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Before You Arrive

Office of Admissions

The Office of Admissions mission is to unite extremely talented students from many different backgrounds and support their education goals and growth toward becoming exceptional, compassionate physicians. Each year, the School of Medicine enrolls a group of talented individuals who reflect the growing ethnic and cultural diversity of present day society, drawing on the knowledge and skills of individuals from all segments of society. Through innovative recruitment and pathway programs, the School of Medicine has become recognized for the rich diversity of its student body. Our students are our most prized asset and our dedicated faculty take great joy and pride in helping each and every one of them develop into our future colleagues in the profession of medicine.

SOM Financial Aid and Wellness 

Financial Aid and Financial Literacy are topics that can intimidate students and parents; our departmental mission is to break barriers, educate our students on financial topics, and empower them to make sound financial decisions while in medical school and beyond. The School of Medicine recognizes the importance of developing a solid foundation of financial planning. Knowing how to manage your finances early on will greatly improve the probability of your financial success later in life! We believe our students should have the education, tools, and resources to reach financial independence. To advance this belief and commitment to you, the School of Medicine has developed an office just for you.  

UMB Housing 

UMB Housing offers two unique housing communities, Fayette Square and Pascault Row, both within steps of your classes.

City of Baltimore

As a SOM student, you are now part of the Baltimore City community that surrounds the UMB Campus. Explore Baltimore city's rich history, unique culture, and vibrant neighborhoods in Live Baltimore!