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Featured Publications

Clinical Topics

COIRI investigators typically explore clinical topics involving fracture care and its related problems.  Frequent topics include: 

Extremity Fracture Care

Hip, Pelvis, and Acetabular Fractures

Perioperative Care and Infection Prophylaxis

Clinical Trials

Non-Clinical Topics

Additionally, COIRI investigators use a variety of research techniques and engage in non-clinical areas of research relevant to orthopaedic patients. Examples include:

Patient Preferences and Stakeholder Engagement

Advanced Statistical and Economic Analysis Techniques

COIRI Leadership Publications

A complete list of publications for each member of our COIRI leadership can be found here:

Gerard Slobogean

Nathan O’Hara

Sheila Sprague

COIRI Mentee Publications

We take immense pride in showcasing the publications of our COIRI mentees. Delve into the diverse array of topics they have explored:

COIRI Mentee Publications



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