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Personal Health & Safety in the Learning/Clinical Environment

Healthcare providers, including medical students, have inherent risks including exposure to sharp instruments, contagious diseases, hazardous chemicals, toxins, and radiation. Student may also be exposed to risk during medical training, such as in the anatomy laboratory. Additionally, some individuals may be at increased risk due to underlying acute or chronic medical conditions, pregnancy, trying to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. Strategies exist to mitigate these risks in healthcare and educational settings and are an important part of lifelong personal risk management as a healthcare professional. 

Detailed information regarding risk and risk mitigation strategies can be found in Personal Health & Safety and Risk Mitigation and are required to attest to receipt annually.


The UMB Educational Support and Disability Services (ESDS) works with and supports students with disabilities, acute and chronic medical conditions, and pregnancy. Accommodations may be requested through ESDS.

UMB Educational Support Disability Service

Blood Borne Pathogen Exposures

Needlesticks and other sharps-related injuries may result in exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens such as HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Any exposure event, including sharps/needlestick or splash to mucus membranes, should be reported promptly to the UMB Student Health Blood Borne Pathogens Exposure Hotline at 667-214-1886.

UMB Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Process and Hotline

Respiratory Protection: Respiratory Fit Testing Program

Annual Fit Testing is coordinated through the Office of Student Affairs in conjunction with UMB Environmental Health Services. Medical clearance (OSHA Form) is required prior to fit testing and is performed at UMB Student Health.

Additional Fit Testing (beyond annual) may be required when a new respirator type is worn or when there have been significant facial changes (e.g., significant weight loss or gain, extensive dental work, or cosmetic surgery). Students requiring additional Fit Testing may schedule through UMB Environmental Health and Safety.

UMB Environmental Health and Safety

Facial Hairstyles and Filtering Facepiece Respirators


Safety Reporting

Concerns regarding personal health and safety (or those related to patient safety) can be brought to SOM Office of Student Affairs and/or reported through UMMSafe or at the VA through the Joint Patient Safety Reporting.

Additional Resources: