for non-urgent clinical communication. Downloading and using Doc Halo is optional; reimbursement will not be provided for personal cell phone usage. A desktop version of Doc Halo will also be available.

School of Medicine Social Justice Lecture Series
Dr. Elizabeth Nix will be our guest speaker for the School of Medicine Inaugural Social Justice lecture series. She is an associate professor in the Division of Legal, Ethical, and Historical studies at the University of Baltimore. She has extensively researched racial segregation in Baltimore. In this lecture, Dr. Nix will compare and contrast the 1968 Baltimore Riots to the recent 2015 Civil Unrest with a discussion of the causes and effects of these events. Please RSVP to:

Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP) Summit
The annual SNaHP Summit is on March 11 at Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, Philadelphia. Scholarships are available to help with travel and lodging costs. For more information, please visit:

Class of 2018

4th Year Photos
To get your complimentary VSAS/ERAS photo taken, you should report to the Photo and Graphics Group.

Photo and Graphics Group
Bressler Research Building
1st floor, Room 1-009.
(Beyond Hosick Lecture Hall)
Phone x6-7808 (410-706-7808)
9:30 am – 3:00 pm 
Monday – Friday (Closed between noon and 1 pm)

Call the day you plan to have your shoot to confirm the photographers are available.
Remember to dress professionally. Wear what you would wear to a residency interview.
Your potential, future program directors will be viewing these photos. The background is usually white.
Guys: Please arrive at the photo shoot prepared. Wear your jacket and tie. Shave/get haircuts etc. before the photo shoot.
Ladies: Please dress appropriately for the photo shoot. Most students wear shirts (not low-cut) and jackets. The photographers can’t completely re-touch your hairstyle, so come with your hair looking very nice.
Everyone: Scrubs are not appropriate.
Also, the photographers are very busy…No re-shoots!
Don’t wait until the last minute!

Match Day 2017
We need volunteers for Match Day! Match Day is March 17, 2017, at the Hippodrome Theater. We will need volunteers between 9:30 am and 1:30 pm. You don’t need to stay the whole time, just let Sara Menso know when you are available! You can also certainly help yourself to the light breakfast that will be served. If you are interested and available, please email Sara Menso. Wear your white coat and be a part of this very special day!

University of Iowa Jackson Steindler Orthopaedic Clerkship 2017
The University of Iowa Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for the Jackson-Steindler Orthopedic Clerkship. Beginning in Spring 2017, one or two outstanding medical students who have successfully completed the third year of medical school at an LCME-accredited institution and who have an interest in orthopedics will be selected for this award. The award will include support for housing and travel. For more information, please visit:

UC Irvine Department of Urology Fellowship Opportunity
The Department of Urology at UC Irvine has announced an excellent research opportunity for medical students interested in urology. We are accepting applications to The Joseph & Carol Reich Leadership and Innovation Fellowship Training (LIFT) Program in Urology for the 2017-2018 academic year. The application deadline is February 15, 2017. For more information, please visit: LIFT Fellowship website

Visiting Elective Program for Underrepresented Students, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
VEPSUM offers four-week electives at The Mount Sinai Hospital and its teaching affiliates in the Graduate Medical Education Consortium to a limited number of qualified fourth-year medical students who attend U.S.-accredited medical schools, and who are from groups underrepresented in medicine. For more information, please visit:

Class of 2019

Mask-Fit Testing
Mask-Fit Testing UMMC EHS will conduct respirator medical clearance and fit testing for medical students from February 6 - March 21, 2017.

UMMC EHS will reserve appointments at 1:00 pm, 1:40 pm, 2:00 pm, 2:40 pm, 3:00 pm and 3:20 pm from Monday through Friday in this period. Students will be expected to call and schedule the appointment at 410-328-6151. Please do not wait until the last moment!  There will be no extensions.

Male students should be clean shaven in order to be fit tested, if not clean shaven, they will be instructed on the use of the powered air purifying respirator (PAPR). Female students with long hair should have a hair band/rubber band to hold hair (out of the way) to facilitate fit testing.

Students must complete the OSHA Respiratory Questionnaire in advance and bring it to the appointment. Any student who arrives without the completed questionnaire may be rescheduled, as this may adversely impact the appointment schedule. Any student who arrives late for an appointment may be rescheduled. Additionally, students need to be able to provide information about flu vaccination. UMMC has a mandatory flu vaccination policy to which students are expected to adhere. UMMC will be asking questions about flu vaccination when the student calls for the fit test appointment. If a student has not been vaccinated, UMMC can provide flu vaccination. This information has to be reported to CMS.

Forms and Instructions:

UC Irvine Department of Urology Fellowship Opportunity
The Department of Urology at UC Irvine has announced an excellent research opportunity for medical students interested in urology. We are accepting applications to The Joseph & Carol Reich Leadership and Innovation Fellowship Training (LIFT) Program in Urology for the 2017-2018 academic year. The application deadline is February 15, 2017. For more information, please visit: LIFT Fellowship website

February 3, 2017
Class of 2017
Student Speaker Application Deadline

February 5, 2017
Class of 2017
Diploma Application Deadline

February 6, 2017
Institute for Global Health Seminar Series
Inaugural Event
12:00 pm
HSF II Auditorium
20 Penn Street

February 6, 2017
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Medical Student Research Training Program Application

February 23, 2017
Class of 2019 Silent Auction
5:30 pm
SMC Campus Center
Elm Room

February 27, 2017
The Lightbulb Moment Competition
10:00 am
UM Biopark
Discover Auditorium
