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Family Care Leave Policy

LCME Standards

Standard 11: Medical Student Academic Support, Career Advising, and Educational Records

LCME 12.3: Personal Counseling/Wellbeing Programs

Policy Statement

A student may request a leave of absence for the purposes of family care. Family Care Leave is defined as a LOA for the birth, adoption, or fostering of a child.

A student who wishes to request a Family Care LOA must meet with a Student Affairs dean. All leaves of absence from the curriculum must be approved by the Dean and will be explained in the MSPE if indicated. The student will receive a letter stipulating the requirements for their return to school. An LOA for Family Care requires documentation from an appropriate care provider regarding the birth, adoption, or fostering of a child.

The student must meet with a Student Affairs dean for individualized advising and coordination. Please review Resources for Students with Children.

A student whose coursework is interrupted by an LOA cannot resume participation in research, student, didactic, or clinical activities without permission of a Student Affairs dean and may need medical clearance in writing by a designated health care professional. If required, the clearance must be submitted to a Student Affairs dean and must identify any restrictions on the student’s continued participation in academic activity.

A student who wishes to extend their current LOA must submit the request to the Office of Student Affairs. The request for extension should be made at least one month prior to the end date of the LOA. An extension of an LOA is not automatic and must be approved by the Dean. (see Six Year Rule)

Permission to resume coursework following an LOA is subject to the terms of the LOA approval letter. A request to return from an LOA may be denied. Failure to meet the conditions of the LOA, or failure to provide final confirmation of plans to return, may result in a withdrawal of registration or a dismissal from school.

While on a LOA from the curriculum as part of Family Care Leave, please see the LOA policy.
